Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4735: Jealousy

Chen Feng was extremely alert, and instantly stood up.

The power above the body surges to make the strongest defense.

Only then did he have a chance to see the surrounding situation clearly.

Behind Chen Feng was a glimpse of the towering walls.

Looking up, I can't see the end at a glance, I don't know how high it is.

It spreads to both sides, but I don't know where it spreads.

And his feet are the same material.

Chen Feng felt it carefully.

It is obviously heavy metal, but it has the fine texture of wood and is extremely smooth.

It is also unknown where it spread.

I don't know how big this space is, but at a glance, it is extremely empty and empty.

Chen Feng frowned: "Where is this?"

He saw that the shroud was now fragmented, only connected by threads.

Chen Feng sighed lightly: "I'm afraid that the shroud will be completely broken after another attack."

Chen Feng carefully put it away.

This thing will also be his hole card.

Although this hole card can only be used once.

And at this moment, it seemed that Chen Feng's existence was felt, and a light suddenly brightened on the wall behind him.

Chen Feng's power naturally radiated out, as did his spiritual power.

The wall behind him and the ground under his feet seemed to be stimulated by his strength.

Suddenly, countless lights lit up.

These light spots are all black.

It stands to reason that it is pitch black here, and Chen Feng should not see these black spots.

However, he felt very clearly.

This black inside is full of evil and cold meaning.

When the black light came on, Chen Feng felt dizzy in front of his eyes, as if his spirit was slightly suppressed.

The next moment, among the black light spots, there were suddenly countless black lines connecting.

Formed a complex and huge array!

Then, there are countless black gas transpiring above it.

These black auras were indescribably eerie and strange.

It's quite similar to the time when the human emperor's hand bone was born.

The next moment, suddenly, in this tossing black air, there were waves of babies crying.

The cries also contained strange laughs and screams, which were indescribably strange.

Then, suddenly a group of figures rushed out of the black mist.

When Chen Feng looked at it, his brows suddenly jumped.

What rushed out turned out to be little demons.

Each of them was about the size of a fist, and the whole body was red, and there was a trace of black energy in it.

The head is very big, occupying more than 90% of the body.

The four claws hang down slender and soft.

On their heads, a big mouth takes up 70%.

Bare teeth grin, roar again and again, fangs are sharp, salivation drops, indescribable ugly and ferocious!

They were densely packed, floating out of the circle, looking at Chen Feng.

At a glance, I don't know how much.

Too much makes the scalp numb.

An ominous premonition suddenly surged in Chen Feng's heart.

The next moment, these monsters suddenly opened their mouths together.

They didn't make any sound, but there was a strong mental shock, madly rolling out.

Suddenly rushed towards Chen Feng!

Even, there is no sound coming!

However, this is a direct attack on the spiritual level!

In an instant, Chen Feng felt his headache splitting!

This ultimate mental attack almost shreds his spirit!

It was indescribably upset, and the whole person was almost emotionally collapsed in an instant!

They attacked Chen Feng frantically, and their continuous mental shocks enveloped Chen Feng.

These fist-sized monsters did not float in the air at all.

What they attacked is not Chen Feng's body, but its soul!

Their screams made Chen Feng a headache, and he felt that his spirit was almost torn apart!

However, Chen Feng is Chen Feng after all!

Even if the pain is extremely painful, there is still no panic, so keep your mind steady.

"It turns out that these beasts turned out to be mental attacks!"

"So, what else do they have?"

The mental shock was endless, and Chen Feng felt the pain to the extreme, almost unable to resist his spirit.

But the next moment, he suddenly moved in his heart, suddenly raised his head and let out a low growl!

Heaven and Earth's repetitive reincarnation magic power suddenly started!

Above Chen Feng's head, a huge blue pupil suddenly appeared.

Since these demons have no memories, Heaven and Earth’s repeated reincarnation magic does not read their memories at all.

It turned into an extremely powerful mental shock in an instant!

In the next moment, there were countless huge blue rays of light shooting out fiercely from those pupils.

Boom boom boom, every one hit one or even several demons.

Whenever the demons that were hit, with a ‘bang’, they screamed directly and dissipated as a blood red smoke.

In an instant, hundreds of demons were directly beheaded.

Obviously, the repetitive reincarnation of heaven and earth has a strong effect on these demons.

However, Chen Feng soon found out what was wrong.

The duration of repetitive reincarnation of heaven and earth is limited.

In this short period of time, Heaven and Earth repeated the reincarnation magic technique, beheading thousands of demons.

However, in that magic circle, there are still endless evil spirits pouring out!

Although, the repetitive reincarnation of heaven and earth is quite useful for killing them.

However, this group of beasts are just like killing them endlessly.

However, Chen Feng's heaven and earth reincarnation magic art can only be used a few times at most.

If this continues, after Chen Fengtiandi's repeated reincarnation magic can no longer be used, they will be consumed alive by them! Tortured to death!

But Chen Feng did not panic.

Instead, looking at these demons, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

"In that case, then..."

The next moment, Chen Feng let out a low growl, and the huge blue pupils disappeared instantly.

Heaven and earth reincarnated repeatedly, and he gave up directly.

And the next moment, the defense of his mental power also became extremely weak.

Feeling the changes in Chen Feng, those demons suddenly screamed frantically!

They opened their mouths and yelled at Chen Feng.

There was a spiteful light in his eyes.

In their view, this human being has reached the limit.

His mental power is almost exhausted.

At the next moment, Chen Feng's mental defense was directly broken.

The middle door opened in an instant!

Since they were incorporeal, they rushed into Chen Feng's body without hindrance.

In an instant, all of them fell into Chen Feng's spiritual world!

Chen Feng's spiritual world is no longer hindered.

Almost in a blink of an eye, all the demons summoned in this magic circle rushed in.

There are hundreds of thousands of them!

The magic circle seemed to summon these demons, and finally reached its limit!

After a brush, it fades down!

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