Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2055: The dangerous sea of ​​quicksand

The sand seemed to have no damage at this time, but Chen Feng knew that the sea of ​​quicksand was actually extremely dangerous.

He said: "Sister, please wait over there for a while. I will go down and check to see how we should go."

Then, Chen Feng cautiously came to the sea of ​​quicksand.

As soon as he stepped into the sand, he suddenly felt a strong suction hitting him.

Chen Feng's heart tightened, and his whole body burst into force, resisting the suction, trying to jump out of it.

With Chen Feng's current strength, even if the suction is as strong as a mountain, Chen Feng can pull it out directly.

However, at this time, Chen Feng madly pulled out his body and found that it had no effect at all.

At this moment, he felt as if he had touched the pulse of this earth, and the whole earth, the sea of ​​quicksand with a radius of millions of miles, was pulsating.

At this moment, the sea of ​​quicksand with a radius of millions of miles, together against him.

That powerful suction power is the suction power of the entire sea of ​​quicksand. In the face of such a huge power, Chen Feng is as small as a grain of sand.

In an instant, Chen Feng was directly sucked in, and his whole body was already captivating.

He felt that as soon as he entered it, his five senses, his six senses, and all his perceptions were all shut down, leaving nothing but darkness in front of him.

Numerous quicksands drilled into his seven orifices, as if they were living creatures.

At this moment, Chen Feng even felt the danger of death.

He shouted: "How can I die here?"

As he said, in his body, the power of the dragon and Arhat surged wildly.

With a bang, the power of the dragon descending arhat pierced the sea of ​​quicksand with difficulty, and Chen Feng finally saw the blue sky, and leaped directly out of it and landed on the shore.

He had lingering fears, the kind of despair that seemed to be suffocated to death just now, and there was no vitality at all, so he still has a deep memory!

The sea of ​​quicksand is simply terrifying!

With Chen Feng's strength, there was no way to fight back.

Han Yu'er looked at the side, also with a frightened face, and asked, "Junior, are you okay?"

Chen Feng slowly shook his head: "It's okay, this sea of ​​quicksand is too dangerous and extremely difficult."

Han Yu'er suddenly clapped her hands and said, "You can't walk on the ground, it may not be impossible in the sky."

"If we catch a flying monster, won't we be able to get through this sea of ​​quicksand?"

Chen Feng knew very well in his heart that it shouldn't be so easy. Otherwise, how could the sea of ​​quicksand be called a desperate situation? If a flying monster can easily fly, then I am afraid it would have been easily conquered long ago.

However, this is also a direction to try.

Chen Feng nodded, and the two of them searched out for more than a hundred miles before they caught a desert monster that looked like a huge bat.

This desert monster is a one-star monster king, about 100 meters long, with wide wings spread out, it can reach a full 300 meters, very spacious, let alone two people, even two hundred people. It's good enough.

He was very fierce at first, and Chen Feng jumped on his back and beat him so hard that he immediately beat him honestly and subdued.

Then, Chen Feng and the two drove the monster to the desert sea and sky.

However, just as the monster beast flew into the sea of ​​quicksand for more than 100 meters, suddenly, in the sea of ​​quicksand, there was a muffled noise like an earthquake.

The next moment, a strong force burst directly from it.

Then the next moment, with a bang, this flying monster was directly blown into countless fragments and instantly turned into a cloud of blood.

Chen Feng's heart shuddered, but he didn't feel any panic. He stretched out his hand and hugged Han Yu'er in his arms, then stepped on the bones, and the whole person flew back and returned to the shore.

At the same time, a huge suction enveloped him where Chen Feng was just now. If Chen Feng retreated a little later, he would be directly sucked in!

Next, Chen Feng and the two experimented with several methods.

Leap directly from above, no!

If a person appeared in the sky, the huge suction power would appear directly, and the two of them were almost sucked into the sea of ​​quicksand.

Several methods failed, and Chen Feng was at a loss.

And just during Chen Feng's fourth experiment, suddenly, Chen Feng felt that at the moment he touched the quicksand, a trace of power would quietly flash in his body, suddenly turning from silence to extremely spiritual.

It seems to echo the power in the sea of ​​quicksand.

Chen Feng was stunned for a moment: "What kind of power is this? It can actually echo the power in the sea of ​​quicksand?"

He was overjoyed, and immediately began to trace the source, and then he deliberately touched the desert sea several times.

Soon, Chen Feng discovered that that power actually came from his own blood.

Chen Feng clapped his hands: "I see, this is from the power in my bloodline! I have the giant bloodline, and this giant bloodline has been upgraded to the hill giant bloodline, this hill giant bloodline is of the earth attribute, naturally It will have a certain relationship with this desert sea, as expected!"

A thought suddenly flashed in Chen Feng's heart like a spark of lightning: "If the power of my blood is useful, isn't it..."

Chen Feng immediately realized: "The turning point is here!"

Then, this time, he pushed the power of blood to the soles of his feet on the shore, letting the power of blood spread all over the soles of his feet, and then quietly set foot on the sea of ​​quicksand.

When Chen Feng stepped into the sea of ​​quicksand, he immediately discovered that the power of his bloodline immediately penetrated into the sea of ​​quicksand beneath his feet, and then actually circulated in the quicksand.

Then, Chen Feng discovered that he could manipulate the power of this bloodline to turn the quicksand into the way he wanted, and he seemed to be able to manipulate the quicksand because of this.

Chen Feng immediately felt happy, and the power of the bloodline was released, forming a rock-like piece of quicksand beneath his feet.

As a result, Chen Feng's figure sank down, but he did not fall.

When his ankle sank into the quicksand, he almost stabilized, and Chen Feng immediately took a step forward, still the same.

Chen Feng walked hundreds of steps forward, without sinking. He immediately realized that it was possible to do so.

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "No problem!"

With joy on his face, he returned to the shore, carried Han Yu'er on his back, and stepped into the sea of ​​quicksand.

Chen Feng's bloodline power was constantly activated and strode forward.

The place he passed under his feet looked like quicksand, but the inside had actually formed a firm plate of quicksand, enough to accommodate him staying on it for an instant.

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