Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4234: Just know to hide behind a woman!

Overwhelming the many geniuses of the Foundry Association, and became the best disciple of the younger generation of the Foundry Association!

And her origin is extremely mysterious, almost no one knows.

Many families and forces are extremely interested in Wu Linghan.

But in any case, Wu Linghan is very simple, only knows that he does not go out at all.

So they don't know much about Wu Linghan. Few people saw Wu Linghan's face, and they didn't recognize it just now.

At this time, everyone from the Casting Division said that they knew the identity of this woman!

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were focused on Wu Linghan.

Then, he moved to Chen Feng's body.

Looking at the two of them, their expressions became very strange: "This is interesting!"

"Yeah, the most outstanding female disciple of the Foundry Masters Association actually mixed with the Xuanyuan family?"

"And it seems to be extremely attached to Chen Feng, willing to take action for him!"

"This Chen Feng is really rich in beauty and strength, but he has to be so beautiful!"

The brawny man with ragged clothes that came out first, saw Wu Linghan not speaking, and said loudly: "Master sister, you have something to say!"

Wu Linghan looked at it and couldn't help but laugh.

She waved her hand: "You go back and tell them, Founders Association, I won't return."

"Looking back, I will visit Master and his old man."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar!

"Wu Linghan didn't even join the Foundry Association to participate in this Kongsang Lunjian, but would want to mix with the Xuanyuan family?"

Suddenly, everyone in the Foundry Association looked very ugly.

And the brawny man in ragged clothes broke out directly and was about to make a big fuss.

But Wu Linghan gave him a stern look and whispered: "Close your stinky mouth, do you want to be cleaned up?"

Upon hearing this, the strong man shuddered at once, and took a step back. He never saw the mighty look just now.

Like a trembling little quail.

Obviously, he was extremely afraid of Wu Linghan, and he couldn't say any more hard words, just muttering there, not knowing what he was talking about.

But at this time, there was a pair of eyes next to him that was excited.

After knowing Wu Linghan's true identity, Baili Minxue suddenly became excited again!

"It turns out that Wu Linghan is not from the Xuanyuan family!"

"She is a genius of the Foundry Masters Association. Although she is mixed with Chen Feng, she is not a member of the Xuanyuan family!"


Baili Minxue suddenly thought: "I can't beat Wu Linghan, and I may not beat Chen Feng!"

"This Chen Feng is just a soft meal! Relying entirely on Wu Linghan! Knowing to hide behind Wu Linghan!"

Baili Minxue stood up suddenly, rushed in front of everyone, staring at Chen Feng with a bitter expression on his face:

"Chen Feng, it turns out that you are a trash who can only hide behind women!"

"Don't dare to do it yourself, only dare to let your woman do it?"

Looking at Baili Minxue, Chen Feng shook his head helplessly, and said, "Baily Minxue, do you like being beaten so much?"

"You just got slapped in the face by Wu Linghan once, now you want me to hit you again?"

At this time, there was also a whisper in the crowd.

Everyone looked at Chen Feng with more contempt.

"It turns out that Chen Feng really eats soft rice!"

Someone said with jealousy: "Looking at this look, you know that you are eating soft rice."

Some people even had their faces full of disdain: "What is the Xuanyuan family genius, what is the young talent of the Dragon Vein Continent, has a false name, it is already a trash who only knows to hide behind a woman!"

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, Chen Fengfeng is a soft meal, only relying on Wu Linghan to show off his power here.

Wu Linghan, Mei Wuxia, etc. were all flushed with anger.

Win Ziyue is particularly strong-tempered, how can he stand this?

I'm going to argue with everyone.

But Chen Feng smiled slightly and reached out to stop her.

He just looked at these ants with interest, and opened his teeth and claws in front of him.

However, in the crowd, there are some people who are silent, with a funny expression on their faces, looking at those who speak contempt for Chen Feng.

These people were fortunate enough to witness Chen Feng's powerful strength yesterday.

They naturally know how tyrannical and terrifying Chen Feng is!

I also understand how ridiculous these people mocking him at this time are!

"These people are really ridiculous, and still despise Chen Feng?"

"They even think that Chen Feng is less than the four-star Emperor Wu, which really made Lao Tzu laugh!"

"Chen Feng's true strength has reached the six-star Wudi, they know what a shit! Really ignorant are fearless!"

"Poor and ridiculous! Stupid! Still saying that Chen Feng is rubbish? No one knows that they are!"

at this time. Among those in the Foundry Association, an old man winked at a disciple next to him.

This old man is the elder leading the team from the Foundry Association.

A vicious look flashed in his eyes: "Wu Linghan, you are not willing to work for our Foundry Master Association, are you? Then I can't let you work for the Xuanyuan Family!"

The disciple understood, and shouted loudly among the crowd: "What the **** is this?"

"Our Founders Association has worked so hard to train the strong, why do they serve the Xuanyuan Family?"

"I want to see the Marshal of the God of War Palace, I'm not convinced!"

"That is, it's not fair. This Wu Linghan is a genius from the Foundry Association, the top master of the younger generation, why should he join the Xuanyuan family?"

"If this is the case, other geniuses can join other forces at will and participate in Kongsang Lunjian!"

The people of the Foundry Association are really angry, and they protest loudly here.

But there are also many family members who fish in troubled waters.

Caught in it, arrogant.

They naturally didn't want to see Wu Linghan join the Xuanyuan family.

In their opinion, it is not surprising that the Xuanyuan family includes Chen Feng.

The strongest now is Wu Linghan, and the only one who can pose a threat to everyone is also Wu Linghan.

As long as she doesn't join, the Xuanyuan family will die miserably!

Their current goal is to force Wu Linghan not to join the Xuanyuan family.

At this time, Lan Zihan was surrounded by a large number of experts from God of War Palace.

This time, Lan Zihan assisted Tianlongwei General Pu Xingzhou to maintain the order of the Kong Sang Lunjian.

Seeing him passing by, suddenly some people gathered around and shouted: "General Blue, you come to preside over justice for us!"

After listening to the reason, Lan Zihan was stunned.

Then he looked at them, and then a very ridiculous expression appeared in his eyes.

"This group of people feel that the Xuanyuan family is not a concern? This group of people actually think that the Xuanyuan family has Wu Linghan to make a difference in Kongsang Lunjian?"

"Are you a bunch of fools?"

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