Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1791: Murderer, Chen Feng too!

Obviously, they chose to commit suicide in order not to be insulted by these Chu troops.

Chen Feng looked up at the sky and clenched his hands. After a long time, he didn't let out an angry roar, but a icy saying in his throat: "I want a hundred thousand army to be buried for you!"

He suddenly turned around and walked towards the bottom of the mountain, towards the Suiyang County Town.

Suiyang County Town had already become a dead city at this time.

Millions of people in the city were killed. Although it was late autumn, the corpses were still rotten. The smell of the corpses was so strong that it covered the sky and the sun, and it was extremely easy to cause plague.

Now there is no living thing in the city, and the Chu army doesn't even bother to set up a camp inside, and set up a large camp next to it.

The camp stretched for dozens of miles, enough to hold a hundred thousand troops, and the General Sun was stationed here.

Outside the big camp, there were continuous movements of Chu army cavalry, patrolling and guarding sentries.

But they were all very relaxed. Everyone knew that the Qin army in this area had already been killed, and there was no power that could threaten them.

Of course they were very relaxed, and at this moment, they suddenly saw two figures walking slowly towards this side in the distance.

A man and a woman, the clothes are very simple, even shabby, and the aura is not very strong.

Suddenly, these cavalry all looked at each other, with a joking smile on their faces: "Now let's have fun!"

This is when dozens of cavalry rushed towards Chen Feng.

They formed an encircling circle to surround the two of them, but they did not stop. Instead, they ran back and forth around the two of them with horses, whirring in their mouths, and a frivolous whistle from time to time.

Their gazes scanned Han Yuer's body fiercely, and they couldn't wait to strip Han Yuer's clothes completely.

Their faces were full of playful smiles, and finally, they stopped. A cavalry pointed at Chen Feng and laughed, "Are you two here to give us food?"

"You guy is very strong, but you can be a coolie, as for her,"

He pointed to Han Yu'er and said evilly: "This little girl, after our brother has finished enjoying it, he will definitely give it to the commander. When the officer above is happy, maybe we can get promoted and make a fortune!"

As they said, they all made a lewd laugh.

Chen Feng stared at them, and only said two words in his mouth: "Looking for death!"

With that, a punch came out.

"Bold!" These Chu army cavalry suddenly became furious and shouted.

But their cursing stopped abruptly as soon as they spoke.

Because their bodies had been smashed to pieces by Chen Feng, all of them were killed and none of them survived.

Then, Chen Feng walked forward slowly.

The hundreds of cavalry outside saw this scene just now, and their faces were full of jealousy. Hundreds of cavalry came together to kill Chen Feng.

However, it is still useless!

"Do you think this is useful?" A cold smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, still blasting with a punch.

At the same time, Chen Feng shouted: "Remember, the murderer, Chen Feng too!"

With a bang, hundreds of cavalry were also shattered by Chen Feng!

Then, before Chen Feng strode to Daying, he kicked the door of Daying Camp and smashed into it!

The soldiers in the camp heard the noise outside and rushed out. Chen Feng just stood there motionless, waiting for them to form.

These Chu Army soldiers were indeed elite, but within a short time, the 100,000 army was assembled and formed ten huge square formations, which were lined up from the front to the back.

A general who was riding a monster beast of the one-star Demon King level slowly appeared in front of the formation.

He looked down at Chen Feng and said proudly, "Where do you come from, you little bastard?"

He saw clearly the scene where Chen Feng smashed hundreds of cavalry outside with a punch, and he was extremely jealous, but at this time he did become very arrogant again.

Because in his opinion, his one hundred thousand army has been assembled, this young man will not have any possibility to defeat him, he will be swallowed directly by the one hundred thousand army.

Chen Feng looked at him, and suddenly said coldly, "Is your surname Sun?"

"Yes, I'm surnamed Sun!" Commander Sun laughed: "You bastard, you still know my last name? Know who I am?"

"So, don't you hurry to kneel on the ground and kowtow to me for mercy?"

"I can still let you live for a while, otherwise, I will kill you now!"

"Let me kneel?" Chen Feng sneered, "I'm afraid you can't stand it!"

As he said, Chen Feng suddenly pointed to the ground in front of him, his voice filled with strong confidence, as if he had declared a truth: "The next moment, you will kneel in front of me and kowtow to me for mercy!"

The Sun Commander sneered, his face showed extreme disdain, and said: "Little boy, what are you dreaming of?"

But the next moment, he grew his mouth, his face was shocked and he couldn't believe it.

Because Chen Feng had already killed the first phalanx of 10,000 people, and in front of the phalanx of 10,000 people, his figure seemed so humble and so small.

But the aura that suddenly burst out of Chen Feng at this time directly overwhelmed the ten thousand square formation!

He is one enemy ten thousand, although thousands of people are going on, he is full of decisive attitude!

"Remember, the murderer, Chen Feng too!" The angry roar resounded through the camp again.

Chen Feng struck out with a punch.

The phalanx of ten thousand people disappeared entirely.

Chen Feng killed the second phalanx of ten thousand people.

There was another violent roar: "Murder, Chen Feng too!"

The soldiers in the second phalanx of ten thousand people were panicked and resisted.

But to no avail, Chen Feng shattered their offensive and shattered them again.

Then, Chen Feng smashed the third phalanx of ten thousand people!

There was also a loud roar: "The murderer, Chen Feng too!"

When Chen Feng attacked the fourth ten thousand square formation, the Chu army collapsed.

They are going crazy, they can't imagine how there can be such a powerful person in the world!

"Is he still a human? Alone, he killed 30,000 of us with three punches! God, is this still a human?"

They are all mad and fled, but how can they do it?

Chen Feng laughed: "Want to run? It's too late!"

There was another violent roar: "Murder, Chen Feng too!"

The fourth square of ten thousand people was directly shattered.

After that, Chen Feng's figure stayed behind, blasting six punches one after another, leaving a phalanx of six million people, and was also all killed by Chen Feng.

At this point, Chen Feng blasted ten punches and let out ten roars of "Chen Feng the Murderer".

The one hundred thousand army of Chu State was completely destroyed!

The 100,000 army was wiped out by Chen Feng alone!

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