Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2272: Uncle Dao, trust me!

Chen Feng nodded solemnly, and suddenly bowed deeply, saying word by word: "Elder Liu, today's kindness, Chen Feng will not dare to forget."

Liu Chengyi patted him on the shoulder, and said gratifiedly: "It's good if you have this heart. You don't need to be too polite with me about this matter.

Chen Feng knew that he said this only to comfort himself.

Looking at him, you know what a huge price he paid to heal Uncle Dao!

Chen Feng was extremely grateful to him in his heart. If he was grateful, even if Chen Feng said it once, he would only repay him with practical actions.

Uncle Dao woke up at this time, he looked at Chen Feng, panting violently, his voice was like a bellows.

His voice became extremely hoarse: "Little Master, you, are you all right?"

Chen Feng's tears came down immediately, Uncle Dao has become like this, and what he is worried about is that he is afraid of being hurt.

Chen Feng trembled: "Uncle Dao, don't worry, I'm fine, I'm fine."

"That's good, it's okay." Uncle Dao smiled comfortedly. He seemed to be extremely difficult to speak at this time. Obviously, the toxin also had a great impact on his lungs.

He trembled: "Little Master, you don't need to worry about me, you can just do your own thing. If the old slave can die to save you, it's a good death."

Chen Feng shook his head desperately, and he suddenly said loudly: "Uncle Dao, don't say it, you just have to remember one thing, that is, I will be able to save you!"

He held Uncle Dao’s shoulder and stared into his eyes, and said word by word: "Uncle Dao, I said I can save you, do you believe it or not?"

"Do you believe me?"

Uncle Dao looked at Chen Feng's gaze, and his whole body trembled. He could feel the boundless and intense concern and obsession from Chen Feng's gaze!

He trembled in his heart and nodded, "Little Master, I have always believed in you."

"Okay, that's okay, you are here to heal your wounds, waiting for me, I will definitely save you."

After these few words, Uncle Dao was already too tired, and fell asleep again faintly.

Chen Feng turned his gaze to Lie Yang Mingxu, and he smiled coldly: "Lie Yang Mingxu, it's time to settle accounts with you!"

Chen Feng carried Lie Yang Mingxu, one reason was to torture the situation related to the poison in Uncle Dao, and now his question has been answered by Liu Chengyi.

Lieyang Mingxu has lost its value. What Chen Feng should do now is to kill him, but Chen Feng did not kill him, but took him back to the small courtyard where he lived in the outer courtyard.

There was no newcomer living in that small courtyard, it was Chen Feng.

After arriving there, Chen Feng threw Lie Yang Mingxu heavily on the ground.

Lieyang Mingxu was dying at this time. He stared at Chen Feng and said with a trembled: "Chen Feng, what are you going to do? If you want to kill me, just give me a good time!"

"I cannot know more about your Uncle Dao's poison than Liu Chengyi!"

Chen Feng looked at him and said, "I save you a life, not just for Uncle Dao's toxin, but also for..."

He suddenly lowered his voice and said word by word: "Clues to the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang, hand over!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Lie Yang Mingxu trembled violently. His face showed extreme horror, as if he had seen a ghost. He pointed at Chen Feng and said with a trembling voice: "You, how can you knew?"

Chen Feng said lightly: "Don't worry about how I knew? You just need to tell me the clue."

Lieyang Mingxu sneered and said, "You are dreaming. This is the core secret of my Lieyang family and the root of my Lieyang family's rise."

"As long as there is this secret, in my Lieyang family, even if it is temporarily broken by you now, with this secret, it can still rise in the future!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "So, I want this secret now."

His voice was very affirmative, saying every word, like the truth.

Although he was smiling, his face was as cold as ice.

Lie Yang Mingxu said loudly: "I will never tell you!"

"Oh? Really?" Chen Feng smiled slightly and grabbed him directly into the wing room.

After a while, there was a miserable cry in the wing room!

And the next moment, the screams stopped abruptly, as if they were blocked abruptly!

After about a cup of tea time, Chen Feng walked out, shaking his hands, as if nothing happened just now.

Behind him, Lie Yang Mingxu was already dead.

But even if he died, Chen Feng dug up all the secrets before he died.

Chen Feng has many methods, but he usually doesn't want to use them.

Then, Chen Feng swiftly left in the direction of the Lieyang family, and soon arrived.

At this time, under the Lieyang family, most of the people watching on the square had dispersed, and most of the people on the Lieyang family's floating mountain had also left, but some people remained there.

Most of them are unwilling to die, but for a while, they dare not move, thinking about leaving, and some are unwilling, so they stay here.

Seeing Chen Feng's return, there was no hope in their hearts, and they left one after another.

At this time, the blood wind was still standing there, staring at everyone with his head, looking around from time to time.

Seeing Chen Feng's arrival, he cheered and threw himself into Chen Feng's arms like a puppy.

Chen Feng rubbed his head vigorously, smiled and said, "Little guy, good job!"

The Lieyang family didn't have many heirs, but just a few people, all of whom had been killed by Chen Feng. As for the servants and slaves, they had all escaped.

However, they fled back and fled, but no one dared to take away anything from the Lieyang Family, because the blood wind was staring at it.

These servants of the Lieyang Clan, the blood wind dealt with them easily.

Several servants thought that the blood wind was good for bullying, and sneaked up a lot of rare and exotic treasures to leave, but they were directly seen through by the blood wind, and directly rushed to squeeze the three into flesh.

With the lessons learned from these three people, there is no longer a servant of the Lieyang Family, who dare to hack into any property, they can only leave alone!

But Chen Feng didn't care about the treasures of the Lieyang Family. In his eyes, those treasures combined were not as precious as the thing he was going to take next.

Chen Feng went straight to the east courtyard of the Lieyang Family. After entering, he couldn't help but let out a surprise.

This courtyard is extremely wide and huge, occupying almost half of the area of ​​Fukong Mountain.

In this courtyard, there is a giant tree in the middle. This giant tree is red all over and exudes a dark glow, which is somewhat similar to Chen Feng's power of descending the dragon.

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