Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4478: You owe her!

She knew how much Chen Feng hated the Bahuang Tianmen, let alone the direct reason for Chen Feng's action, it was her!

She covered her face and suddenly howled and trembling like a nervous breakdown.

Chen Feng's movements stagnated.

He slowly turned around and looked at Luo Zilan and then at Master Miaozhen.

His eyes were deep, and he didn't speak for a long time.

This kind of almost stagnant air made Master Miao Zhen dare not breathe.

She felt as if time had frozen.

Every minute, every second, it became extremely slow, and it was hard to tell.

Finally, Chen Feng spoke slowly.

He stared at Master Miaozhen and said every word: "Master Miaozhen, you don't have to force Luo Zilan!"


Chen Feng looked at Master Miaozhen: "Today, I give Luo Zilan this face!"

He said this sentence in an extremely difficult voice, as if he had made a difficult decision.

After that, I only felt the indescribable anger in my heart, frantic!

Huo Ran walked to Master Miaozhen, his hand almost touched Master Miaozhen's face, and shouted frantically, "Remember, this face is not for you!"

"It's for her!"

"From then on, she doesn't owe you anything! Instead, you owe her!"

The next moment, he turned around, and his voice rang like thunder, resounding through the entire Bahuang Tianmen!

"The Dog East Gate of Bahuang Tianmen, I will give you an hour!"

"Within an hour, you will collect all the treasures, classics, treasures, etc. of the Bahuang Tianmen!"

"Take them and get out of it!"

"Come on the square!"

"I allow you to find another place to rebuild the sect!"

"It's just that I'm not allowed to call this name anymore! Today's Eight Desolate Heaven Gate, I must be destroyed!"

"I only give it to you!"

He raised a finger high: "One hour's time!"

Many Bahuang Tianmen disciples were stunned, staying there did not recover.

Master Miaozhen, with a look of ecstasy on his face, screamed: "What are you doing in a daze?"

"Don't hurry up and take out all the things passed down from our ancestors!"

These Bahuang Tianmen disciples, awake like a dream, rushed back crazy and collected all the treasures.

Luo Zilan looked up at Chen Feng, her eyes filled with gratitude.

She knew what Chen Feng had compromised for her!

What Chen Feng wanted was not only to destroy the Bahuang Tianmen, but also to cut off the inheritance of the Bahuang Tianmen.

But now, he compromised.

The Bahuang Tianmen must be destroyed, but these people, these things, can be passed on.

And he did all this for himself!

Chen Feng hugged Luo Zilan into his arms, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and whispered: "It's okay, it's okay."

"Don't worry, you won't be embarrassed!"

Master Miaozhen came over and looked at Chen Feng as if he wanted to say something.

But his lips squirmed for a long time, after all, he didn't say anything.

She glanced at Luo Zilan, with a little guilt in her eyes.

But then, she flashed her figure and jumped in.

Now in the Bahuang Tianmen, apart from the elders outside, she is the only elder of the Six-Star Martial Emperor level among the sects.

There are many important things that she needs to take back.

Soon, an hour passed.

These Bahuang Tianmen disciples had been scared by Chen Feng a long time ago, and they didn't have any guts to delay.

They all rushed back on time.

As you can imagine, their golden thread kits are filled with various treasures.

Now, the entire Bahuang Tianmen has become an empty city.

The next moment, Chen Feng flicked his finger.

When the fire light fell, the fire took advantage of the wind, and instantly rose up.

The flames blazed into the sky, and the Nine Yin Martial Spirits of the candle flew to the top of the eight deserted heaven gates, opened their mouths, and exhaled fiercely.

Suddenly, the thick pillars of fire were swept down.

In an instant, fires lit up all over the Bahuang Tianmen.

The fire suddenly increased, and it took almost a moment to envelope the entire Bahuang Tianmen.

Not to be outdone, the blood wind flew in and set fire everywhere.

These two guys seem to be particularly interested in this kind of ignition.

Chen Feng looked at them cheering in the fire, as if seeing two bear children.

In an instant, the huge Bahuang Tianmen with a radius of hundreds of miles was shrouded in a sea of ​​fire.

The flames in various places are connected together.

With a huge sea of ​​fire hundreds of miles around, the flames rose to a height of several kilometers.

When the setting sun goes down, it seems to be connected with the setting sun above the sky, as if it can burn the sky!

This huge flame shocked the area covered by the Eight Desolate Heaven Gate covering thousands of miles or even tens of thousands of miles.

Many people saw the flame and looked over here in shock.

When he discovered that the place where the flame was burning was the Bahuang Tianmen, he was even more shocked and lost his voice.

I don’t know what happened to the Bahuang Tianmen, one of the nine forces, the master of this area!

The huge heat distorted the air, and the crowd retreated.

Only Chen Feng stood in front of this mountain gate, looking at the Bahuang Tianmen that was gradually engulfed by fire!

"Let's take this fire as my memorial to you!"

Chen Feng sighed lightly, his eyes deep.

He leaned slightly, holding his hands on his chest, his eyelids drooping, and a touch of reminiscence appeared in his eyes.

It is as if a memorial fire was lit in front of the tombs of Bai Shanshui and others.

The rumbling voice kept coming.

Countless palaces collapsed, huge trees fell, and bricks shattered.

The sky was flying ashes and dispersed.

It was like paper money burned for them.

Chen Feng opened his arms and closed his eyes, as if embracing the flame.

He muttered softly: "Did you see it?"

"Senior Brother Bai, have you seen it? Ruyan, have you seen it? Yuechun, have you seen it?"

"This flame is for you!"

"You guys, can you see it?"

"The Bahuang Tianmen, one of the chief culprits of your death, the Bahuang Tianmen, has been destroyed."

"And this is just the beginning!"

His voice grew louder and louder, rumbling like thunder: "The beginning of my revenge!"

The Bahuang Tianmen disciple looked at this grand flame, watching the sky fly into ashes.

Some looked like dementia, and some looked startled, some cried loudly.

But in their hearts, a voice became clearer and clearer!

"The Bahuang Tianmen is destroyed! Starting today, the Bahuang Tianmen has disappeared!"

Almost at the same time.

In that far away, I don’t know how many billions of miles away, even across the void of the universe in another world.

There is also an extremely close relationship with Chen Feng that is happening.

Here is the deserted ancient ruins.

As always, desolate and silent.

But it is full of weird vitality.

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