Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4479: Mei Wuxian's crisis

Above the boundless earth, the starry sky seemed to be above the head, and it seemed that the stars and everything could be picked off by raising your head.

It's just that everyone knows that there is no idea how far away from the real star.

Poisonous gas is permeated everywhere, even if it is a powerful person in the Martial Emperor realm, if it takes a long time to breathe, it will cause irreversible damage to the body.

For the cultivation base, it is a big obstacle.

This is also the reason why the flow of time is obviously lower here, but few people practice here.

It is really not worth the loss.

Those obtained through cultivation are not comparable to the damage caused by the inhalation of toxic gases during the cultivation process, and it is really a loss-making business.

Here is a stretch of mountains.

This mountain range is huge, with huge peaks of hundreds of thousands of meters and millions of meters high.

At a glance, I don't know how large the ground area is covered.

However, these mountains appear to be a bit bare, because the surface of the mountains is lifeless and there is no grass.

There are huge exposed gray rocks everywhere.

But in this mountain range, there are many huge trees growing.

The volume of these huge trees is not even smaller than the average mountain peak.

If Chen Feng was here at this time, he would definitely be able to recognize it.

He had been to this place, or at least he had walked one of the routes.

Here is the only place to go to the Valley of Silence.

That endless barren mountain, that towering giant tree after another.

This is the mountain range outside the valley of dead silence.

Here, there is even more silence.

This is already close to the core area of ​​the desolate ancient ruins, and the closer the desolate ancient ruins are to the core area, the stronger the individual strength of the ancient Ming beast.

The stronger the strength level of the ancient Ming beast, the larger the territory it will occupy.

Therefore, the ancient Ming beasts here are becoming rarer.

Often, even if you travel here for three or five days, you won't encounter an ancient Ming beast.

The stronger the ancient Ming beast is, the less likely it will be to make a move. It's not that any one exists, passing by his territory, he will have to deal with it.

Then this ancient Ming beast is too idle.

In fact, most of their time is spent on cultivation and restful sleep.

But at this moment, the tranquility was suddenly broken in this huge wood forest that seemed to be quiet and ancient.

A green ray came quickly towards the east.

This green light is a human shadow.

A circle of bubbles around the figure enveloped her like armor.

She is extremely fast, breathing heavily, and looks a little anxious.

Being chased!

It's just that she seems to be accustomed to seeing heavy winds and heavy rains, and she is not very panicked.

If you look closely, you will find that this is a pretty woman.

If Chen Feng was here, he would definitely be able to recognize this person.

This is Mei Wuxian!

Mei Wuxian, who has come to the barren ruins alone, has no time!

And not far behind her, bursts of low roars kept coming, with indescribable greed and devouring.

It seemed that she was going to swallow her in one bite.

But for a moment, behind Mei Wuxian, a huge ancient Ming beast appeared.

This ancient underworld beast is more than ten meters long and not too big in size, but it is not too small in the Demon Emperor Realm.

Demon Emperor Realm Ancient Ming Beast, extremely condensed in size, extremely restrained in strength.

Therefore, with the exception of those natural alien species, the size is not considered to be the largest.

The most important thing is that the aura on this ancient underworld beast has reached the peak of a full five-star monster emperor!

Seeing, one foot has already stepped into the Six-Star Demon Emperor.

In other words, his strength has reached the peak of the Six-Star Martial Emperor, and it is even more possible to break into the realm of the Seven-Star Martial Emperor!

This level of Gu Ming beast, even if Chen Feng dealt with it, was quite tricky, let alone Mei Wuxian.

This ancient underworld beast looked like a fox magnified many times.

However, it is not the pure color of snow white or fiery red.

It was gray and black, with three tails behind its ass.

This tail is not the kind of long and slender, but a mess.

This fox is not like the fox monsters on the Dragon Vein Continent, small, elegant and dexterous.

But the whole body is extremely strong, the muscles are knotted, and the fur is raised high.

The gray fur is very messy, and there are many scars on it.

The expression in his eyes was sinister and even more indescribable.

He followed Mei Wuxian leisurely and chased forward.

Obviously, his strength can easily catch up with Mei Wuxian, and now he is just playing with her.

It took an hour to escape and chase.

Suddenly, the gray fox ancient Ming beast made a muddy grunt in its throat.

A voice suddenly sounded, but it was a low and hoarse male voice:

"Humble humans, I'm playing enough for you."

"Now, it's time to harvest your life!"

Mei Wuxian, who was on the run, suddenly felt horrified, and she shuddered all over!

A sense of crisis is coming!

She exclaimed and dodge desperately!

However, it cannot be completely avoided.

Dozens of gray lights instantly sealed her up, down, left, and right.

Mei Wuxian avoided most of it, but was severely nailed by the eight gray lights.

These eight gray rays directly penetrated her whole!

Dudu several sounds!

It was fierce and nailed her to a cliff several hundred meters away.

The eight gray rays of light turned out to be the hair on this gray fox ancient Ming beast.

Each hair, under his power penetration, is three meters long, hard, straight and extremely sharp, glowing with bursts of gray light.

Like eight spears, Mei Wuxiao was firmly nailed to it.

Mei Wuxiao's painful face was pale, her forehead was sweating, and her whole body was shaking.

Eight spears penetrated her.

There is no shortage of key points of piercing, which not only caused strong pain to her, but also caused her to be deeply injured.

Mei Wuxie's blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, and the green light around her body shook for a while, almost unable to maintain it.

She was even more shocked: "So this beast is so strong!"

"It seems that I can't catch up with me after a few hours, but I'm actually playing tricks on me!"

The gray fox Gu Ming beast stopped in front of Mei Wuxian, staring at her with that sinister gaze.

His eyes were muddy, with indescribable greed.

He paced back and forth, looking at Mei Wuxian, his hoarse voice sounded again: "You are so talented!"

"Unexpectedly, there is such a powerful talent and potential hidden in your body, and the cultivation technique is also good."

"It seems that he is a person with a deep heritage."

"I swallowed you today, maybe I can directly break into the Six-Star Demon Emperor!"

He actually wanted to swallow Mei Wuxian.

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