Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4734: arrival!

"If there is another life, I will apologize for you!"

He shouted sharply: "Now, go!"

Chen Feng took a deep look at the night watchman: "Night watchman, don't pass it here!"

Chen Feng's figure gradually faded.

Because it takes time to enter the space channel.

Only when his figure disappears completely can he enter the space channel completely!

Seeing this, the five Yuxu Immortal Gate elders went crazy and attacked Chen Feng fiercely!

Once Chen Feng is attacked by them, he will lose everything!

The night watchman stood in front of him desperately.

He was obviously weak, but he just couldn't break it or die!

Chen Feng's figure is getting lighter and weaker, and he is about to disappear completely.

The next moment, the night watchman was hit by a powerful offensive from an elder.

With a bang, his whole body was finally broken, turned into countless flames of light, and scattered everywhere.

He was on the verge of death, leaving only his last breath.

Staring at Chen Feng, he struggling to let out a terrifying roar: "Chen Feng, you will inherit all of my Yuxu fairy gate!"

"You will get all the benefits of my Yuxu fairy gate! You will also bear all the responsibilities and hatred of my Yuxu fairy gate!"


He let out a dying roar: "You must avenge my Yuxu fairy gate!"

As soon as the voice fell, the five elders, the offensive fell together.

The body of the night watch is directly transformed into a little light spot, which fades with the wind, like a dead firefly.

The last night watchman of the Yuxu Immortal Gate, the last mighty powerhouse, also died!

And almost at the same time!

Chen Feng's figure also disappeared completely in the big formation.

That huge gate, completely closed!

Chen Feng entered directly into the space channel.

After thoroughly entering inside, Chen Feng immediately felt a familiar feeling of heaven and earth turning.

Moreover, this time this feeling is stronger than ever.

He could not even feel the existence of his body.

The fact is also true.

At this time, if Chen Feng could see it, he would definitely find that there were countless ribbon-like powers in this space-time passage.

These forces, black or white or gray, are looming.

It flew like a cloud of clouds, but it was ethereal and uncertain.

At this time, these forces slowly fell on Chen Feng.

As Chen Feng moved forward, the strength became denser and stronger.

This is the power of time and space!

Before Chen Feng, he had not encountered such a situation when traveling through time and space several times.

Because it's so simple, he went to other worlds either because of missions or treasures.

But it was a short trip.

His roots are still in the Dragon Vessel Continent.

The power of air transport in the Dragon Vein Continent, or the power of the Dragon Vein Continent, will protect Chen Feng.

Now, it's completely different.

He abandoned the Dragon Vein Continent and went to another world completely.

Like soaring.

There is no power to protect him anymore.

All the power of time and space, all the white, black, and gray lines, fell on Chen Feng without any hindrance!

Time is the greatest poison in the world, and anyone will get old.

No matter how powerful a warrior is, it cannot resist the poison of time.

Space, not to mention.

These two kinds are the most irresistible forces.

Under the attack of the power of time and space, Chen Feng felt as if he had turned into countless points of light, countless fragments.

Floating in the void of this universe.

He couldn't see his body and limbs, his whole person seemed to be broken.

Even his thoughts became chaotic.

This is the danger of traveling through the universe!

The power of these time and space is enough to directly tear into life a warrior who is not strong enough.

Not only the body was torn apart, but the soul was completely wiped out.

Unconsciously, floating in the void of the universe.

Neither die nor live, and never live beyond life.

And this kind of danger is not even ranked among all the dangers in the universe.

Any huge meteorite flying over is enough to smash a warrior at the level of Chen Feng or even the Star Soul Martial God Realm into flesh!

There was not even time to make a call.

The dangers in the void of the universe are beyond words.

Therefore, the herring true talents said before that only a high-level Dharmakaya can cross the void.

Only those extremely powerful Law Bodies can resist the huge danger that is everywhere in the void!

Chen Feng felt that his consciousness was sinking more and more, almost completely sinking down.

Seeing that he was about to be completely destroyed by this space channel.

But at this moment, suddenly, a bright purple light lit up on Chen Feng's body.

It was the shroud on the surface of Chen Feng's body.

Above the shroud, the real light covered by the blood stains suddenly emerged.

The blue and purple light bounced away the power of time and space.

Chen Feng shivered sharply and suddenly woke up.

In an instant, he felt his body and his own existence.

I also feel that my spirit has finally returned to my body!

Chen Feng instantly broke out in a cold sweat, and suddenly there was a big fear in his heart!

He knows what happened just now!

"I almost destroyed my body, and my spirit will never be supernatural!"

"Thanks to this shroud!"

Chen Feng still has lingering fears.

Looking at the shroud on her body, there was warmth in her heart.

This is also the reason why the night watchman fought his life and gave the shroud to Chen Feng.

In this endless passage of time and space, Chen Feng floated forward like a seed.

Around him, only the light purple light protected him.

It seems to be the only hope in this dark and cruel endless universe!

I don't know how long it took.

Finally, Chen Feng saw that this passage had come to an end.

He even saw in the distance, there were countless indistinct scenery at the end of the passage.

It's just that these scenes flashed by, passing by at a very fast speed, without knowing where the end of the passage led.

The fact is also true, this passage only leads to the Xuanhuang Middle Thousand World, without knowing where it leads.

But Chen Feng knew that this must be the place leading to the place he had sensed before!

And the place I sensed must be the place most related to Yuxu Immortal Gate!

Finally, getting closer and closer to the end.

At this time, the breath of the shroud became weaker and weaker.

There are even many cracks on it, which seem to be broken at any time!

Finally, Chen Feng banged, as if hitting something!

The next moment, that extreme dizziness and weightlessness came.

The violent power of time and space flocked to Chen Feng frantically!

With a bang, the shroud shook a faint but firm purple light, shaking all these forces away.

Chen Feng felt that he had smashed through a door, and then descended rapidly.

I don't know how long it has been before, before it hit the ground with a bang.

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