Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4777: I will protect you!

Fairy Yuheng seemed to think of something.

Looking at Chen Feng, he solemnly said: "You must remember that unless you are a life-and-death person, you must never reveal which world you are in."

Chen Feng nodded, awe-inspiringly obedient.

He knew exactly what Fairy Yuheng's words meant.

On this top of the sky, everyone enters alone, and all they can rely on is themselves.

No matter how powerful he is in his world, he can't bring him here.

Not to mention bringing other powerful masters, even if you bring a few treasures, you will most likely be stopped by the Lord of Heaven.

Being able to bring one or two treasures into this place without the sight of the Lord of Heaven is already the limit.

But it's not like that in the world I'm in.

Chen Feng thought, if he knew an enemy from the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World, after the other party knew his true identity, he would return to the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World.

If the other party is noble, he is the son of a big family.

Bring a bunch of strong men over to besieged myself...

Thinking about this situation and situation, you shudder.

If that's the case, how can I live?

Take Han Kun for example, if Han Kun is also a person on top of the sky.

He came to chase himself, and naturally knew his own details, so he couldn't use this trick.

Chen Feng continued.

Upon hearing that Chen Feng had received the inheritance of Yuxu Immortal Sect, even Fairy Yu Heng showed a look of disbelief.

Looking at Chen Feng, he shook his head repeatedly.

"Chen Feng, your encounter is truly amazing."

"Yuxu fairy gate!"

There was infinite admiration in her eyes: "That's the Yuxu fairy gate!"

At this time, Chen Feng had a new understanding of the power of Yuxu Immortal Gate.

Even Fairy Yuheng is so fascinated by Yuxu Fairy Gate, you can imagine how magnificent this Fairy Gate was.

Mei Wuxia said: "Brother Chen, what was the situation when you said you were being hunted?"

Chen Feng smiled bitterly: "Speaking of it, it's also unfortunate..."

After he stepped into this world, he was discovered by a certain power, and then sent to Han Kun to hunt down and kill him.

After hearing this, Fairy Yuheng frowned.

He whispered, "Taiyi Immortal Sect, that's a first-grade immortal sect!"

"First Grade Fairy Gate?"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows.

He thought that Taiyi Immortal Sect was so powerful, at least it would be a Super Grade Immortal Sect.

Seeing what Chen Feng was thinking, Fairy Yuheng smiled slightly: "Super-grade fairy gate is not so easy to be made."

"Among the sects, there must be at least one strong person in the Pure Sun Realm Fairyland in order to be able to call it a Super Grade Fairy Gate!"

"Chunyang Zhenxian Realm powerhouse!"

Chen Feng was fascinated.

"In fact, Yuxu Immortal Gate was about to enter the ranks of Super Grade Immortal Gate."

Fairy Yuheng looked at Chen Feng: "Your ancestor of the Dongji Qingxu God is the last one who has stepped into the pure and true fairyland in the world of Xuanhuang for nearly a million years!"

Chen Feng's heart jumped fiercely.

Dongji Qingxu god, is so powerful?

The realm of pure sun, what a terrifying realm is that?

Fairy Yuheng smiled bitterly: "The realm of the pure sun is just a rumored saying. I don't know how powerful it is, let alone have seen it."

"The two of us, one of the Star Soul Martial God Mirror, and one who has not yet stepped into the Star Soul Martial God Mirror, but commenting here on the pure-yang true immortal powerhouse is really ridiculous."

She continued: "Taiyi Immortal Sect, although it is not a super-grade immortal."

"However, there is also a top powerhouse at the Supreme Supreme level!"

"I guess, the one who sensed your existence should be the great powerhouse of Taiyixianzong!"

Great Supreme!

Chunyang is a real fairy!

When Chen Feng listened to Fairy Yuheng spit out these names he had never heard before, he only felt unparalleled shock in his heart.

Mei Wuxia trembled: "Great Supreme, what kind of strength is that?"

"Great Supreme?"

Fairy Yuheng said leisurely: "That is, between raising your hands, you can destroy a small thousand world stars!"

"As for destroying you and me, it is even easier, not to mention it!"

These words did not cause any shock to Chen Feng.

The difference in strength is too big, so big that there is no way to make up for it, he has been shocked to numb.

I don't know how many great realms the opponent is higher than himself, which means that at the level of strength, he is completely impossible to compete with the opponent!

Don't even think about it!

But Chen Feng was confident: "In that case..."

He smiled from the bottom of his heart: "Then we have to use another method."

"There are few immortal cultivators, but there are very many cultivating families."

"Xianjia sect is divided into three grades and nine grades. Above the first grade fairy gate, there are super grade fairy gates.

"And the cultivating family, more than a million?"

"It is divided into nine grades and eighty-one grades, the first grade is the highest, the ninth grade is the lowest, the eighty-first grade is the lowest, and the first grade is the highest!"

Mei Wuxia asked curiously, "Which grade is the Lancangjiang family?"

"Our family!"

Fairy Yuheng covered her lips and smiled: "Second-rank, third-rank, it's probably equivalent to the kind in the second-rank immortal gate that can't be lowered!"

Tiancun Beast Slave and Mei Wuxia both had their eyes shining, "That's amazing too!"

Fairy Yuheng chuckled, "That's not as good as the opponent your brother Chen Feng provoked."

Chen Feng smiled bitterly: "Don't laugh at me."

"But you don't have to be depressed."

"You inherited it, but the inheritance of a whole Yuxu fairy gate!"

"Yuxu Fairy Gate was like the sun in the past, you inherited her inheritance, the future is infinite!"

Chen Feng nodded: "However, I don't have the strength to take out that heritage."

Chen Feng felt that he couldn't even open the key now, so how to take out the inheritance?

Fairy Yuheng pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Dongji Qingxu Shenzun's thinking is right."

"You are too weak now. If you take out the inheritance and the breath of inheritance cannot be concealed, then you will be like a three-year-old child walking in the downtown with gold, which is extremely dangerous."

"Moreover, with your current strength, you can't even cultivate the inheritance of Yuxu Immortal Gate!"

Chen Feng nodded solemnly.

I am still too weak now!

Weakness is the original sin!

He is desperate for strength now!

"I estimate that you must at least reach a very high level in the Star Soul Martial God Realm before you can unlock the key."

"If you want to take out the inheritance, you can get it later."

Chen Feng smiled: "I know, I can't rush about this matter."

He knew about this long ago, and when he got the key, he was already prepared.

There is already a very complete plan.

Before obtaining this inheritance, how to protect yourself and let yourself spend this time safely.

Fairy Yuheng thought for a moment and frowned, "From now until you have the ability to take out the inheritance, it will take at least ten years!"

"Not enough... In the past ten years, you have been hiding everywhere and being chased by people?"

She took a deep breath, as if she had made a decision.

He whispered: "Chen Feng, after you complete this mission and return to the world of Xuanhuang Zhongqian, I will agree to meet you at a location."

"Go there and meet me."

"My Lancangjiang family can protect you!"

When she said the last few words, she was very solemn.

Chen Feng's heart trembled, and there was an inexplicable touch.

He knew that Fairy Yuheng had so much responsibility and determination to make when he said these words!

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