Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4582: Trial tower opens

"If I remember correctly, what they went to explore should be the legendary world with the inheritance of the immortal, right?"

It turned out that the power to which these people belonged was named Chongxu Hall.

Everyone talked a lot, and didn't see much sadness.

They are all full of envy for these people who are alive.

Fairy Yuheng said lightly: "Did you see it?"

"This is the daily routine of the top of the sky."

"No matter how strong the person is, it is possible to die, but with death, there is a tremendous opportunity!"

The crowd continued to move forward, and it took a full hour before they arrived at the giant tower of Tibetan scriptures in the heavens.

The huge tower of Tibetan scriptures. There is only one entrance.

At the entrance, a green light was diffused.

At this time, a person in the light gate was also stepping out of his own accord, he was a young man.

Of course, there are many people on the top of the sky, their faces are always there, and they can't tell how old they are.

This young man, full of spirits and proud, couldn't control his emotions at all, he gave out a burst of laughter!

"After I enter the top of the sky, I will be humiliated and endured for thirty-five years!"

"In the meantime, I don't know how much humiliation and danger!"

"Finally accumulated enough and bought this magical power that suits me best!"

"Hahaha, after ten years of my retreat, I shamed all of my people that day!"

His face was extremely grim: "You are all going to die!"

This person laughed and left.

And not far from him, a young girl stepped into the green light.

She was full of joy, and even more anxious, and whispered softly: "Brother, I finally have enough chalcedony to be able to exchange for that treasure."

"I must wake you up this time,"

As he spoke, tears were falling in his eyes.

Fairy Yuheng turned her head slightly, the cyan dress swelling in the strong wind.

The wind swept through, dazzling her hair.

Her eyes seemed to be blurred.

"Did you see it? This is hope!"

This scene gave Chen Feng a great shock and even made him silent directly.

Yes, this is hope!

Death, opportunity, but there is hope!

This is the top of the sky!

There is not only killing here, but here is a place where all wishes come true.

All dreams can come true here!

Everyone couldn't help being silent for a long time.

"Okay, let's go."

Fairy Yuheng smiled and led everyone on.

The Tiancun Beast Slave asked, "He has been here for thirty-five years, isn't he going through hundreds of missions?"

"It's not dead? That's amazing!"

Fairy Yuheng smiled and said, "It's not like that."

"A mission every few months means that after stepping into the Trial Immortal, the newcomer before entering the Celestial Immortal will have shorter mission intervals."

"The difficulty of the task will not be particularly high."

"And after three consecutive tasks are completed, you can become a fairy in the sky."

"After becoming a fairy in the sky, the mission interval will be very long."

Fairy Yu Heng said: "It depends on the mood of the way of heaven. It takes three or five years to complete a task, and in the short term, it takes seven or eight months to complete a task."

She flicked her fingers boredly: "For example, I haven't had a task for more than a year.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

He discovered that after staying here for a long time, these strong men on the top of the sky licked blood on the knife head here. Death may be extremely stimulating to life and extremely infatuated.

Even Fairy Yuheng is no exception.

The feeling of drifting between life and death may be addictive, right?

Fairy Yuheng continued: "So, many times, I will find ways to join other people's tasks."

"This is also the reason why there is always a team martial art on the top of the sky."

Chen Feng and others suddenly.

Another hour later, came to the trial tower.

There is only one entrance to the huge tower of trial.

In the cyan light gate that seemed to be completely through, people came in and out from time to time.

Everyone is moving forward.

Above the samsara jade card, a light flashed by, and the light gate was immediately sucked in.

Inside the tower of trial, there is a huge space.

Looking around, you can't see the border.

It's as huge as a world.

At this time, there are already quite a few strong people inside.

Today is when the tower of trial is opened.

Everyone can enter.

Of course, only those reincarnation immortals can enter the world of trials.

Chen Feng saw that there were ninety-nine giant bronze fangs floating in the void in front of everyone.

Ninety-nine giant bronze gates with fangs lined up.

Before each giant bronze fangs gate, quite a lot of powerful people gathered.

A piece of black.

Fairy Yuheng said: "These ninety-nine bronze fangs giant gates will all be opened in an hour."

"And any giant gate with bronze fangs can enter."

"When you go from any giant bronze fang gate, you will randomly enter a certain trial world, and immediately receive a certain trial mission issued by the Lord of Heaven."

"So, it's the same from wherever you enter."

Then she pointed further up.

Above these ninety-nine giant bronze fang gates, tens of thousands of meters away, there are several giant bronze fang gates.

Each one is several times larger than the one below.

Moreover, the difference from the following is that around these nine giant gates, there is an extremely strong scarlet light, and the **** breath is diffused.

Full of killing.

There are only nine such **** bronze fangs giant gates, and they look even more majestic.


Chen Feng cast his eyes on the nine **** bronze fangs giant gates: "Is it the entrance to the world of death trials?"

Fairy Yuheng nodded and said, "The world of death trials is extremely small."

"The number of powerhouses entering the world of death trials is extremely small, so nine giant gates are enough."

Chen Feng and the others looked far away and saw that before the nine giant bronze fangs, the number of warriors was indeed much less.

Before each giant gate, the number of warriors may be only a few dozen.

Fairy Yuheng took a look, and suddenly frowned, "Why are there so many people?"

"many people?"

Fairy Yuheng nodded: "In previous years, the reincarnation immortals who entered the top of the sky every year, plus those who had not passed the trial world in previous years, totaled only a few thousand people."

"This time, I feel like there are ten or twenty thousand people!"

Chen Feng thinks it is indeed.

In front of each giant gate, there are people in Wuyang Wuyang, and they look quite crowded.

Fairy Yuheng frowned and said, "Could it be said that there has been any change in the top of the sky recently?"

She was just guessing.

With her strength, she still can't reach that level.

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