Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4235: Xiahou Jiuyuan!

"You don't know how terrifying Chen Feng's strength is!"

At this time, Chen Feng looked at them like a fool, and smiled: "Who said Wu Linghan would join the Xuanyuan family?"

Suddenly, all the clamors just now stopped abruptly.

Everyone was beaten by Chen Feng's words, and they were stunned, unable to speak for a while.

For a moment, the silence was a little scary.

With a chuckle, broke the tranquility here.

But the onlookers were laughing out loud.

Everyone only felt that this scene was really ridiculous. A bunch of people were chatting about it for a long time. As a result, Chen Feng didn't want Wu Linghan to fight for the Xuanyuan family at all.

But after this moment of silence, the crowd immediately clamored again.

Before, I looked down on Chen Feng and the middle-aged man who looked down on the Xuanyuan family. He sneered and said:

"It turns out that Chen Feng is not only weak, and his realm has been blown up forcibly, but he is also a generation without a city government!"


His words were echoed by many people.

"This Chen Feng was agitated by a few words, and he took the initiative to give up Wu Linghan's strong support."

Someone nearby laughed and said: "If you change to someone else, you will be shameless and you have to leave Wu Linghan behind."

"As a result, this Chen Feng still voluntarily gave up. It can be seen that this Chen Feng really hasn't experienced much experience, very impetuous, and very bad temperament!"

The middle-aged man looked at Chen Feng, with a flash of jealousy in his eyes.

He laughed loudly:

"Is such a person worthy of being called the pride of the sky? Is he worthy of so many resources from the Xuanyuan family? Is he still worthy of his current strength? It's ridiculous!"

He is very jealous of Chen Feng, so he has been attacking here all the time.

Chen Feng suddenly looked at the middle-aged man and smiled: "Dare to ask your name Gao?"

The middle-aged man sneered and said, "Why are you in Xiatan Taiwu? Chen Gongzi still wants to retaliate against me?"

"No such meaning at all."

Chen Feng shook his head and smiled faintly: "Take revenge on you? Are you worthy?"

"I asked what your name is, just to tell you..."

Chen Feng pointed at Tantai Wu, his voice was faint, seemingly devoid of emotions, but in reality he was indescribably domineering:

"You will be slapped in the face, and it will be a slap in the face! You will feel ashamed and regret for what you say now!"

Chen Feng's words are like a ruling!

Tantaiwu's face turned pale in an instant, and he suddenly felt that a muffled thunder rang in his ears, and his whole person was a little dizzy.

It seems that if Chen Feng's words fall, then it is destined to become a reality.

He was a little dumbfounded and his face turned pale.

He felt that he seemed to have done something wrong that would make Zi regret his life.

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly came:

"Everyone, please be quiet."

"Kong Sang on the sword, about to begin!"

Chen Feng could hear that this was the voice of Pu Xingzhou.

Everyone was quiet instantly.

However, looking at Chen Feng and Xuanyuan's family, they were still full of strangeness, with disdain, contempt, and regret.

Taking pleasure in misfortune, watching with cold eyes.

But none of his eyes were full of kindness.

At this time, Chen Feng stood there quietly and stopped talking.

However, his eyes seemed to be burning like flames!

Today, since coming here, he, and the Xuanyuan family, have been filled with contempt and disdain from the audience!

The anger in Chen Feng's heart is about to accumulate to an extreme!

However, he did not choose to break out now!

He wants to burst out when Kongsang discusses the sword!

Use facts to slap everyone in the face!

Chen Feng is already very much looking forward to it, Kong Sang talks about the sword, come quickly!

At this time, several human shadows crossed the sky and landed on the high platform.

Soon, the light and shadow dissipated, revealing that there were two people inside.

One of them, Chen Feng recognized, was Pu Xingzhou.

And beside him, there is an old man, this old man is extremely tall and strong.

Although old, it feels like. But the body is full of extraordinarily exuberant, almost explosive, powerful vitality overflowing outside!

Above his body, he was wearing a golden armor.

The golden battle armor is quite simple, it does not cover the whole body, and even only has a few places in key parts of the body.

Such as elbows, knees, and a breastplate, a helmet.

The golden battle armor even looked a little dim, as if there was nothing surprising.

But no one dares to despise, or to say, no one will despise it!

All this is because of the identity of this person!

When he appeared, there were already bursts of exclamation in the crowd!

"Xiahou Jiuyuan, Marshal Xiahou Jiuyuan of God of War Palace!"

"Is it the Xiahou Jiuyuan who claims to be the number one person in the Nine Powers, and maybe even the number one in the Dragon Vein Continent?"

"That's right! The number one in the Dragon Vessel Continent dare not say, but he is indeed the number one among the nine forces!"

"It is said that his strength has reached the Eight-Star Emperor Wudi, or even higher!"

"I don't know. The last time he appeared was a hundred years ago. At that time, his strength had already reached the Seven-Star Martial Emperor! After a hundred years, who knows how strong his strength is?"

Many people are even more excited.

Xiahou Jiuyuan has not appeared in the Dragon Vein Continent for a long time. This time he appeared, which shows that he attaches great importance to Kongsang Lunjian.

And his arrival also means that this reward is definitely not bad!

Chen Feng also moved in his heart: "Is this Xiahou Jiuyuan?"

"That Xiahou Jiuyuan who rules the Mansion of the God of War, overwhelms the entire Dragon Vein Continent, and is faintly the first person in the Dragon Vein Continent?"

Chen Feng suddenly raised his head and looked at Xiahou Jiuyuan.

In the eyes, if there is flames, it is full of longing eyes.

Xiahou Jiuyuan is the strongest person he can come into contact with now!

Chen Feng wants to know how strong his strength is?

Xiahou Jiuyuan looked at everyone and slowly said: "Everyone, I am very grateful to you for being able to participate in Kongsang Lunjian this time, Zai Xia and the God of War Palace, and the nine major forces."

He said a polite remark, which is straight to the subject.

"This time, everyone should know the purpose of Kongsang's sword discussion."

His voice suddenly became fierce: "The Hall of Soul Destruction has been chaotic all these years!"

"My nine major forces, as the right way, are duty-bound to suppress them!"

"This time, Kong Sang Lunjian is to select the most outstanding young talents among the nine major forces and provide them with a lot of training resources!"

"Training with huge resources!"

"Enhance its strength! Stabilize its realm! Increase its combat power!"

"Then, go to the Hall of Soul Destruction and confront it!"

Everyone listened attentively.

He paused and continued: "One way, it can weaken the Hall of Soul Destruction. Secondly, it is to train one's own disciples."

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