Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2057: Sneak attack

Chen Feng and the two continued to walk inside, and soon they found a section of the mountain road, but the mountain road had been damaged in a disastrous manner, leaving only a small half.

The other half fell off the cliff, as if someone had cut it off and destroyed it!

Chen Feng and the two followed the incomplete mountain road all the way up, and soon, they also felt that it was located on a high mountain, the high mountain they had just seen in the sea of ​​quicksand.

The height of this mountain is at least five to six hundred thousand meters, and it is a huge mountain.

Chen Feng and the two came all the way to the top of the mountain, and when they reached the top, Chen Feng couldn't help being shocked.

On the top of the mountain is a huge platform with a radius of hundreds of miles. It can be seen that there used to be a huge and solemn temple here, but it was only once, and now there is only a ruin.

Within a few hundred li, there were ruined walls everywhere.

These ruined walls still have some scorched traces, which were obviously burned, but they were nothing more than ruins.

An inexplicable throbbing in Chen Feng's heart: "I know, this must be the ruins of Datianlong Temple!"

An incomparable shock surged in his heart: "Such a powerful Great Tianlong Temple was destroyed? Who destroyed it? It was destroyed so thoroughly that no one can see it! The temple is also in ruins!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng felt an inexplicable anger.

At this time, everyone in the Xu family had already reached the foot of the mountain. The ancestor of the Xu family glanced at them, and then slowly said: "Boss, third, sixth, seventh, you four will come with me, and the rest All the people who go down stay here."

"Yes!" Everyone in the Xu family nodded.

Each of the four people, the second, the third, the sixth, and the seventh, was in the early or middle stage of the Eight-Star Martial King. The ancestors of the Xu family took them with them because they felt that they could help, and even if the others were up It's just a cumbersome, but it is easier for Chen Feng to find them.

The ancestor of the Xu family and the five people quickly climbed up towards the remains of the Datianlong Temple.

When they reached the top of the mountain and came to the front of the remains of the Great Tianlong Temple, they couldn't help but let out a low cry.

The ancestor of the Xu family's eyes lightened and his hands trembled. He whispered: "This must be the site of the Datianlong Temple. It turns out that the legend is true! The Datianlong Temple was really destroyed!"

"What a powerful force that can destroy the Great Tianlong Temple? Moreover, since this force can destroy the Great Tianlong Temple, then they must dismiss the secret treasure of the Great Tianlong Temple. After all, they are so powerful."

"However, if we get those secret treasures, it will greatly improve the strength of my Xu family."

Hearing this, the other members of the Xu family also showed greed on their faces.

The ancestor of the Xu family whispered: "Don't think about other things first, kill that kid first, we have time to find here."

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that following the kid all the way to the Datianlong Temple, it seems that our Xu family was promoted to a super-grade family, and even the opportunity for the Yuan Dynasty to go further in this day is right in front of us!"

"If it were to be inherited from the Datianlong Temple, our Xu family would not be much worse than the royal family!"

Everyone in the Xu family listened with enthusiasm!

At this time, Chen Feng and the two were searching in the temple bit by bit, wanting to find some clues, because when they got here, the pointer on the ancient Buddha's robes had stopped moving, obviously this was the destination.

Chen Feng needs to find out how to do it.

He is also very patient, he has already reached the ground, why is he in a hurry? Bit by bit, search inch by inch!

Just when the two of them had just turned a tall wall, suddenly, the warning signs in Chen Feng's heart suddenly exploded.

He felt that several sharp edges, with a murderous aura of extremely resentment, attacked him fiercely.

At this moment, Chen Feng's heart throbbed, and his reaction at this moment was not to dodge, but to hug Han Yu'er directly in his arms, and use his back to hold back a few attacks.

Boom boom boom boom, a burst of noise kept coming, Chen Feng was directly hit one after another, blood was splashed, he was blown out dozens of meters, hit a wall heavily, directly knocking the wall down.

With a muffled hum, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

And Han Yu'er in his arms is safe and sound!

Han Yuer immediately exclaimed: "Junior Brother, are you okay?"

Chen Feng slowly shook his head: "Don't worry, it's okay, just some minor injuries."

He slowly stood up and blocked Han Yu'er behind him. Han Yu'er was also very well-behaved, motionless behind him.

Chen Feng looked at the opposite side. There were five people standing opposite, an old man and four middle-aged people. They all had some similarities in appearance. They were obviously from the same family. They had a very cold aura. Feels like a poisonous snake.

Chen Feng stared at them and said coldly, "Who are you?"

Chen Feng didn't know them at all.

"Who are we? You don't even know who we are?" The old man on the opposite side smiled directly, gritted his teeth, and said word by word: "You killed our Xu family, you ruined our Xu. Hope for the future of the family, you don't even know who we are?"

The ancestors of the Xu family and others all felt greatly insulted.

And Chen Feng blinked and thought for a while before it suddenly dawned: "Oh, you are from the Xu family!"

The ancestor of the Xu family sneered and said, "Remember it, right?"

Chen Feng spread his hands and said helplessly: "I still didn't think of it. Just tell me a little bit more clearly. Who are you? After all, there are too many **** people who died under my hands!"

This remark made everyone in the Xu family violent. The ancestors of the Xu family felt extremely upset. He thought that he could see Chen Feng’s fear, which would cause Chen Feng to be psychologically tortured before his death, but he did not expect Chen Fenglian. They disdain to know who they are.

In this way, he felt that even if he had killed Chen Feng, he felt even more unhappy in his heart.

Everyone in the Xu family was flushed with anger, but at this time, Chen Feng seemed to care nothing, but in fact his heart was running fast.

He had already remembered who these people were, and when he was in Tianyuan Imperial City, he had also heard about the reputation of this family and the strength of some of them.

Chen Feng's eyes swept away, and the situation in the field immediately made a decision: "Now it is the people from the Xu family who are chasing me. There are five people in total. The ancestor of the Xu family is obviously the strongest master. I see his appearance. At least it is the pinnacle of the Eight-Star Martial King or has reached the realm of the Nine-Star Martial King."

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