Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2273: Kill the Golden Crow

Up to kilometers, the diameter reaches tens of meters.

This tree is very strange, without any branches, just so straight, from bottom to top.

The thickness of the upper and lower sides is almost normal. There are countless red leaves growing on the top. Each of these countless red leaves has a length of tens of meters and a width of about 20 to 30 meters, like a big ship.

The above is shining with red light, which looks extremely beautiful.

It was already at this time, the setting sun went down, the night was deep, and the countless red lights fluttered down from above, like endless fireflies, really beautiful.

There are hundreds of layers of these leaves.

And at the top of the tree, the nests are in a ball, it looks like a bird nest is built.

However, Chen Feng doesn't think any birds can survive in it.

The tree exudes extreme heat, and the leaves on the top of the tree are shining with red light and flames, causing the surrounding air to be distorted, as if burned by the high temperature.

So far away, Chen Feng could feel a heat wave.

He estimated that the temperature of these leaves had reached at least one hundred thousand degrees!

Chen Feng leaped up in the air and rushed directly towards the top of the tree.

It turned out that according to the information received from Lieyang Mingxu, Chen Feng knew that the clue about the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang was hidden by Wenrui Lieyang at the top of this giant golden ebony tree.

This place is really unexpected.

If it weren't for Lie Yang Mingxu's telling Chen Feng, Chen Feng would look for it himself, I'm afraid I won't find it for a few years!

And just when Chen Feng was about to come to the top of the tree, suddenly, from the top of the tree that was intertwined with the flaming red leaves like a bird's nest, suddenly a flaming figure flew out.

Chen Feng's expression changed, he never thought that there was something hidden in it.

And the thing that flew out turned out to be a huge flaming red crow.

This crow is not very huge, but it is a hundred meters long, with two or three hundred meters spread out its wings, but facing this crow, Chen Feng actually has a very dangerous feeling facing the ancient behemoth.

For an instant, his heart was pounding wildly, a layer of goose bumps appeared all over his body, and the cold hair on the surface of his body was erected!

This huge fiery red crow stared at Chen Feng coldly, his eyes cold.

Chen Feng was horrified: "He actually gave me such a powerful feeling, could it be said that his strength has surpassed the one-star Wuhuang Emperor?"

"I am not even afraid of the One-Star Martial Emperor!"

After Chen Feng looked at it, he was even more shocked. It turned out that there were hundreds of huge wounds on the body of this huge fire-red crow.

These wounds are like stab wounds, each with a length of more than ten meters, distributed throughout his body. These stab wounds have not yet healed, and a sharp snow-white knife gas rolls in the wounds from time to time A bowl of festering flesh and blood came out.

And the biggest wound was at the root of his wing, almost cutting off his right wing!

At this time, the huge crow hovered on the tree without speaking, just staring at Chen Feng so coldly, the aura on his body was getting bigger and bigger, and it pressed towards Chen Feng fiercely.

Chen Feng calmed down after watching it for a while.

Instead, he smiled, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "What I said, it turned out to be just scaring me!"

"The original strength of this flat-haired beast is amazing. That's for sure, but that's just the original. He doesn't know who has cut so many wounds all over his body. There is not much strength left!"

"So, it's just to frighten me and press me with its once powerful breath."

"And his true strength is actually far inferior to Lie Yang Sheng and Lie Yang Mingxu! Otherwise, he would have taken the initiative to attack!"

After Chen Feng had figured this out, he smiled coldly, his figure flashed out quickly, a roar, and his palms blasted out.

King Kong pushes the mountain!

"Dare you pretend to be here? Take my hand and say it again!"

At this moment, a panic flashed in the eyes of the fiery red crow, and the aura of his pretending master instantly disappeared.

With his wings stirred, he barely avoided Chen Feng's move, and Chen Feng followed another move with King Kong playing the pipa, and continuously bombarded his body with extremely fast speed.

Now, he couldn't avoid it anymore and let out a scream.

Bang Bang Bang Bang, in a blink of an eye, Chen Feng didn't know how many shots he had hit, and then he saw his huge body swell up.

Then the next moment, with a loud bang, his body was directly smashed.

And at the moment before his death, he stared at Chen Feng fiercely with a bitter gaze, and let out a hoarse and sharp roar: "I was born in the Golden Crow Valley, wait for death!"

Chen Feng's eyes dazzled: "It turned out not to be a fire crow, but a golden crow!"

The next moment, in his bursting body, a red light shot out directly.

This red light was like a body shadow that had shrunk countless times. Chen Feng knew that this was the spirit of this fiery red crow.

He wanted to intercept, but it was too late.

The spirit of this fiery red crow stared at Chen Feng firmly, as if to remember his face, and then disappeared into the sky at an extremely fast speed. Chen Feng couldn't catch up with it.

However, Chen Feng didn't take it to heart, he just smiled coldly, and then stepped in.

Only then did he discover that the top of the tree was not like a bird's nest, but a bird's nest, presumably the huge fire-red crow should be living here.

After entering here, Chen Feng went all the way to the deepest part of the bird's nest, and then removed a large pile of fiery red tree trunks here, and opened a fiery red leaf, and then saw the naked tree trunk.

Chen Feng threw three punches, blasting a gap in the trunk, and as expected, a stone chamber appeared below.

This stone room was actually carved with a fiery red jade. The fiery red jade was extremely restrained, condensing all the breath in it, and isolating the breath in the stone room.

If Chen Feng finds it by himself, he will definitely not find it by breath.

When he came to this stone room, Chen Feng really saw that nothing was placed in the middle of the stone room, only an ancient scroll was placed.

This ancient scroll was spread out to the size of a bed. I don't know what material it was made of. It looked like gold and not gold, or jade and not jade, but it was extremely thin and thinner than paper.

Chen Feng almost trembled and stretched out his hand to hold the ancient scroll in his hand.

At this moment, his heart was surging, his heart was extremely excited, and even his lips trembled.

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