Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4733: The concealment of the night watchman

But at this time, he felt that the fierce, cruel, and greedy meaning on the bones of the human emperor's hand had not declined at all.

However, its power has dropped a lot.

Even Chen Feng could not feel the extreme threat on it.

It seems that most of the power inside has disappeared.

Chen Feng was startled first, and then suddenly understood what was going on.

"I see, this thing is yin to evil, and vicious to poison."

"It's way to become stronger is to fight to raise the battle, after absorbing the powerful vitality, the strength increases, then it goes to chase stronger opponents."

"After defeating it, absorb the blood again, and then go to kill the stronger opponent."

"But, if the opponent is not killed by it, it absorbs blood."

"Then, its power is simply consumed, but its own strength will drop."

Before it, it was first suppressed by Chen Feng's imitation of the imperial seal, consuming a large part of its power.

After that, without any supplement, another fierce battle with the real herring.

The result was nothing.

Moreover, the most important reason is that less than a day after its birth, its strength is very weak.

Now, all the blood and energy that it absorbed after it was born, and the power it turned into, have almost been exhausted.

Chen Feng sighed lightly and put it in his sleeve.

Although this thing is extremely powerful, the blood qi consumed is really terrifying.

Before it killed all the people of the Six Martial Arts, and then killed the billions of monsters in the Purple Jade Mountain Range.

The result was but supported for so long.

No wonder the power is so great!

If it is used again, Chen Feng needs to replenish enough blood energy.

To put it bluntly, let it kill a strong enough opponent!

At the moment this thing started, Chen Feng's figure suddenly shook, feeling black in front of him, and almost fell directly.

The strength that had just been restored by the night watchman with the pill was 90% instantly.

Chen Feng was indescribably weak.

It's not injury, but weakness like exhaustion of extreme power.

This weakness is even slower than recovery from a serious injury.

Chen Feng knew why.

"The price paid for using this human emperor's hand bone is really big enough!"

In the next moment, Chen Feng didn't care about it.

Because, an extreme pain hit instantly.

Chen Feng has entered the space channel many times.

But this time, it was completely different from before.

Before, it was the spatial passage between the existing Xiaoqian World and Xiaoqian World, and even the internal space of the Dragon Vein Continent.

Insignificant and extremely small.

And this time, it was a spatial passage that was just opened up from the Little Thousand World to the Middle Thousand World.

There are dangers and dangers inside.

As soon as Chen Feng entered it, he suddenly felt the power of endless stars rushing toward his face, squeezing himself desperately.

He was squeezed to vomit blood again and again, feeling that his body was almost squeezed into powder.

Chen Feng let out a low growl, and the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara launched!

Donkey Kong Arhat immortal body is launched!

This only eased slightly.

However, it only eased slightly.

Chen Feng felt that after a while, he would be crushed directly!

Although he has great potential, his strength is still weak now.

Seeing this, a look of decisiveness flashed in the eyes of the night watchman.

In the next moment, he opened the shroud that was draped on his body.

It was directly on Chen Feng's body!

When the shroud was draped on Chen Feng, Chen Feng felt that an extreme scorching heat penetrated into his body, making himself painful!

Bones, muscles, skin!

The internal organs, everything, seemed to be melted and destroyed in an instant!

But the next moment, the severe pain disappeared without a trace.

It has become a thick warmth!

Chen Feng's whole body was soaked in warm water, unspeakably comfortable.

The scorching power that had penetrated into his body before turned into bursts of coolness, flowing in his body.

The most important thing is that after the shroud was draped on the body, that powerful and violent force that could almost tear Chen Feng into pieces was immediately isolated!

Can no longer affect Chen Feng anymore.

Chen Feng felt comfortable all over.

Obviously, this shroud is an extremely high-level treasure, enough to protect Chen Feng!

The night watchman yelled sharply, "Chen Feng, I have no longevity!"

"This is the only thing I can give you. With his protection, you will be able to safely reach the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World!"

Before, the night watchman was not the opponent of the five elders' remnants.

It was only because he had a shroud of treasure on his body that he could continuously block and disintegrate the offensive of the five elders.

This shroud blocked at least 90% of his attacks!

It can be said that without this shroud, he would have been broken long ago.

Now, after giving this thing to Chen Feng, he was already at a disadvantage, and he was struggling to support him, even more so.

Seven or eight places above the body were hit.

Every time it was hit, there was a huge amount of red flames smashed out.

Falling into the void, annihilated invisible.

And his aura will decline for a while.

His power also directly declined.

In a blink of an eye, his momentum dropped a lot, and even his figure faded a lot.

Obviously, his original strength was being consumed, and he couldn't hold it for long.

If this continues, it won’t take a while before it will be broken.

Even the last ray of remnant soul could not be kept, and completely disappeared in this world.

Seems to know that he has little time.

The night watchman suddenly said softly: "Chen Feng, sorry!"

Chen Feng was taken aback, but Chen Feng was an extremely intelligent person after all, and he thought of something instantly.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

The night watchman stared at Chen Feng and said word by word: "I didn't tell you before that if you enter the world of Xuanhuang, there will be extremely serious consequences!"

"What are the consequences?"

Chen Feng asked.

He looks calm, and now he can accept all bad news.

The night watchman said word by word: "It is very likely that the power of the thousand worlds of Xuan Huang will perceive existence!"

"Of course, there will be no more than a few people who can perceive you in the entire Xuanhuang World Thousand Worlds."

"And maybe they wandered beyond the sky and didn't notice you."

Chen Feng's heart sank quickly.

However, he took a deep breath and forced his emotions to calm down.

Now, he must face this fact.

At this time, the offensive of the five strong elders from Yuxu Immortal Gate continued.

The body of the night watch is getting more and more broken, and the breath is getting weaker and weaker.

Seeing, it may fall at any time.

But his expression is very calm.

"Chen Feng, I concealed this, it is indeed my fault."

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