Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2271: Taiyi Diling Snow Lotus

At this time, although Chen Feng's strength has not reached his level, Liu Chengyi is a two-star martial emperor after all, but the speed of Chen Feng's growth makes Liu Chengyi very clear that it is only a matter of time before he catches up with himself.

Moreover, this time will not take long at all!

At this time, Chen Feng said eagerly: "Elder Liu, please also take a look. Look at my Uncle Dao. What kind of poison is in him?"

Liu Chengyi nodded and looked at Uncle Dao. At this look, he was shocked: "This is actually the poison of the boneless snake?"

"Snake and snake venom?" Chen Feng had some doubts in his eyes, he had never heard of it before.

Liu Chengyi said in a deep voice: "This kind of boneless snake is a very poisonous species produced in the Southern Famine."

"Bone and a hundred dead snakes have extremely harsh growth conditions."

When he said that, he was telling the birth process of the White-Bone Hundred-Dead Snake. After Chen Feng heard this, his expression changed in amazement.

"Millions of bones can give birth to a deadly snake? To be bitten by this deadly snake is indeed extremely serious."

He quickly asked: "Is there a way to save it? Is there any medicine to save it?"

"As long as the Tianyuan Dynasty has a pill to save, I will pay any price, and I will also rescue Uncle Dao!"

Liu Chengyi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "If there is a solution, I will definitely tell you, but the most unfortunate thing is that there is no solution at all!"

"The snake venom of this white-bone snake has appeared twice in the Tianyuan Imperial City, and the deaths are all shocking figures. Moreover, one of them is even a certain prince three thousand years ago, but even with the power of the royal family, Failed to rescue him!"

"What?" Chen Feng was already a little desperate at this time.

The imperial family is rich in the world, and the treasury of the Tianyuan imperial family is all-encompassing. It is countless times more complete than any big family. Even the royal family can't find the medicine that can cure this snake venom. So, what do you have? opportunity?

Hope is still extremely slim!

However, Chen Feng didn't have any plans to give up. He said loudly, "Is there really no way? I have to try it if I have a chance!"

At this time, Liu Chengyi suddenly said: "If there is no way at all, it is not the case."

He whispered: "I once saw the record of this kind of poisonous snake in an ancient book 10,000 years ago, and I also saw such a clue about snake venom."

"What clue?" Chen Feng asked eagerly.

Liu Chengyi said slowly: "In the Southern Wilderness, there is a strange flower called Taiyi Diling Xuelian."

"What? Taiyi Land Spirit Snow Lotus?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows: "Don't snow lotuses usually grow on extremely high mountain peaks? The Southern Wilderness is so hot, and there are snow lotus?"

"Yes, the Southern Wilderness is very hot, but this kind of snow lotus grows in a very hot place, but it requires a piece of ice and cold around it, which is extremely harsh for the place to grow."

"In the Southern Wilderness, there are also towering mountains, and there are glaciers all over that mountain range, but if you look for hundreds of thousands or even millions of glaciers, you may not be able to find this kind of Taiyi Land Spirit Snow Lotus."

"Because it not only requires living in the icy and cold place of the hot land, but also requires an earth evil spirit vein beneath the earth!"

Liu Chengyi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This condition is even more stringent than the conditions for the growth of the white-bone snake. How difficult is it to find?"

Chen Feng took a deep breath and said, "Taiyi Di Ling Xuelian, I remember this name, and I should bother you to tell me the appearance of this strange flower."

Liu Chengyi took a deep look at Chen Feng and said, "Are you going to find this kind of snow lotus?"

Chen Feng nodded: "Yes, I must save Uncle Dao, even after all the hardships, I will look for it!"

"Good!" Liu Chengyi nodded slowly.

Chen Feng made this decision without any surprise.

If Chen Feng is not such a person who values ​​love and righteousness, I am afraid he would not value Chen Feng so much.

He stretched out his hand, and a mysterious ripple poured into Chen Feng's mind.

In an instant, Chen Feng clearly remembered the appearance of the Taiyi Diling Xuelian!

When Chen Feng saw this Taiyi Land Spirit Snow Lotus, he seemed to understand in an instant why this snow lotus could heal this kind of strange poison.

It was because this kind of snow lotus was so beautiful and so beautiful, and just to show Chen Feng, he had a feeling of being shocked in his heart, which seemed to be a strange thing that shouldn't belong to the world.

Chen Feng deeply imprinted it in his mind.

Then, Liu Chengyi said: "As for the current situation of Uncle Dao, although I cannot completely heal him, there is no problem in maintaining the current situation for a few months."

As he said, he mentioned Uncle Dao to the place where he was practicing, and then placed it on the altar, and took out a few artifacts that were very strange in Chen Feng's eyes, with a breath of ancient desolation. The mysterious rules are placed.

Then, lines are drawn from it, and countless light waves circulate in it.

Above the sky, although it was daytime, there were a few stars on the sky above the sky quietly flickering.

Then, a burst of dazzling star power is poured into the line by those magical instruments, and the stars shine brightly.

Then the next moment, these little stars poured into Uncle Dao's body.

Uncle Dao suddenly trembled all over, and then he saw that these little starlight stubbornly penetrated into his body, and within those blue rays of light, one line after another was forcibly split.

Chen Feng can see clearly that these lines are the most important meridians and internal organs.

The lines made by these stars obviously kept Uncle Dao's vitals, preventing him from being eroded and killed.

On the surface of his body, those injuries have also improved, and many huge blue scars were directly squeezed out of the pus and venom inside, and then began to scab to grow.

Uncle Dao still has large patches of blue on the surface, but at least the deterioration has stopped, his breathing has become stable, and the muscles on his face have slightly relaxed.

However, those blue venoms didn't mean to stop, they attacked frantically towards the lines of starlight.

At this time, Liu Chengyi was sweating profusely, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to have increased a lot, as if he was several years old.

He trembled slightly, looked at Chen Feng, and said with a trembling, "I have used astrology to help Uncle Dao to keep his heart, but it can only last for four months."

He stretched out four fingers: "Within four months, you have to find an antidote, otherwise, he won't be saved at all."

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