Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1789: Thirty thousand army, wiped out!

At this moment, there was an incomparable fear in his heart, and the horror was extreme.

It was as if what he was facing was not a pair of eyes, but a sea of ​​blood and fire!

His body couldn't even help shaking slightly!

But then, he laughed at himself and said in his heart: "How is it possible? How could I be afraid of him?"

"My strength is much stronger than him. This is just an ordinary Qin country civilian. How can I be afraid of him?"

Chen Feng grinned suddenly, and his smile was extremely cold: "You guys, **** it!"

With that, Chen Feng yelled, leaping up into the air, and appeared above the tens of thousands of troops in an instant.

Then, his Dragon Slaying Sword burst out of its sheath, and Bahuang Ji Mie Zhan severely slashed out.

After the knife was cut out, the Chu soldiers screamed sternly, because they felt that the momentum was so powerful that it was enough to kill them.

There is always a sense of despair in everyone's heart. They feel that they are going to die next moment.

And the ten thousand chief of the State of Chu screamed in disbelief: "How is it possible? How can you have such a powerful strength?"

He roared loudly: "All sergeants, send out their strongest moves and resist together!"

"Yes!" These tens of thousands of sergeants have played their most powerful tricks. These tens of thousands of tricks have gathered together to form a huge force.

Many people’s faces showed a touch of fortune, and some even shouted arrogantly: "How good are you? We have 30,000 people!"

"Haha. That's right, not only will he be unable to break through our defenses, but he will also be seriously injured! Next, we can kill him!"

The chief of the Chu State Party also showed a smile at the corners of his beard: "These troops under me are all elite Chu troops. Among them, there are a thousand imperial forest troops. The strength is very strong. If 30,000 people are combined, how can you resist? of?"

They feel that their lives are saved.

No matter how powerful this person is, it is impossible for them to break through the attack of 30,000 of them.

But soon, their smiles solidified on their faces.

Chen Feng slashed, and their 30,000 offensive was smashed together with a loud explosion.

Just the aftermath of this shock, that wanton force of vertical and horizontal, shreds many people alive.

Then, the extremely powerful force of nirvana flooded this space, and the next moment, the force of nirvana rushed and killed all the remaining people.

The screams were endless, but soon disappeared.

The thirty thousand army was killed by Chen Feng with a single knife!

In an instant, the corpses were everywhere.

Seeing this scene, the Chu Jun ten thousand chief was directly frightened. He pointed at Chen Feng and yelled in disbelief: "Thirty thousand troops, this is thirty thousand troops. You killed them with a single blow? "

There was even a hint of broken voice and crying in his voice, and his whole person was almost broken!

Chen Feng's figure flashed, he slid directly in front of him, stared at him, and yelled furiously: "What the **** happened here? Do you know? Where are the people who disappeared here were taken? Tell me!"

The chief of Chu State was already scared to his mind, but he hadn't recovered at all.

He muttered instinctively: "I, I don't know."

"Oh? You don't know, do you?"

Chen Feng smiled icyly: "Then, you can go to death!"

With that, he punched out fiercely.

The leader of the State of Chu felt that death had come, and he didn't even have the thought of resisting at this time. He knew that resisting himself was of no use.

And at the moment when Chen Feng was about to die, at this moment when Chen Feng's fist was about to fall, suddenly, his heart became extremely clear, and his sanity was restored in an instant.

He suddenly shouted: "Don't kill me, I know where they are going!"

"I know where they went!"

Chen Feng's fist stayed an inch away from the tip of his nose, as long as he said that one hundredth of an instant late, he would be killed!

Chen Feng's voice was cold, and a word came out coldly from his throat: "Say!"

The voice was extremely harsh.

This captain had no doubt that if he dared to be that moment at night, he would be killed directly.

He quickly trembled and said, "I don't know what happened. I listened to General Sun. General Sun was the supreme commander who led the army to defeat this piece. There are 100,000 troops under him."

"When I was ordered to garrison here, he told me that he heard that there are strong people living in seclusion here, so he personally led the army to counter the rebellion, but he did not expect that the strong people here are not very strong. Kill to the core."

"He also told me that the core of this is a few young and beautiful women!"

When Chen Feng heard this, his heart suddenly became tight. Isn't this just Jiang Yuechun and the others?

Then the captain went on to say: "He was very lustful at the time and wanted to put these people in his own room. After all, these women are very beautiful, and the others have been killed. , There are less than ten left."

"Just as he was about to order his capture, suddenly seven or eight strangers arrived!"

"A foreign person is here?" Chen Feng frowned and said, "What kind of person?"

The captain shook his head and said, "General Sun didn't make it clear either. He said that he only saw a blue light flashing, and then a blue whirlwind swept over here, instantly flying sand and rocks."

"When they recovered their sight, they found that the women had disappeared. He guessed that they must have been taken away by the strong, afraid in his heart, and did not pursue them."

Chen Feng took a deep breath and believed what he said. This person has no need to lie at this moment!

Hearing that they lived in the world and did not fall into the hands of the Chu army, Chen Feng immediately felt relieved, as long as they did not fall into the hands of the Chu army, then they would not suffer the most miserable fate!

"It's just that, who saved them? I must pursue them, and I must trace their whereabouts!"

Chen Feng said coldly, "Where is General Sun's station?"

"In Suiyang County City!" The Chu army captain said quickly.

"Suiyang County?" Chen Feng's pupils suddenly shrank upon hearing this.

This is also a familiar name.

"do you have anything else?"

"No more! No more!" The chief Chu Jun shook his head quickly and said, "I don't know the others."

Chen Feng nodded, and suddenly a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Since you don't know anything, you should die!"

With that, a punch came out.

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