Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4583: Are you sick?

Several people slowly lifted into the air and flew towards the seven **** bronze fangs giant gates at that high place.

When they were about to fly there, they had to pass by the ninety-nine giant bronze fangs below.

Those strong men gathered in front of the bronze fangs giant gate showed a touch of envy on their faces when they saw Chen Feng.

"Someone went to the world of death trial again?"

"Yeah, I really envy them that they can get one step to the sky."

Someone nearby laughed and cursed: "Envy is a fart?"

"Even if you have a step to the sky, do you dare to go to the death trial mission? After you go, don't you just die?"

The person who spoke before smiled and did not answer.

But there are also many people who are full of resentment and unwillingness.

"I have entered the top of the sky with the eight-star Wudi peak strength!"

"How many of the reincarnation immortals here are my opponents?"

"Why, I can only go to the ordinary trial world if I can't get a step to the sky!"

Someone roared in anger!

This person is a thin young man.

Although short and thin, those eyes were sharp and sharp, as sharp as a sword, scanning everyone's faces.

His body is extremely powerful, like an out-of-the-sheath sword.

If you touch it, you will be severely stabbed!

This person is obviously extremely powerful and powerful.

Everyone caught his eyes, and they all avoided.

People of this class know at a glance that they are not easy to mess with!

Suddenly, this person's eyes flashed and fell on Chen Feng.

When he saw Chen Feng's strength and then saw where Chen Feng was going, his complexion changed suddenly, his face was full of resentment, and he stared at Chen Feng with murderous intent in his eyes, and shouted!

"I'm not convinced, why can the mere six-star Wudi go?"

"And I, the peak of the Eight-Star Martial Emperor, I don't know how much stronger than him, but I can't go there?"

Not only him, but hearing what he said, many people cast their eyes on Chen Feng.

After seeing his realm of strength clearly, his face suddenly showed jealousy, envy, resentment, contempt and so on.

Many people are clamoring!

"That is, why can't I participate in the death trial mission in the middle stage of my strength Eight-Star Martial Emperor? And he can participate?"

"These people here, whose opponent is he? He deserves it?" =

And the thin and hard-faced young man who spoke first was even more excited when everyone responded.

Suddenly there was a violent roar: "Everyone, I am the ultimate dragon!"

"He is an immortal genius, with a swordsmanship that can penetrate the sky and the earth, with a sword cut for nine days, no one can beat it!"

The person next to him also smiled coldly: "I am determined by Cen, and there is a magical energy in my body!"

"Being forged since childhood, the body is invincible, tough and tough."

The few people nearby also roared again and again, revealing their identity and powerful strength.

Their strength lies in the Eight-Star Emperor Wudi.

The weakest is also the mid-stage of Emperor Wudi of Eight Stars.

These reincarnation immortals were full of arrogance, looked at Chen Feng, and coldly shouted: "What are you? You deserve to enter the world of death trials?"

Facing these people, Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at them with a greasy expression, and lazily said five words: "Are you sick?"

"I can get a step to the sky, that is my ability!"

"You can't get it, what's the use of barking here?"

Without even looking at them, Chen Feng went straight up.

Fairy Yuheng smiled slightly: "That's right."

Seeing that Chen Feng didn't care about himself and others at all, Jackie Chan's face suddenly rose, and he felt extremely humiliated.

He has always been detrimental, and he is the only one who humiliates others. Where has he been humiliated by others?

With a quick brush, several people flashed and stopped in front of Chen Feng and others.

Chen Feng raised his brows, his eyes flashed murderously: "It's not over yet, right?"

He didn't care about these people at all.

Eight-star Wudi peak is not bad.

Generally, a warrior who has just entered the top of the sky would never have such strength!

But it depends on who you compare!

Who is Chen Feng?

In one day, the Seven Star Meridians directly killed the Cang Xinghai at the peak of the Eight-Star Martial Emperor!

Even Cang Xinghai was not his opponent, he was directly killed by him!

What level of power is Cang Xinghai, he has been on the top of the sky for several years, and his accumulation is far from comparable to these few people.

What's more, Chen Feng is now stronger than when he killed Cang Xinghai!

In the end Jackie Chan stood in front of Chen Feng, his face full of arrogance: "Boy, hand over your order to the sky!"

His tone was full of commands, as if Chen Feng was his subordinate.

However, Chen Feng had a funny face: "Why should I give you a step up to the sky?"

"Because you are not worthy!"

Finally Jackie Chan said proudly: "You, a six-star martial emperor, with one step to enter the world of death trials with one step to reach the sky, it is purely a violent thing!"

"Only I am an invaluable genius like me, the Eight-Star Martial Emperor Peak, is eligible to use it!"


Cen Ruiyi next to him also continued to say: "You use the one-step ascending order, but it is speeding up your own death."

"However, a single step to the sky is in the hands of Jackie Chan, but it is enough to increase his strength crazy! It is a great opportunity for him!"

He helped Jackie Chan speak because he felt that Jackie Chan was the ultimate genius and his future achievements would be limitless.

Therefore, I was able to make good with him in advance.

And the way he made good friends with Jackie Chan was to step on Chen Feng!

Chen Feng smiled: "What if I don't give it?"

"If you don't give it?"

In the end, Jackie Chan sneered coldly: "Then we have to take it ourselves!"

This is to be robbed clearly.

"Only you are worthy of stopping me?"

Chen Feng sneered and took a step forward, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

We must start to give these people a severe lesson.

But at this moment, a cloud of green lightning struck down from the sky, directly hitting the middle of the group.

The destructive power came out wantonly, tearing the space instantly.

Everyone's heart jumped, if they were struck by this clear and enchanting lightning, I'm afraid their bodies would be annihilated now!

Heaven dominates, and an icy voice sounded: "In the trial tower, private fights are not allowed."

"Nian'er and others are the first offenders. Let me spare my life."

"The next time, let's kill it!"

Everyone was stunned in their hearts and cold all over their bodies.

The warning of the ruler of heaven is better than any command.

Several people looked at Chen Feng, their faces all showing disgust.

Finally, Jackie Chan stared at Chen Feng with cold eyes, and Sen Han said: "Boy, you are lucky this time, the Lord of Heaven has protected you."

"After you come out of the world of death trials, I will clean up you!"

Chen Feng sneered.

I ignored them, turned and left.

In fact, it was the Lord of Heaven who protected them.

Had it not been for the rule of Heaven, Chen Feng had already cleaned up a few of them!

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