Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4481: Mystery girl

After all, when Chen Fengzhen gave this treasure to Mei Wuxian very importantly, just for fear of her being unpredictable.

And half an hour was enough for him.

The golden light sand flows around, and this treasure will be launched at the next moment.

However, Mei Wuxian does not know.

At the moment when she took out this thing, there was a light ‘huh’ in the depths of the jungle that was unknown how many miles away.

This is a tree hole.

In that mist, there are countless extremely tall trees.

If Chen Feng were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this place was the valley of dead silence he had been to.

The valley of dead silence, above the tallest and largest giant tree.

In the small tree hole, dry and warm, a young girl is sleeping in it.

Yes, it was sleeping.

She was a little unsightly, leaning on all sides, carelessly, sleeping soundly there, and even snored slightly.

The nose twitches from time to time, it feels really cute.

However, as she fell asleep soundly, on the surface of her body, there were countless black and white, imaginary and real lights, constantly fluttering.

These lights slowly condensed from the surrounding void.

When the number of condensed is enough, it will turn into a black and white, if it is real and virtual, floating into her body.

After the light belt floated into her body, her body's breath was strengthened.

Obviously, this mysterious power is condensed from the void.

Then, she was inhaled by the girl.

She is not only sleeping soundly, but also cultivating!

She can practice in her sleep.

If it is seen by other strong people, I am afraid that I will cry out in anger.

What kind of talent is this god-like, what kind of technique is this?

There is no need to condense the spirit, let alone suffering, to break through the shackles with pains, and to practice as long as you fall asleep?

This is too unfair!

At the moment when Mei Wuxiao'er thought about starting the hourglass of time, she suddenly woke up.

"This familiar breath seems to be that guy's breath!"

"Could it be that he has come to the deserted ancient ruins again?"

Thinking of this, she immediately became excited.

Like a weasel who finally caught a chicken, he showed a wicked smile.

"That guy, since he left last time, there has been no movement."

"I don't know which world he comes from, it's really hard to find."

"Unexpectedly, this time he will be delivered to the door, and it happens to be close to the left! Since it has something to do with that person's breath, you might as well go take a look!"

The girl smiled and tapped gently.

Suddenly, in front of her, a water mirror appeared.

The light of the water mirror twists and turns, and it stretches out an unknown distance in the void.

The next moment, a picture appeared on the water mirror.

In the picture, it is officially Mei Wuxian and the gray fox demon emperor.

The young girl also saw the little golden sand on Mei Wuxian's chest at a glance.

"Not him? Presumably, this woman is his deceased, and he gave this treasure."

"Then, there should be a lot of information from her."

The woman smiled, and then her figure flashed, and her figure was directly submerged in the water mirror.

At the next moment, there was an extra person in the water mirror picture!

It is this girl!

She entered the water mirror, and she went through an unknown space in an instant, and came to the side of Mei Wuxian!

I don't know what it is, it is so magical.

After the girl entered the water mirror, a small red figure flashed in at the entrance of the hole, hovering up and down.

The girl's movements are extremely quick and agile, the whole process is actually just a moment.

At this moment, before the cliff, the Grey Fox Demon Emperor had already come to Mei Wuxian's front.

He grinned and opened his mouth wide. Seeing the next moment, he would directly swallow Mei Wuxie.

At this time, there was a chuckle from the side.

"You beast, you are here to harm people again!"

For some reason, the gray fox demon emperor, who was extremely arrogant and extremely powerful, immediately shivered after hearing this voice.

The greed and viciousness in his eyes disappeared.

There is only a touch of intense and extreme fear!

After that, there was no hesitation.

His figure flashed, and he fled wildly.

He turned his head and ran, without hesitation, as if he had seen some natural enemy nemesis, fear to the extreme!

Seeing this scene, Mei Wuxiao's eyes widened in shock.

At this moment, she saw a girl in a red dress suddenly appeared in front of her.

That's right, it just appeared suddenly.

He didn't seem to be teleporting here with his body method, nor was he coming from running, just as if he was in the air and suddenly appeared like this!

The girl in the red dress looked at Mei Wuxie and smiled.

Then he looked sideways at the gray fox demon emperor who was running desperately.

With a chuckle: "I bumped into it, don't leave this time!"

As soon as the voice fell, the slender jade hand shook slightly.

Then, in her hand, a black and white ribbon flew out.

This is made up of countless black and white light spots, which seems to condense space and time.

It seems to be true, not false or true.

Black and white ribbons seem to be extremely slow, slowly flying.

But the next moment, he appeared in front of the gray fox demon emperor.

And as the Grey Fox Demon Emperor ran away desperately, it was as if he had sent his neck to the front of this black and white ribbon.

The next moment, the gray fox demon emperor's figure stagnated.

Then, he let out a stern howl before he died.

The howling sound stopped abruptly.

His body fell heavily to the ground, and the huge fox's head also hit the ground.

The head is different!

The gray fox demon emperor, directly in a different place, is completely dead!

Seeing this scene, Mei Wuxie's eyes widened, her face showing extreme shock.

The gray fox demon emperor at the pinnacle of the five-star demon emperor, and the gray fox demon emperor who was almost close to the master of the seven-star martial emperor, had no resistance within a single encounter, and was beheaded by this red skirt girl!

The girl in the red skirt smiled Yingying and looked at Mei Wuxie: "Who are you? Do you know Chen Feng?"

Although she was smiling at this moment, Mei Wuxian shivered violently, and her heart was full of fear.

"What kind of master is this girl in red dress?"

"What level is she? Seven-star Martial Emperor, Eight-star Martial Emperor? Or has she reached the realm of Nine-Star Martial Emperor?"

"Why is she so scary?"

"so horrible!"

However, after all, she was out of danger. This girl seemed to have no strong killing intent towards herself.

Moreover, she asked this sentence, which directly caused Mei Wuxie's heart to move.

"Could it be that she actually met Brother Chen Feng, so she saved me?"

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