Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4237: legend! Emperor Dongyang!

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Facing everyone's gaze, Xiahou Jiuyuan smiled and said: "The reward is Dongyang Emperor's cave mansion!"

When he said these words, the scene fell into silence in an instant.

In the next moment, many people gave out huge exclamations.

"Dongyang Emperor Dongfu?"

It was a look mixed with shock, disbelief, and intense ecstasy!

But more people looked blank, wondering what this Dongyang Emperor Dongfu was!

"What? Dongyang Emperor Dongfu?"

After Chen Feng heard this, his heart was shocked.

Chen Feng has traveled all over the Longmai Continent over the years and has been exposed to many top secret news.

And he has been extremely concerned about this matter since he knew that there was such an empty sword discussion a few years ago.

I read a lot of news about Kongsang Lunjian, Kongsang Shenshu.

At the same time, he also learned some rumors about Dongyang Emperor.

This Emperor of Dongyang is an extremely legendary character.

To be precise, he is not alone, nor in the form of a monster.

His origin is similar to Qingmu and Wuling, but he is transformed into a jade plant!

And before he transformed, it was this empty mulberry tree.

Or to be more precise, it is a fruit on the empty mulberry tree!

This kind of background is legendary enough.

On the Dragon Vein Continent, monsters transform into forms. Although rare, there are always some.

Lingzhi transforms into form, and it is not without it.

But the most important, and also the most legendary point for him, is that he came from the Kongsang God Tree!

The empty mulberry tree has grown on this dragon vein continent for tens of thousands of years.

Some people even speculated that the time when the empty mulberry tree appeared earlier than the Dragon Vein Continent.

Of course, all the warriors who appeared on the Dragon Vein Continent earlier.

The warriors who were on the Dragon Vein Continent were still smashing through the thorns. At the time of barbarism and primitiveness, the empty mulberry tree already existed.

I don't know which strong man who stood up to the ground could plant this sacred tree.

The Kongsang Divine Tree itself is also an extremely powerful Yuzhi. In terms of strength, it is even extremely top-notch above the entire Dragon Vein Continent.

If you compare it to humans, then his realm is only a few levels higher than Jiuxing Wudi, and he is an existence that has completely surpassed the warriors on the Dragon Vein Continent.

It can even be said that it is not a creature of magnitude.

If the human warrior were just ordinary creatures, then the empty mulberry tree might be considered a super creature.

The empty mulberry tree has grown here for so many years, but it has never been heard that human warriors have picked fruit from the empty mulberry tree.

The fact is that the empty mulberry tree has only grown one fruit since ancient times!

This fruit gave birth to the Emperor of Dongyang.

It can be said that the Emperor of Dongyang is a spirit of Zhong Tiandi, born from the spiritual energy accumulated by the empty mulberry tree for years.

Therefore, he was extremely powerful from birth.

When the Emperor Dongyang first appeared, no one knew the details.

I only know that this is a strong man who has reached the Qixing Wudi.

And his appearance on the Dragon Vein Continent was extremely short, and his active time was only a few decades.

In just a few decades, he has already surpassed the strength of Emperor Wudi of Nine Stars.

Back then, in the time of Emperor Dongyang, the six hidden sects were still in control of the entire Dragon Vein Continent.

Among the six hidden sects, each sect has Jiuxing Wudi and even people who surpass the Jiuxing Wudi.

However, the world only knew Emperor Dongyang, and no one knew the six hidden sects!

Emperor Dongyang, with his own power, suppressed all the nine-star martial emperors of the six hidden sects and those who surpassed the nine-star martial emperor!

It can be seen how strong his strength is!

In just a few decades, Emperor Dongyang has already shed countless legends on the Dragon Vein Continent.

No one knew the origin of it, and only thought he was a hidden power.

Later, on a certain day, Emperor Donghua sent out hero posts, inviting all the heroes of the world to come to this empty mulberry sea, the empty mulberry tree.

After everyone arrived, at the top of the empty mulberry tree, where everyone stood at this time, Emperor Dongyang told everyone his origin.

Everyone just knew his origin.

At the beginning of this day, Kongsang Divine Tree became the number one divine tree in the mainland and a holy place that countless people yearn for.

Before that, he was just a strong and overly strong Yuzhi.

Emperor Dongyang summoned everyone and told everyone their origins, and then he left.

From then on, there was no trace of it on the Dragon Vein Continent.

The world is rumored that he has been broken and gone.

Countless people have searched for Dongyang Emperor's Dongfu and where he practiced.

After all, everyone knows that finding it means getting a treasure of incomparable horror.

However, no one has ever succeeded.

Many people also believed that the Dongyang Emperor's cave must be in this empty mulberry tree.

Many people have hit the idea of ​​the empty mulberry tree.

But it was not until this time that they realized how terrifying the empty mulberry tree that gave birth to such terrifying powerhouses as Emperor Dongyang.

There was once a top eight-star Martial Emperor peak powerhouse who tried to lead someone to open a place in the Kongsang Divine Tree, which he thought was the place where Emperor Dongyang was practicing.

As a result, it was directly pulled into debris by the huge roots of the Kongsang God Tree!

There was even no way to fight back.

Since then, no one dares to make bad ideas!

But today, Xiahou Jiuyuan actually said that they have found the Dongyang Emperor's cave house!

How is this not shocking?

Everyone talked loudly.

"Dongyang Emperor Dongfu, how many treasures are there?"

"I am now a five-star Wudi. If I enter Dongyang Emperor Dongfu, I am afraid that I can quickly climb to the six-star Wudi, and it is even possible to see the realm of the seven-star Wudi!"

Some young strong men said with a high spirited face.

And the people next to him all offered compliments:

"Then congratulations to Xiongtai first."

"At that time, Xiongtai will be a powerful person comparable to the master level of the nine major forces!"

Some people couldn't control their emotions for a while, and shouted with excitement, "This first person's position must be mine!"

Everyone's eyes were filled with one of greed, and the fighting spirit was burned instantly.

Seeing this scene, Xiahou Jiuyuan smiled slightly.

Everyone was ignited!

Chen Feng suddenly jumped in his heart, and suddenly he thought of something, and suddenly became extremely excited.

"This is a great opportunity for me!"

He murmured in his heart: "My heaven and earth have repeated reincarnation magic. If you want to practice, you must stimulate the white bones."

"And the white bone flakes want to be inspired, then you need a powerful soul."

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