Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4629: In the calculation

It's just using the realm nakedly, oppressing with incomparable power!

But this also shows from the side the power of the martial skill of the Supreme Heavenly Sword!

Enough to allow the Great Sword Emperor to support ten moves, never lost!

Then, Emperor Crazy Blade flew directly towards the Valley of the Fallen Stars, no longer entangled with Snake Seventeen.

His goal has been achieved, there is no need to continue.

Snake Seventeen grinned slyly, and instinctively wanted to chase the Great Sword Emperor away.

But at this time, his heart moved and stopped.

"If I were Chen Feng, would I be so stupid?"

"How could it be possible that the direction where the Great Knife Great escaped was the direction where Chen Feng was hiding?"

"If I were Chen Feng, would I let the Great Sword Emperor do this?"

"Doesn't that lead the wolf into the room?"

Snake Seventeen has been calculated so many times by Chen Feng, and he has already learned well.

Immediately, my mind spun rapidly: "If I were Chen Feng, after I entered here, I would definitely run away frantically."

"Then, leave the Great Sword Emperor to stop me."

"And if Emperor Crazy Blade defeats me, it will be the best."

"If the Great Knife cannot be defeated, let him escape in a certain direction and lead me to chase the Great Knife!"

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became: "Yes, it must be so!"

He immediately looked around.

After a while, his brows raised.

It turned out that he found a breath in the direction leading to the north.

That breath, although faint to be difficult to sense, he clearly felt that this was Chen Feng's breath!

Immediately, Snake Seventeen was extremely proud, haha ​​laughed wildly: "Chen Feng, Chen Feng, didn't you expect it?"

"I am constantly improving too! I am getting smarter now!"

"How can you hide this little trick from me?"

He was so proud that he thought he had seen Chen Feng's trajectory.

At the moment, he didn't care about the Great Sword Emperor who fled to Zhengxi, but chased him in the direction of Zhengbei.

Follow the breath of Chen Feng all the way forward.

As for the demons scattered around here, he naturally saw clearly.

However, these demons were not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Not even ants.

He didn't even bother to kill at all.

Seeing him chasing straight to the north, Chen Feng and Pei Muyu looked at each other, they all saw a little smile in each other's eyes!

Pei Muyu almost laughed out loud.

And when she looked at Chen Feng, her eyes showed the ultimate shock and admiration!

She knows what is going on!

In fact, this so-called northward aura is basically a trap set by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng returned to the Valley of Fallen Stars for the first time and discussed with the Great Sword Emperor.

After he was finished, he left, and the Great Sword Emperor, with a drop of Chen Feng's essence and blood, went all the way north.

Naturally, a lot of Chen Feng's breath was left behind.

For that is the moment!

In other words, as early as dozens of days ago, as early as before all this happened today!

Chen Feng had already anticipated everything that might happen in the near future!

And, specially left behind!

"Brother Chen Feng, that's amazing!"

At this time, only this sentence echoed in Pei Muyu's mind.

Chen Feng's purpose in doing this is to set a tactic.

Chen Feng wanted to make Snake Seventeen first think that the direction in which the Great Dao Emperor had fled was the direction in which Chen Feng fled.

Then let him think about it again. It was a clever feeling that it was definitely not the direction Chen Feng fled to.

Therefore, he will perceive Chen Feng's breath, and then move in the direction of Chen Feng's breath.

And because of the foreshadowing of Emperor Crazy Blade, this deliberately more obvious misleading made Snake Seventeen believe that his thoughts were correct!

This happened to fall into Chen Feng's trap.

Pei Muyu felt extremely sympathetic to Snake Seventeen: "Snake Seventeen, you shouldn't do it forever, you shouldn't provoke Chen Feng."

"I really want to be played to death."

And the reason why Chen Feng wanted to lead Snake Seventeen there, he had a deeper plan!

There, Chen Feng's fourth hole card!

Although, perhaps, he is not so willing to be Chen Feng's trump card!

Chen Feng and Pei Muyu also headed north.

It is to be able to see that above the wasteland, two big demons are moving towards the north, at an unhurried speed.

This scene, in the inner valley of the valley where the stars fell, was normal, no one would care.

Snake Seventeen is impossible to find!

Snake Seventeen pursued all the way north.

Chen Feng and Pei Muyu did not rush and followed behind.

The speed of Snake Seventeen is not extremely fast.

He had just broken into the half-step martial arts mirror, full of confidence, unscrupulous, and did not hide his breath at all.

The more you enter the depths of the Valley of Fallen Stars, the stronger the demons you encounter.

Many demons came after sensing his breath.

These demons were transformed by the devil qi leaked by the Great Demon of the Sun, and they were not the real Great Demon Clan.

Low intelligence, although the strength gap with Snake Seventeen is huge, but it is extremely brave.

Although there was no way to bring much damage to Snake Seventeen, it made him feel very troublesome.

Along the way, a lot of time was lost.

Two days later, Snake Seventeen followed Chen Feng's breath and came all the way to a certain place.

In front of him appeared an extremely tall and huge city wall like a mountain range, and a huge and gloomy tower appeared.

Of course, there is also the entrance to the city gate shining with endless magic and red light!

"Yanyang Devil Country, here it is!"

At this time, Chen Feng, who was far behind She Seventeen, showed endless emotion in his eyes, and even more thoughts and concerns.

At the entrance of the Yanyang Demon Kingdom, he watched Hua Lengshuang enter it.

But he was helpless.

He didn't have enough strength at that time, what about him now?

"Hua Lengshuang, you should be in it now, right?"

"Time flies, a few years have passed, how did you live in this Devil Kingdom of the Sun?"

The time flow rate of the inner valley in the valley of the falling stars is the same as the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm.

Six years above Xuanming's Seven Seas Realm, six years have passed here too!

Snake Seventeen was just before arriving at the Flame Sun Demon Kingdom. He looked at the black hole of the city gate and felt the devilish energy flowing from it, and felt the vaguely strong threat inside.

He couldn't help but be moved!

Yanyang Devil Country!

He slowly read these four words!

This Yanyang Devil Nation must be Chen Feng's reliance on it!

"It turns out that Chen Feng's true reliance is neither the warriors of the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm outside, nor the spirit plant puppets, nor even the previous Crazy Sabre Emperor!"

"Instead, in Yanyang Devil Country!"

"It's in the Yanyang Devil Kingdom, a certain horror exists!"

He hesitated in his heart, but the next moment, suddenly brows jumped!

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