Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1747: Samsung King Wu? Two cuts!

"This time, it was Tongtianhou Wensheng wins anyway!"

Everyone talked a lot, they all looked at Long Shenhou with a little pity, feeling that he was about to be driven to despair by Tongtianhou.

The Dragon God Hou did not hesitate, and said loudly: "Okay, then I'll bet with you!"

Tongtianhou laughed loudly, as if he had seen the scene where Long Shenhou was kneeling in front of him, very proud, and said, "That's it!"

At this time, Xiong Chengjing looked at Chen Feng with a dull look, feeling that he was determined to win, and even looked somewhat depressed, feeling that the fight was meaningless.

Pointing at Chen Feng, he said in an understatement, "Come here and die! I'm already impatient to talk nonsense with you!"

"Hurry up and kill you, and I have to go back to Chu State as soon as possible!"

Just like him now, it is a very embarrassing thing to kill Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at him with a cold look in his eyes. Suddenly, he shouted: "Kill!"

Stride forward!

With each step, the earth trembled.

Above the city wall, everyone felt that the city wall was shaking, as if it was not a person who was marching forward, but a wild beast.

And the more Chen Feng moved forward, the more his aura surged.

When he arrived hundreds of meters away from the huge rock, his aura had reached the half-step Martial King Realm!

"What?" When everyone on the wall saw this scene, their faces were filled with disbelief, and their eyes were full of huge shock.

"It turns out that Chen Feng has concealed his strength before?"

"It turns out that he is half of the Martial King Realm powerhouse, not the Sixth and Seventh Martial King realm!"

"It turns out that we have always underestimated him just now!" Everyone exclaimed!

Tongtianhou and others just made a mockery of Chen Feng, their faces were a little bit uncontrollable, very embarrassed.

However, this was not over at all. When Chen Feng came three hundred meters away, he leaped into the air, and his aura increased wildly.

Half-step Wu Wang realm, one-star Wu Wang, two-star Wu Wang, and three-star Wu Wang, Chen Feng's aura directly climbed to the three-star Wu Wang realm!

When everyone on the city wall saw this scene, they were all shocked and speechless, and they exclaimed: "How is it possible? How is it possible? How could Chen Feng's strength improve so fast?"

"When Chen Feng left Wuyang City, what kind of strength was he? Now he has reached the three-star martial king?"

"At the age of less than twenty, in the realm of the three-star martial king, among the thirty-seven kingdoms, I am afraid that there is no such genius!"

"It's so ridiculous that we have been degraded like that just now, and now we are being slapped in the face by Chen Feng!"

"Chen Feng is really a genius, he is too powerful!" Some people exclaimed as weak as a moan.

The expressions on the faces of the Four Houfu and Lie's family are even more ugly!

They were still holding on, and Mrs. Lie sneered and said, "What about Samsung Wuwang?"

"Xiong Chengjing is the pinnacle of the three-star martial king, even if Chen Feng is the three-star martial king, he is definitely not Xiong Chengjing's opponent!"

"Yes!" The other people agreed, as if to comfort themselves.

When Xiong Chengjing saw this scene, his face was also shocked: "Chen Feng, it turns out that your strength is not bad, so it's worth my shot."

"However, it's useless at all. How about you even if you are the King of Samsung? I can still kill you easily!"

What he said was very arrogant, as if Chen Feng was only qualified to be his opponent now!

Chen Feng sneered and said, "It is you who died today, not me!"

Xiong Chengjing let out a loud roar: "You arrogant and ignorant pariah, let you see my true strength today!"

As he said, behind him, the fire dragon martial soul appeared, the purple flame bloodline martial soul appeared, and the latter two were combined.

The fire dragon let out an earth-shaking roar, and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Xiong Chengjing's face was smug, watching this scene, waiting for Chen Feng to be killed by the fire dragon.

Last time, she used this trick to beat Chen Feng miserably.

At this time, Chen Feng showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and roared: "Bahuang Ji Mie Zhan!"

His dragon slaying knife drew a mysterious arc, slashed forward frantically, the power of Donkey Kong's death was surging.

Forty-nine dragons of nirvana rushed towards the fire dragon martial soul.

The next moment, with a loud bang, the fire dragon spirit was directly torn to pieces by forty-nine dragons of extinction, and disappeared into the air.

Xiong Chengjing exclaimed in disbelief: "How is it possible?"

"My fire dragon martial soul, such a high-level martial soul, was torn apart by you?"

Chen Feng laughed: "What's impossible?"

There was another roar, Bahuang Ji Mie Zhan's second stage, cut the flesh!

Cut it out again!

This time, ninety-nine dragons of extinction slammed into Xiong Cheng quietly.

At this moment, Xiong Chengjing's whole body shuddered, cold sweat oozing crazily, and despair flashed in his heart.

He felt that he was about to die under this trick!

He uttered an extremely screaming cry and used his most powerful moves, but it was useless at all.

After completing the second stage of Bahuang Ji Mie Zhan, you can kill the three-star Wu Wang powerhouse!

Even at the top of Samsung Wuwang, no exception!

With a knife falling, the ninety-nine dragons of extinction rushed into Xiong Chengjing's body madly.

At the next moment, everything seemed to be still.

The air also seemed to freeze at this time, time stopped flowing, and Xiong Chengjing's body swelled heavily.

In the next instant, ninety-nine dragons of extinction burst out, directly tearing Xiong Chengjing's body into countless fragments, leaving no bones!

Chen Feng fell on the boulder. Behind him, there was a mist of falling blood, which became the best background!

Xiong Chengjing, the brother of the three-star martial king pinnacle master, was killed by Chen Feng with two swords!

Crazy, everyone is crazy!

The crowd was onlookers, seeing this scene was silent, and the atmosphere seemed to freeze.

Their faces are full of disbelief, and some people have not even recovered.

"Isn't Xiong Chengjing the pinnacle of the three-star Martial King? Just killed? Isn't Chen Feng a waste of six layers and seven layers in the Martial Sovereign realm? How could it be possible to kill Xiong Chengjing with two swords?"

"How is this possible? This is definitely not true!"

Many people yelled frantically and couldn't believe this scene at all!

The Four Great Masters and those in the Lie family were completely stupid, staring at this scene blankly.

Tongtianhou muttered, "Impossible, impossible, how could Chen Feng kill Xiong Chengjing?"

"It's absolutely impossible, I don't believe it!"

Madame Lie's face was extremely cold, and she suddenly smashed the table in front of her.

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