Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2056: Finally found!

And when that moment later, the quicksand plate shattered and turned into quicksand again, Chen Feng had already taken the next step, and a quicksand plate had been recondensed!

In this way, Chen Feng walked forward for dozens of miles, and suddenly, at this moment, a wave of sand surged forward.

Chen Feng's footing was not stable. In an instant, the condensed plates under his feet collapsed, his thighs sank down, and the quicksand fell directly to his waist.

Chen Feng didn't feel the slightest panic in his heart. He just screamed, and then his waist squatted. A large amount of blood flowed out of his body, instantly forming a huge rock with a diameter of more than three feet around him. The legs were directly condensed inside.

Then, Chen Feng roared one after another, the blood in his body surged wildly, and the rock continued to grow larger, resisting the sand waves.

Finally, after not knowing how long Sha Lang dissipated, Chen Feng broke out in a cold sweat, feeling extremely tired, even more tired than fighting a powerful enemy.

And this is just an ordinary sand wave in the sea of ​​quicksand, Chen Feng turned around and asked Han Yuer: "Sister, are you afraid?"

Han Yu'er rubbed his small face against his neck, and said softly, "With you here, I'm not afraid of anything!"

In this way, the two men walked forward dangerously all the way.

And soon, Chen Feng had another worry. Although he had absorbed a lot of giant blood, the blood of the giants in his body was very strong, and the power of the blood was also very strong.

But after walking out of more than a hundred miles, I still felt a little tired.

Chen Feng was a little worried: "What if my blood is exhausted?"

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly felt that the soles of his feet were on the ground. He stepped on a hundred miles in this sea of ​​sand, and his feet were always empty. Now that he stepped on the ground, Chen Feng was a little uncomfortable.

He couldn't believe it and let out a low cry: "What's the matter? I stepped on the ground?"

Then, Chen Feng stepped on with both feet hard, and walked a few steps forward, feeling that the ground was on the ground.

Chen Feng suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "It turns out that this is what Uncle Dao mentioned, the island in the sea of ​​quicksand.

"It's normal to think about it. There are islands in the ocean, and the sea of ​​quicksand is also an ocean. It's normal to have islands!"

Chen Feng probed carefully. The island was very small, with a radius of only seven or eight meters. It was an island, rather than a huge rock, covered under a sea of ​​quicksand, with a layer of quicksand constantly flowing on the surface.

If Chen Feng didn't step on it, he wouldn't be able to find that the island was small, but it was big enough for Chen Feng.

Chen Feng rested here for almost three hours, restored the power of the bloodline, and then walked forward again.

This time, Chen Feng grew more mindful. He looked around and saw that the sand was flowing slowly or there was an obvious abnormality, and he knew that most of the islands existed there.

After discovering this secret, Chen Feng was also relieved a lot in this sea of ​​sand, but this way of going forward was destined to be fast, and Chen Feng could only travel more than a thousand miles a day at most.

This journey took twenty days, and Chen Feng had already reached the center of the sand sea.

At a glance, you can see nothing, only the boundless ocean of quicksand!

At the same time, what Chen Feng didn't know was that not far behind him, thousands of miles away, people from the Xu family also appeared on the sea of ​​quicksand and were tracking them.

Compared with Chen Feng, these people are quite leisurely. They seem to be sitting on a sea of ​​quicksand, but in fact, if you look closely, you will find that there are countless khaki like little snakes under them. General bugs.

These worms were wriggling frantically, connecting their heads to tails, sticking together.

The insects are about two feet long every day, and they don’t even have eyes. They are just a chopstick-like body with a mouth on it. This is a unique thing in this desert, called bamboo sand insects.

This kind of sandworm is a little bit similar to snakes, and what the Xu family is best at is driving all kinds of snakes. The ancestors of the Xu family have very rich experience. He had been to the sea of ​​quicksand and almost lost his life here, but also learned Some secrets of the sea of ​​quicksand.

Therefore, as soon as he came to the sea of ​​quicksand, he immediately asked the Xu family to summon countless bamboo sandworms in a unique way.

These bamboo sand worms formed a bamboo raft, and everyone from the Xu family sat on it, very fast, and gradually approached Chen Feng.

Suddenly, the ancestor of the Xu family stood up and shouted in a cold voice: "I have sensed the breath of that little brat. It's a thousand miles around here. We will definitely be able to kill him."

At this time, Chen Feng saw that a huge black shadow appeared in front of him.

It was in the early hours of the morning, and he could only see a dark shadow that could not clearly see the others, and after about half an hour, the sun appeared on the horizon and Chen Feng could see clearly.

It turns out that this huge black shadow is actually a mountain. This mountain stands in the sea of ​​quicksand. I don't know how high it is. I'm afraid it is hundreds of thousands of meters high. It stands proudly, with cliffs everywhere. steep.

At this moment, the pointer on the ancient Buddha's robes in Chen Feng's hand turned frantically, and finally the light shone brightly and pointed to a spot on the island.

Chen Feng immediately shouted in surprise: "Senior Sister, we are here, the bones of the Buddha, the inheritance of the Venerable Arhat the Dragon, are here, on this mountain!"

Han Yuer almost cried with joy.

During this period, the two of them lived too hard, worrying about being swallowed by this sea of ​​quicksand anytime and anywhere.

Soon, the two came to the island and set off toward the depths of the island.

After they left for only half a day, everyone from the Xu family followed.

The ancestors of the Xu family walked back and forth at the place where Chen Feng and two of them walked, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Little boy, you can't run away!"

Chen Feng and the two walked all the way towards the mountains, and soon he found a trace of unusual aura from other places. It seemed that the place was full of strong Buddha nature and strong Buddhist power.

This is obviously a barren land in the sea of ​​quicksand, a deserted island and a barren hill, but Chen Feng found that after walking through the periphery of the deserted island, he felt that the front was bright, like entering a large garden, everywhere. Flowery brocade.

The beauty is extreme!

In the shadow of the blossoming green trees, on the cliffs, near the cliffs, there are many large and small Buddha statues carved.

Although these Buddha statues have experienced wind and rain for many years, they still have vigorous vitality.

Chen Feng suddenly stepped from a place of death to a place of vitality, which made him even a little uncomfortable, but then he felt great.

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