Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4631: The Great Demon of the Sun! appear!

He is not weak, but he is not an opponent of Snake Seventeen at all.

Being smashed by a snake with seventeen or three swords.

When Snake Seventeen was about to move forward, a terrifying aura suddenly spread out from a distance, and pressed toward this side fiercely!

This terrifying aura is so powerful that Snake Seventeen couldn't help but be moved!

He felt that when this breath was depressed, his breathing seemed to become extremely hot!

It seemed that every breath caused a sharp pain in the chest and lungs.

The blood in the whole body will burn instantly!

The whole person seems to be shrouded in extreme heat!

The temperature in the surrounding void also rose crazily in an instant!

Even this emptiness has become red!

The extreme high temperature makes the surrounding earth slowly ups and downs!

This is the earth is about to be melted by the high temperature!

"This breath!"

Snake Seventeen's heart jumped fiercely: "This, is this the breath of the Star Soul Martial God? I feel that this breath seems stronger than me!"

Chen Feng also had a heartbeat, and his heart was even more excited: "It's finally here!"

At this moment, a panic and regret surged in Snake Seventeen's heart.

"I came here after killing Chen Feng, is it right or wrong?"

"Who would have thought that there is such a terrifying existence hidden here!"

This also means that Snake Seventeen is extremely unstable now.

Suddenly mad, suddenly cowardly.

The breath became stronger and stronger, and a shocking red appeared from that day.

It was like a sudden eruption of a volcano, and the air instantly became ten times hotter than before!

A stream of fire power, like a fire dragon, spread in all directions.

The strength of this fire element was so strong that it showed traces directly in the air, and for a while, the entire line of sight was filled with red.

Countless fire dragons crossed the sky, and it seemed that there was a rain of fire falling!

Chen Feng was shocked: "How powerful is this to achieve such an effect!"

The next moment, a huge figure appeared from the horizon.

Chen Feng finally saw the true face of the Great Demon Yan Yang!

This is a huge existence in red, which is quite similar to the chaotic fire demon that Chen Feng changed before.

It is as high as 10,000 meters, like a huge red volcano.

On the surface of the body, red rays of light flowed, and magma flowed, turning into a thick armor.

His whole body is similar to human beings.

It's just that the two legs are extraordinarily sturdy, like two huge pillars.

At the toes, there are two huge hooves.

On top of his head, there were two huge spiral-shaped horns, and the horns were twisted.

And his face was shrouded in a piece of rolling red magma, not real.

"Is this the Great Demon of the Sun?"

"The master of the Valley of Fallen Stars, the master of the Yanyang Devil Kingdom?"

"It is also the reason why the entire Profound Ming Seven Seas Realm has become like this, the root cause!"

Chen Feng just trembled in his heart.

The body of Pei Muyu next to him trembled violently.

When she faced the Great Demon of the Sun, she was different from Chen Feng and others.

She is a native of Xuanming Seven Seas Realm.

And Xuanming Seven Seas Realm can have everything today, it can be said that it is given by the Great Demon of Yanyang.

For them, the Great Demon of Yanyang is nothing more than a creation god!

The deep roar of Yan Yang Great Demon sounded.

He slowly lowered his head and stared at Snake Seventeen: "Those who trespass into my Flame Sun Demon Kingdom, die!"

The next moment, he held the void in his hand.

In an instant, endless lava surged from his body.

The power of the flame dispersed in the air quickly gathered in his right hand.

Where he held it with his right hand, there was a big red sword with lava rolling on it, full of incredibly hot and terrifying aura.

Then, the Great Demon Yanyang took a step forward without any hesitation!

A sword slashed towards Snake Seventeen!

Slash with a sword, like the heavens and the earth are broken!

Snake Seventeen felt that his whole body was pulled by this Qi machine!

He was extremely shocked: "This is a star soul martial arts realm powerhouse!"

"You have reached the Star Soul Martial God Realm? How could it be possible?"

"Even if there are special powers in this small world of Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, even if there are special powers in the secret realm, they should not reach the Star Soul Martial God Realm!"

"How could there be a strong like you?"

At this moment, Snake Seventeen panicked!

In her cognition, Xuanming Seven Seas Realm should not have such a strong person.

Before, he felt that the Great Sword Emperor was already the strongest above the Xuanming Seven Seas realm.

So after defeating him, he was even more arrogant.

Along the way, rampage.

But I didn't expect that now here, I encountered a star soul martial arts realm powerhouse!

Snake Seventeen's heart jumped fiercely in an instant, and the trace of regret that surged just now strengthened a bit.

And the most important reason that made him regret it was not the strength displayed by this Great Demon of the Sun!

It's his posture!

His posture was extremely arrogant and arrogant, he didn't even have a chance to speak to himself, and he killed him violently.

It shows that he has extremely strong self-confidence!

Snake Seventeen knew that this time he really had a hard stubble!

But what kind of person is Snake Seventeen?

He was also fierce and surly, and after he recovered, his eyes became sullen.

"Dog stuff, kill me if you want? What do you think you are? Do you rule by heaven?"

The next moment, Snake Seventeen roared wildly, and the black ghost fire on his body was burning!

The black fire ghost knife in his hand greeted the lava giant sword fiercely!

In an instant, kill into a ball!

At this time, Chen Feng let out a suffocating breath, and he completely relaxed.

"It's done!"

"Fourth chess piece, the dust falls!"

"The fourth plan is complete!"

See you poorly!

The real purpose of Chen Feng's fourth move finally appeared!

That is, let Snake Seventeen and Yanyang Demon fight!

And his fourth hole card is Yan Yang Demon!

The Yanyang Demon didn't have any nonsense at all, and directly killed Xiang Snake Seventeen.

Do not ask any reason, nor ask any reason.

If you dare to break into my Flame Sun Devil Country, you are dead!

And Chen Feng has long understood his character.

He had already judged what kind of existence this Great Flame Demon was in the discussion with Emperor Crazy Blade and his last personal experience.

That's why Chen Feng was so sure.

When the Seventeen Snake chased him into the Valley of Fallen Stars, the Seventeen Snake was already doomed!

As for the aura belonging to Chen Feng that Snake Seventeen sensed, it was just that Chen Feng asked the Great Sword Emperor to throw a drop of his own blood into the city gate of the Yanyang Devil Kingdom.

He didn't get there at all.

The trap is laid step by step,

Even after Snake Seventeen entered the inner valley of the Valley of Falling Stars, the first words the Great Sword Emperor said to him were actually an extremely important trap.

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