Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2270: Uncle Knife Poisoning

Then the next moment, Chen Feng heard a scream, and Uncle Dao's life snorted.

Chen Feng immediately turned his head, his face full of anger.

At this time, Uncle Dao flew out, and Lie Yang Mingxu, who was seriously injured, was also smashed and flew into the ruins, groaning painfully.

Obviously, he just wanted to attack himself, but he was blocked by Uncle Dao!

At the next moment, Chen Feng's eyes were about to split, and he let out a crazy roar: "Uncle Dao!"

It turned out that Uncle Dao had fallen to the ground at this time.

And above his chest, there was a dagger inserted. This dagger pierced his body only two or three inches deep, but at this time, endless cold blue toxins went crazy from the dagger. Spread out.

Only in such a minute and one instant, Uncle Dao's entire body has turned into a faint blue color, looking terrifying.

And his muscles twitched, trembling all over, his face spasm, and even many blue sores with big mouths appeared on his body, and he had begun to fester and suppurate.

Chen Feng was extremely furious.

People around also exclaimed in disbelief: "What toxin is this? It's terrifying!"

"Yes, this brawny man is the pinnacle of the Nine Star Martial King. He was stabbed with a sword, and he has reached such a stage in such a short time!"

The person who attacked Chen Feng just now was Lie Yang Mingxu.

At this moment, he fell to the ground with a tragic expression on his face, and there was a touch of despair on his face, and his final chance to comeback was also lost!

However, when he saw Chen Feng's look at this time, his face was extremely proud, and he laughed and said: "Chen Feng, he should be one of your closest people, right?"

"I can kill him before I die, and it's worth it to make you so painful!"

Chen Feng flashed in front of him, grabbed him by the collar and grabbed him, and shouted sharply: "Where is the antidote? Tell me, where is the antidote?"

"There is no antidote!" Lieyang Mingxuyin sneered, "There is no antidote at all!"

Chen Feng knew his expression, he was telling the truth.

With a roar, Chen Feng smashed him to the ground frantically, but did not take his life, because he wanted to torture Lie Yang Mingxu!

At this time, Uncle Dao was unconscious.

Chen Feng said to the blood wind: "Blood wind, you stay here, if anyone dares to come here to take advantage, you will kill him directly."

The blood wind whimpered and nodded desperately, his figure rapidly growing, becoming a full kilometer in length, almost as big as the floating mountain, and the floating mountain was pressed down by it.

The people around them all looked down: "This Chen Feng is really good at his side!"

"Yes, it looked like a little wolf like a puppy just now, it turned out to be the Nine Star Demon King, equivalent to a half-step martial emperor realm powerhouse!"

Facing the crowd, Chen Feng said coldly: "I know that there are not a few of you who want to take advantage of the fire, and I also know the blood wind..."

As he said, he pointed to the blood wind: "He may not be able to stop you."

"However, if I know who dares to take advantage of the fire, I will naturally visit one by one!"

Chen Feng's voice was extremely cold and stern, making everyone shudder and didn't dare to look at him at all.

The people whom Chen Feng saw all bowed their heads. There were indeed many people who made this idea. Anyway, Chen Feng is no longer there. Are they doing whatever they want? All want to take advantage of the fire.

But Chen Feng's remarks made them completely dispel this idea.

A joke, who doesn't know Chen Feng's methods?

Chen Feng said that the Lieyang family would be destroyed. Since Chen Feng entered the Tianyuan imperial city, no one who offended him has a good end. Who dares to oppose him?

Chen Feng smiled coldly and grabbed Lie Yang Mingxu in his hand, while the other hand grabbed Uncle Dao.

At the moment when Chen Feng came into contact with Uncle Dao, Chen Feng felt an extremely tyrannical, extremely hot, and extremely poisonous toxin that hit his body fiercely, almost making Chen Feng shiver. .

Chen Feng was even more shocked: "This toxin is terrifying!"

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly thought that there was one Jiuhua Dilu Pill left, so he quickly poured out Jiuhua Dilu Pill, but he did not give it to Uncle Dao, but tore his clothes. There was a big hole in his chest, and then he stuffed Jiuhuadilu pills in.

Jiuhua Dilu Pills, which reach the first grade ghost pill, can not only be taken internally, but also externally.

Chen Feng did this to allow the power of Hop Dilu Pill to spread out and protect Uncle Dao's heart.

If Uncle Dao was broken into his heart by toxins, he would definitely die.

Sure enough, Chen Feng worked in this way. Jiuhua Dilu Pills penetrated into Uncle Dao's blood, and a cool air flow immediately spread out, spreading over Uncle Dao's chest.

In a blink of an eye, Uncle Dao's chest turned into a vibrant green color, with a radius of about two feet, just to protect his heart.

At this moment, his entire body is blue, only this heart is a green color.

However, this emerald color is also struggling to support, those blue frantically rushing towards the emerald green area, and are constantly eroding, the area of ​​emerald green is shrinking.

Chen Feng knew that he could not delay any longer.

He grabbed Uncle Dao's body and headed madly towards the outer courtyard of Wudong Academy.

After a while, Chen Feng came to the place where Liu Chengyi was!

Liu Chengyi's medical skills are all well-known. He is undoubtedly the most proficient in astrology, but his medical skills are also extremely strong!

At this moment, Liu Chengyi was cultivating in his residence. He felt Chen Feng's arrival, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "It's Chen Feng again, as long as he comes, it must be nothing good."

But he just said a few words, but he didn't feel any dissatisfaction with it in his heart.

His figure flashed, and he swept out directly, and then he saw Chen Feng and the two people in Chen Feng's hands.

His eyes were first attracted by Lie Yang Mingxu, and then he suddenly exclaimed: "Chen Feng, is it Lie Yang Mingxu that you are holding?"

Chen Feng nodded: "Yes, it is him!"

Liu Chengyi's voice stammered, and he said in amazement, "Could it be that you made him like this?"

Chen Feng nodded slowly.

Suddenly, Liu Chengyi's gaze at Chen Feng changed even more, becoming a little bit incredulous, a little shocked, and a little bit unexpected.

In the end, it turned into a frenzy!

A voice in his heart yelled: "Sure enough, Chen Feng is really different from ordinary people, I really didn't read it wrong!"

"It is absolutely right to pin this hope on Chen Feng. Chen Feng can give me endless surprises!"

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