Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1790: This is majesty!

The chief of the Chu army screamed: "I've said it all, are you still killing me?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I never said not to kill you."

The hands of these people were stained with the blood of the people of Qin, and Chen Feng didn't have the slightest psychological burden to kill them.

With one punch, the commander killed the commander, and then Chen Feng hit the ground several times, blasting a large pit, and throwing the bodies of people he knew but didn't.

Then, he chopped off a huge rock on the nearby mountain and carved a tombstone with a few large characters written on it!

In these big characters, he didn't write the name of anyone, nor did he write an epitaph, but a murderous sentence:

"Chen Feng buried ninety-seven relatives and friends here. Chu is the rat generation. If you dare to dig the grave, I will wait for you to smash the dead!"

Then, with his hands clenched, he sucked the blood of the tens of thousands of Chu State soldiers and splashed it on the tombstone.

Suddenly, the tombstone became **** and full of murderous intent!

Chen Feng is intimidating, naked intimidation!

However, he had this confidence, and the soldiers of the Chu State would definitely not dare to dig this tomb.

Then, Chen Feng took Han Yu'er away from here and went straight to Suiyang County.

After they left, less than an hour after the sound of horse hooves, thousands of Chu State cavalry came here.

They were already aggressive and murderous, as if they were going to slaughter this place.

However, when they saw the corpse all over the floor, their faces were in disbelief and panic.

The corpses were full of corpses, more than 30,000 corpses, blood everywhere, blood flowing into rivers.

They were all shocked seeing this scene.

The cavalry general yelled in disbelief: "How is it possible? It clearly shows that there are only a few enemies here. How could it have destroyed tens of thousands of troops? Could it be..."

An idea that shocked him suddenly rose in his heart: "Could it be that those few people killed the 30,000 army? This is impossible!"

No one believes this speculation!

Then they saw the big tomb and the big characters on the tombstone.

A cavalry centurion snorted disdainfully and laughed and said: "What kind of **** Chen Feng, who he thinks he is, I have never heard of it."

"He is setting up a tombstone here and writing a few words of intimidation. Don't we dare to dig the grave? Come on, dig up this tomb and turn all the dead bodies into ashes!"

"I want this Chen Feng to lose face! Damn it, don't let Lao Tzu dig his grave? I just want to dig it!"

"Yes!" Hundreds of cavalry replied loudly, and when they dismounted, they wanted to dig the grave.

And the cavalry commander had been looking at the tombstone blankly, just chanting two words: "Chen Feng, Chen Feng..."

He felt that the name was very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

As the cavalrymen were preparing to dig their graves, suddenly, the cavalry commander's mind suddenly flashed, and he immediately remembered who Chen Feng was.

He was shocked immediately and let out an angry roar: "Damn, stop Lao Tzu, stop quickly!"

Going down in person, three punches and two kicks kicked the cavalry away.

The cavalry centurion stared at his commander in a daze, and said, "Commander, what's going on? Why don't you let them dig their graves? Are you really scared by these few words of Chen Feng? Who knows what he is?"

"You know what a shit!"

The cavalry general shouted: "Do you know who Chen Feng is?"

They shook their heads, these people are out of the field, and they don't know what the Junjie list has changed!

The cavalry general took a deep breath and said with a sneer: "It's really fearless for the ignorant!"

With that said, he recounted Chen Feng's deeds.

After listening to this, these cavalrymen, including the cavalry centurion, took a deep breath, with extreme fear on their faces, and at the same time full of rejoicing.

"Fortunately, we didn't dig the grave just now. Otherwise, I'm afraid Chen Feng would really cut us through a thousand swords as he said!"

"Yes, this Chen Feng is very strong, and what he says will be practiced, and if there is a grudge, we will definitely not be able to provoke such a person!"

In the end, these cavalry wandered around here twice, turned around and left dingy, without daring to move a grass in the grave.

Chen Feng!

But with his name and these two words alone, these Chu State cavalry soldiers retreated in fright!

This is called prestige! This is called domineering!

Early the next morning, when the morning sun was rising, Chen Feng and Han Yueryuan had already arrived at Suiyang County.

On the mountain outside the city.

There used to be a very powerful sect. The gate was the guard sect of Suiyang County. It was also a second-level sect, and it was of the same level as Ziyang Sword Field.

The people in this sect had given him pointers and helped him.

In this sect, there are two more charming and lovely women, who once called him Chen Feng sweetly, and gave her the precious blood of the wolf god, so that his blood will have infinite evolution in the future. may.

It can be said that the blood wind has today, thanks to the two women, Chen Feng is grateful for it.

Not to mention that there are still unclear feelings between Chen Feng and them.

At this time, what he came here to see was only a broken wall.

What I saw was only countless corpses that had been charred. Obviously, the Chu army killed all here. After robbing all the treasures, it was another fire that burned the place!

As Chen Feng walked here, his face became more and more ugly, and the murderous aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

In the end, it's almost condensed into substance.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's figure moved, and he flashed directly next to a large rock, and opened the large rock, revealing the two bodies below.

Obviously, the big rock collapsed in this fragmented wall, forming a small space, covering the two corpses, so that the two corpses were not damaged and kept their original appearance.

After seeing their faces clearly, Chen Fengru was struck by lightning.

It turned out that these two people were the two female disciples of Chengtianmen who had crossed with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng still remembered their names clearly. The young man with big eyes was Zhou Wanru. Chen Feng remembered that she was always cute, and she was talking like a sparrow in her ear.

The older one was named Yu Qiudie, and Chen Feng still remembered her as the most gentle eldest sister, always with a forgiving smile on her face, tolerant of each other.

At this time, they died and committed suicide.

They pierced their chests with their long swords, and when they died there was endless resentment and anger on their faces.

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