Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4236: reward! Dongyang Emperor Dongfu!

Basically, everyone knew what this time was for before they came.

However, Xiahou Jiuyuan's words seemed to have special appeal, and many people were excited and shouted!

Xiahou Jiuyuan smiled and said, "Okay, now I invite all those who come to watch the ceremony, and take their seats."

After all, it is a hand up.

As soon as he made his movements, everyone felt nothing strange.

But as powerful as Chen Feng, he felt that the world was suddenly different.

It was as if between the world, a big hand was stretched in and swiped fiercely.

An invisible wave of air was immediately moved out, but this wave of invisible air was not a purely destructive force, it contained many mysterious things.

Chen Feng even felt the existence of the law.

When he faced this blow, he felt a bit like being in a time tunnel, facing the law of space, the law of time.

The next moment, the edge of the undulating valley made of leaves hundreds of thousands meters away from Xiahou Jiuyuan, with a bang, exploded a circle of green light.

This circle of green light began to change rapidly.

The leaves began to stir, forming seats, steps, and stands.

High and low are scattered, and rules are implied.

Chen Feng couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath: "This Xiahou Jiuyuan is too terrifying. He just brushed his sleeves, but he has already revealed his incomparable strength!"

"Just now, at least he has the strength to surpass Qixing Wudi!"

But just surpassing Qixing Wudi's strength, that's all.

The most important thing is that his control of power can be said to be wonderful.

He just raised his hand, but it turned out that a hillside a hundred miles away, tens of thousands of meters long, and hundreds of meters high, changed its appearance.

From the previous chaos, countless leaves are layered on top of each other, and turned into countless leaves, forming one after another seat, even a stand.

At this moment, his power was at least subdivided into tens of thousands of Dao, and then each Dao had extremely complicated applications.

"What a terrifying ability to control this! It can definitely be called nuanced!"

Chen Feng asked himself, his control ability is strong enough.

But compared with Xiahou Jiuyuan, he doesn't even have one percent of him!

"If I face Xiahou Jiuyuan at this time, there is only one dead end."

"His control of power is too strong!"

This scene not only shocked Chen Feng, but other people were also shocked to speak.

After a while, there were bursts of exclamation.

"Xiahou Jiuyuan, the strength is too strong!"

"It deserves to be the first person of the nine forces! Suppress the existence of the entire Dragon Vein Continent!"

Everyone was admired.

Before, many of the nine major forces who were quite unconvinced and showed a shameless expression were also completely convinced.

There were still many people whispering underneath just now, but now they are silent and no one is speaking.

Quietly, Xiahou Jiuyuan was already giving everyone a disarm.

Seeing this scene, Xiahou Jiuyuan's face was still indifferent.

This old man may have seen too many things, and this kind of thing can't even cause waves in his heart.

He smiled slightly, and said slowly: "The table is ready, and I invite you to take your seats."

After all, it was a wave of hands.

Suddenly, the tens of thousands of people among the crowd who came to watch the ceremony felt their bodies flying involuntarily.

Tengyun, like a fog, flew toward the stand seat.

After a while, they all fell.

Everyone present is not weak.

Even among these people who came to watch the ceremony, there was no shortage of three-star Wudi and four-star Wudi masters.

But just before facing Xiahou Jiuyuan, they waved their hands gently, and they didn't have the power to fight back.

And tens of thousands of them!

They were all wrapped in Xiahou Jiuyuan and flew up, and everyone landed steadily.

More importantly, they were originally in the same group, so they were sat together separately, without any mistake.

The various factions are clearly separated, and there are even vacant seats in the middle, not sitting scattered together!

This scene made everyone completely convinced.

Many people looked at Xiahou Jiuyuan with awe and worship in their eyes, even as they looked at the gods.

Only Chen Feng stared at Xiahou Jiuyuan's sleeve.

Because he saw that under Xiahou Jiuyuan's seemingly understatement, his body trembled for several times before he stopped.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth:,

"Xiahou Jiuyuan's two times seem to be an understatement, but in fact, he has already tried his best. It is not as easy as his performance!"

After everyone was seated, the number of people left around the high platform at this time had been reduced to less than two hundred.

It was all the young talents who participated in Kong Sang's Lunjian this time.

The rest of these people looked at each other, but their eyes were extremely fierce.

This time, everyone except themselves is the enemy of life and death!

Xiahou Jiuyuan also seemed very satisfied with the state of these young talents.

His voice sounded, but this time it became cold and intense:

"Everyone, you should also know that I am the Grand Marshal of the God of War Palace!"

"Rongma is so beautiful, see more life and death!"

"Tell you, for nearly two hundred of you, this time the empty sang sword is not a test! It is not a contest!"

"Instead, a life and death fight!"

There was a hint of gold and iron horse in his voice, murderous:

"You should treat this time as a battlefield, and everyone is your enemy!"

"You can only win if you kill all the enemies!"

The people who participated in Kongsang's Lunjian were all suppressed by these words.

The next moment, they shouted with excitement!

Their emotions have been completely provoked by Xiahou Jiuyuan.

A smile appeared at the corner of Xiahou Jiuyuan's mouth: "Well, what I want is this kind of aura."

"However, we will never treat the winner badly, this time..."

He paused and said, "This time Kongsang's sword is the first, the reward is!"

Everyone held their breath and looked at Xiahou Jiuyuan expectantly.

What they care about most is the reward this time.

Because the news came out before, this time in order to inspire the young talents of the nine major forces, the nine major forces including the God of War Palace, joined hands and paid a great price to get an extremely precious treasure.

This treasure is the reward for the first place!

There are so many masters in the nine forces!

After so many people died, they got a treasure, how precious it is!

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