Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4581: Cry and laugh

"If it is said that the preparations made before have made it 80% possible for my big plan to succeed!"

"Then, this lotus flower jade talisman is for that big plan, completely stifling the last trace of uncertainty in the cage!"

"With this lotus charm, my plan this time will definitely succeed!"

Chen Feng and Fairy Yuheng talked about the fact that he and his party went to explore the ruins left by True Man Qingyan and what happened.

It was heard that the real person Qingyan was resurrected, and he even set up such a big chess game, and even left so many back players on the top of the sky.

Fairy Yuheng was also surprised, and then shook his head and sighed.

"This true person Qingyan is worthy of being a very famous powerhouse tens of thousands of years ago on the top of the sky, and it can be called an ancient existence!"

"Sure enough, the depth of the city is unimaginable."

"The method is even more breathtaking!"

"Fortunately, you strangled him when he was just resurrected. If not, I'm afraid he can cause a catastrophe on the top of the sky!"

At this time, Tianchou Beast Slave and Mei Wuxia had also arrived.

The Tiancun Beast Slave was a little curious: "How strong was Qing Yanzhen before his life?"


Fairy Yuheng just spit out four words.

She thought for a while, and slowly said, "You know, above the Martial Emperor Realm, it is the Star Soul Martial God Realm."

"The Star Soul Martial God Realm is divided into twelve heavens!"

"And the strength of True Person Qingyan has surpassed the Twelfth Heaven of the Star Soul Martial God at least, reaching a higher realm!"

Everyone took a breath.

It's not much higher than them!

Fortunately, the real person Qingyan had just resurrected his strength, and it could even be said that only a trace of aura survived and was in decline.

Otherwise, killing three people would be as easy as crushing a bug!

Mei Wuxia asked, "Sister Yuheng, what about you?"

Fairy Yuheng chuckled, stretched out five fingers and gestured: "I am the Star Soul Martial God Realm, the fifth heaven."

This was also the first time everyone knew of Fairy Yuheng's strength.

Chen Feng let out a low laugh: "When shall we explore the fairy mountain blessed land left by Master Qingyan?"

Fairy Yuheng laughed: "Don't think about it for now."

"That fourth-grade fairy mountain blessed land, now even I dare not enter."

"When we reach the peak of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, we will almost be able to explore."

She stretched her waist: "Let's go, Chen Feng, I will take you to try the giant tower."

"As for Mei Wuxia and Tianchou Beast Slave, the two of them don't go to the death trial mission, they choose the ordinary trial mission, and then deliberately fail to complete the mission."

"When the time comes, hide until the mission is over."

She looked at the two of them and said solemnly, "I wonder what you think?"

When Chen Feng heard the words, he thought about it for a moment, and it was suddenly.

With the current strength of the two of them, it is almost impossible to complete the death trial mission.

Therefore, he deliberately entered the ordinary trial world first, deliberately failing to complete the task.

In this way, after the next year's strength, there will be opportunities.

Tiancun Beast Slave and Mei Wuxia knew that this was for their good, and they also knew that they were not strong enough now, and after a year, they would definitely be strong enough.

So they all nodded in agreement.

Then Fairy Yuheng took Chen Feng and others to leave.

The three giant towers on the top of the sky were once again presented in front of everyone.

Still shocked!

The thunderclouds and storms revolved, a black color, and under the sky with countless huge thunderstorms, strong people constantly passed by, toward the three giant towers.

And because of the location of the Beidou Blessed Land, if Chen Feng and others want to go to the trial tower, they need to pass through the towers of the heavens and the towers of the Buddhist scriptures.

Soon, everyone came to the three giant towers.

Looking at these three huge towers from a distance, they are as huge as the earth standing upright.

And now, when I come closer, I feel that there are not three huge towers standing in front of them, but three whole worlds!

It is bigger than the huge mountain at the entrance of the top of the sky!

Pulled up in the boundless fiery purgatory, leading to the height of the 33rd heaven.

In front of him, Chen Feng and others felt extremely small.

Up, there is no end in sight.

Down, not to the bottom.

Looking around, you can't even see the edge.

The Towers of Ten Thousand Realms of the Heavens are divided into nine floors, and each floor does not know how high it is. Each floor has an extremely huge entrance.

Like the huge mouth of the abyss, it can accommodate an unknown number of people.

When Chen Feng and the others came to the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms Pagoda, they happened to see that from the entrance of the fourth floor, there were several figures flying out.

They suddenly howled and cried, their voices were mournful, and the pain was extreme.

When Chen Feng and the others looked there, the corners of their eyes suddenly jumped.

It turned out that a total of four people came out of the entrance.

And each of them actually held a corpse in their arms.

The corpses were covered in blood, and some were even fragmented, apparently completely dead.

After the four came out, it was like a nervous breakdown.

Kneeling in the void, howling silently.

And what shocked Chen Feng most was their strength!

Each of these four people who came out alive was stronger than Fairy Yuheng!

However, even the corpses held in our arms, although they have been exhausted and completely dead, still exudes a magnificent aura!

Just like a huge mountain lying in the night, it gives people great oppression.

The corpse has such a strong aura, how strong it was before his death, you can imagine!

And such a strong man is still dead!

Chen Feng and others just felt cold in their hearts, as if standing in the extreme north cold wind!

"These strong men are all dead?"

The Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave murmured: "The top of the sky is terrible!"

And they were crying and crying, but suddenly laughed out loud.

Then, they raised their hands.

Suddenly, around them, there are several treasures circling out.

These treasures, each light is bright and deep, they are all powerful to the extreme, and their breath is terrifying to the extreme! Full of destructive power!

Even Chen Feng felt that it was many times stronger than the treasures he had seen!

Any one, as if it can destroy a world.

Even compared with these treasures, the Qingyan Divine Sword didn't seem so powerful!

The scene that happened here also attracted many monks from the top of the sky.

Many people saw the treasures with envy on their faces.

"This time, Chongxu Palace is about to develop."

"Yes, even though half of the manpower is dead, the treasures they got have all reached the fourth-grade treasure!"

"Rank 4 treasures are quite terrible. With these treasures, every one of them alive can increase their strength by at least one or two small realms!"

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