Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4630: Enter the country of Yanyang Devil!

Because he clearly felt it, from the black hole of the city gate, there was a very obvious breath belonging to Chen Feng.

He was sure: "Sure enough, Chen Feng escaped here!"

He took a deep breath, and the black ghost fire spread out, approaching the wall of the Yanyang Demon Kingdom!

However, as soon as he touched the city wall of the Yanyang Demon Kingdom, a series of magic circle runes lighted up on the city wall.

The magic circle rune, buzzing, slammed out, and bounced the black ghost fire abruptly!

As a result, he can only vaguely feel the aura in the Flame Sun Demon Kingdom, but he can't detect its true situation at all!

However, instead of letting Snake Seventeen know the difficulties and retreat, it aroused the vicious spirit in his heart!

He gave a weird smile: "The Devil of the Sun? Is it amazing?"

"Presumably, it is extremely dangerous inside, and there should be this extremely powerful terrorist presence!"

"But, so what!"

There was a domineering and arrogant look on his face: "I am a person on the top of the sky!"

"The big demon monster outside, how many have I met?"

"What are you guys?"

What he said is not a lie.

Among other things, the race he came from was inextricably linked to the demons.

Even with a little blood of the Demon Race.

It's all right to say that he himself is a member of the demons.

In the next moment, Snake Seventeen slammed directly towards the wall of the Yanyang Demon Kingdom!

Yes, he just killed it!

He didn't walk the city gate honestly, but the black fire ghost knife slashed down, and the black ghost fire covered the sky and the earth!

The black fire ghost knife, slashed towards the tower!

He didn't go through the city gate, instead of cutting out a passage for the Flame Sun Demon Kingdom!

With a loud bang, the Black Fire Ghost Knife fell on it!

The entire city wall trembled violently!

Then, it was another cut!

Another knife!

From a far distance, Chen Feng watched this scene, his eyes flickered.

"Presumably, this Cthulhu Valley's method of raising an evil **** has many drawbacks."

"I can obviously feel that Snake Seventeen has been greatly improved since it merged with the evil **** he raised."

"But I must have changed my mind and nature from before."

"Before he was cold, vicious and arrogant, but he was meticulous, and he was also a man capable of bending and stretching."

"Now, it's completely changed as a person, extremely arrogant."

I don't know how many knives slashed hard!

Finally, with a bang!

The tower of Yanyang Devil Kingdom was blown to pieces!

A huge gap also appeared on the city wall.

Snake Seventeen issued, laughed wildly, and went straight in.

And after waiting for a while, Chen Feng and Pei Muyu quickly came to the crack and stepped in.

After entering the Yanyang Demon Kingdom, there was nothing but ruins.

This Yanyang Demon Country is so huge that it can't see the end at a glance.

As far as the eye can see, it feels like a world.

However, the sky here is still gray and black.

There is no wind, no clouds, just a gray and black color, full of death and silence, and no life.

On the ground, there are also mountains, rivers, mounds, cities, and buildings of various colors.

It's just that the river has dried up, and many of the hills are broken from it.

It seemed to be directly cut off by the supreme tyrannical force when fighting by that mighty power.

Chen Feng and the two came to a ruined city.

It can be seen that this big city was quite prosperous before, with continuous palaces.

But now, it has been reduced to a ruin, with broken walls everywhere.

Moreover, in the Yanyang Demon Country, the number of demons is extremely high.

All kinds of demons are not uncommon.

Chen Feng and the others had moved forward for only half an hour, and they met at least a hundred great monsters along the way.

Between the mountains, the gullies, and the ruins of the city, there are big demons constantly appearing.

However, in their eyes, Chen Feng and Chen Feng were of the same kind, so there was no conflict.

This chase is another three days!

The Yanyang Devil Kingdom was a little beyond imagination.

Finally, when Chen Feng and the two climbed to a huge black mountain again.

The huge mountain is extremely high, passing through the gray clouds of the sky.

But Chen Feng and the two walked all the way through the height of the gray clouds, and suddenly, their front brightened!

Above the huge mountain is a huge plain.

And here, it is a completely different view from below!

The big demons below are everywhere, like endless Asura hell, extremely terrifying.

What appeared in front of them at this time was a completely different scene.

It is like a Taoyuan Valley magnified countless times, even more like a huge garden!

Yes, it is the garden.

There are green shades everywhere, and greenery everywhere.

There are flowers and weeds everywhere, blooming brightly.

The air is fresh, birds and flowers are scented, where is the so-called magic kingdom?

Even more so than the scene in the valley where the stars fell outside, there is no idea how many times there is life!

After coming here, it was like coming to a world of peanut trees flying wildly.

At the end of the grassland, there is a huge shimmering lake.

Near the lake, there is a white tower.

When this scene caught Chen Feng's eyes, it caused Chen Feng to tremble violently.

The whole person was frozen there involuntarily, like petrified.

It turned out that after seeing this scene, he found himself extremely familiar.

This scene seemed to have appeared in his mind during countless midnight dreams.

As if sealed in his deepest and ancient memory of being sealed!

He had never thought of this picture before.

But when this picture appeared in front of him at this time, he was suddenly awakened.

When Pei Muyu saw Chen Feng standing there, she couldn't help feeling a little scared, and whispered, "Big Brother, what's wrong with you?"

When her voice sounded, Chen Feng suddenly recovered.

He shivered fiercely and broke out in a cold sweat.

He was also puzzled and looked at the picturesque beauty in the distance: "Why do I feel that this picture is so familiar?"

"Why is this?"

A huge voice echoed in Chen Feng's heart!


He felt as if he was touching the edge of some secret.

Moreover, I can’t wait to uncover this secret!

Chen Feng vaguely felt that after entering the Flame Sun Demon Kingdom this time, he was afraid that there would be a very special harvest!

Chen Feng whispered: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

The two continued to track Snake Seventeen forward.

Soon, he came to the shore of the big lake, beside the White Tower.

In front of him, there have been waves of killings, screams, roars and so on.

Chen Feng saw from a distance, far away, there was a great demon fighting the Seventeen Snake.

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