Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4480: Hourglass

Suddenly, he changed the conversation, and he smiled: "However, if you honestly explain the secrets of the old cave mansion, I will still be happy for you."

Mei Wuxian is not such a cowardly person.

At this point, she did not show any weakness or beg for mercy.

Just staring at the gray fox Gu Ming beast, sneered: "Wishful thinking!"

"Do you still want to enter the cave house left by Master Grandpa?"

"Tell you, even if you kill me, the cave house left by the grand master will definitely not be desecrated!"

Her voice was cold and stern, full of determination.

In the eyes of the gray fox Gu Ming beast, there was a fierce touch, which turned into anger.

But then, he shook his head.


There was a strange smile on that fox's face: "Little bitch, don't worry, I was just playing with you."

He sneered: "After you eat you, you can directly get the memories of the last few days in your mind."

He grinned, looking particularly hideous.

"I have discovered the Dongfu where the old things left behind for decades."

"I wandered around for decades, but I was still unable to enter."

"Several times, the defensive circle almost hurt me!"

"but now!"

He surveyed and said: "I can get the method to crack the cave from your memory."

"At that time, how could the magic circle outside the cave stop me?"

Hearing these words, Mei Wuxian was also cold all over, as if pouring down like a basin of ice water, it was cold to the bones.

Mei didn't have time to think of her miserable situation later.

Even with her outer softness and inner strength, and her inner strength, she couldn't help but give birth to a deep chill.

In the next moment, the Gray Fox Demon Emperor, without any nonsense, slowly pushed towards Mei Wuxian.

While moving forward, he sneered.


Obviously, it was to make Mei Wuxiao suffer in fear.

Mei Wuxian looked at the gray fox demon emperor who was constantly approaching with a low growl, a ray of despair flashed in her eyes.

"Do I really want to use this last hole card?"

"All the hole cards have been used up. After this hole card is used up, I have no more confidence in this deserted ancient ruin."

"This trip to the deserted ancient ruins, I'm afraid it will end, there is simply no strength to explore."

"And I've already explored halfway through, and the matter about the Zongmen ancestor master will also be abandoned halfway. Next time I come back to this barren ancient ruins, can I continue?

"The ruins will be opened in half a month!"

"My hole card, but I left it to explore that ruin!"

She bit her silver teeth secretly, her eyes full of unwillingness.

Since Mei Wuxie came here a few months ago, it has been quite smooth and lucky.

In addition, Chen Feng's previous order to raise his face gave him a lot of experience in coming here, so he avoided many dangers after coming here.

Soon, I found the clue left by the ancestor.

Follow all the way to here.

Just one day ago, she found the entrance to a cave house left by the ancestor.

As a result, because the cave mansion had existed here for many years, its formation was slightly damaged and its spiritual energy leaked slightly.

It has long attracted the coveting of a demon fox and demon emperor here.

This gray fox demon emperor was also the very cunning and cunning generation, unable to open it, but did not leave, but stayed by the side.

Sure enough, he waited until Mei Wuxie came.

After confirming that Mei Wuxian was connected with the person who left the cave, and there was a possibility of opening it, he suddenly made a move.

Mei Wuxi used three hole cards one after another before he escaped and ran all the way.

But if you escape here, you can't escape after all.

She thought to herself: "If I use this hole card, I will not be able to explore the ruins anymore. After returning to the Dragon Vein Continent, I will prepare to return to the deserted ancient ruins. I don't know when."

"By then, the ruins must have been closed."

"Master Patriarch's secret, I don't know how many years to find it!"

"Unless, after using this hole card to save his life, use the treasure given by Brother Chen Feng to invite him to the deserted ruins."

Seeing the gray fox demon emperor approaching closer, Mei Wuxi gritted his teeth and made a decision.

It's finally time to use his last hole card!

But then, her face changed.

It turned out that she found that when she wanted to make any movements, there was a strong force on the eight spear-like gray hairs.

Lock yourself up and down firmly like a chain.

He couldn't even move his fingers, let alone the last hole card used.

Seeing the expression on her face, the gray fox demon emperor who had been approaching slowly, smiled triumphantly: "Why, did you find that you can't move anymore?"

"Hahaha, little bitch, do you think I didn't guard you?"

It has to be said that compared with these powerful ancient beasts that have been in the deserted ruins for many years, Mei Wuxian is much worse in terms of strength or conspiracy.

At this time, Mei Wuxie was almost desperate in her heart.

"Could it be that you are going to die here today?"

It's just that she is also soft on the outside and tough on the inside.

Until the last moment, I will never give up.

"At this time, there is only one thing that can be used."

"Fortunately, fortunately, this thing can be used with a move of your mind! But you don't need to do it yet!"

Mei Wuxie looked into the distance, her eyes blank, as if she had passed through the sky: "Brother Chen Feng, everything is up to you!"

With her heart moved.

In her heart, a light slowly revealed.

The light is golden, as if there is fine sand left, just like an hourglass.

It's like that time and space have condensed into this little hourglass.

Watching the sands flow by, you can see the light changes and the vicissitudes of life.

At this time, all her hopes were left, and that was the treasure Chen Feng had given him before.

What Chen Feng gave her was not an ordinary life and death talisman, but a time and space hourglass.

This treasure was originally found by Chen Feng in the collection of the mysterious shopkeeper in the Valley of Silence.

The owner of the five-star Wudi is quite capable, has a large collection, and his identity is very mysterious.

The owner of the Hourglass of Time and Space first recognizes the Lord by dripping his blood, and then gives it to a close person to use.

The person who uses it can be motivated by a thought.

In an instant, it can penetrate the starry sky and universe, making the owner of this time-space hourglass perceive it.

Once the time-space hourglass is activated, a space door can appear in front of the person using it.

And the owner of the hourglass of time and space can directly come to the person who uses it through this space door.

However, the restrictions are quite large.

Chen Feng could only come here for half an hour through the space gate, and within half an hour he had to go back forcibly.

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