Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1746: Betting

"Chen Feng!"

Everyone followed the direction of his fingers, and then the exclamation sounded.

I saw very far away, at the junction of heaven and earth, a figure slowly walking towards this side.

He is tall and straight, looks handsome, his face is full of determination, who is it not Chen Feng?

"Chen Feng is here, and Chen Feng is here!"

"Haha, he has no other way to go, ah, he can only come, he can only choose a battle, and the final outcome is to die here!"

Many people looked at Chen Fengfeng with a touch of gloat on their faces.

Many people's bodies tightened instantly, very nervous.

But Chen Feng hurriedly hurried, and finally came to Wuyang City.

When he came here, he saw the huge boulder, saw the words on it, and saw the crowd surrounding the audience.

Chen Feng thought for a while, and immediately understood what was going on.

There was a cold face on his face, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he whispered to himself: "Xiong Chengjing, I haven't been looking for you yet, but you came here by yourself!"

"Okay, that's okay, I'm going to see today, who killed whom!"

Chen Feng was in the shape of electricity, swept forward quickly, and soon came to a kilometer away and stopped.

At this time, on the city wall, everyone could clearly see the expression on Chen Feng's face.

At this time, Xiong Chengjing above the boulder was still sitting cross-legged, without any movement.

It seems that he did not perceive Chen Feng's arrival at all.

Of course he felt it. He did this to show his disdain for Chen Feng, to humiliate Chen Feng, and not to put Chen Feng in his eyes.

Chen Feng looked at him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flashed by.

After a while, Xiong Chengjing stood up. He looked at Chen Feng and said lazily: "Oh, Chen Feng, are you finally here to die?"

Chen Feng said coldly, "It's still uncertain who will die!"

"It's really arrogant, you arrogant pariah!" Xiong Chengjing snorted disdainfully, and said, "Forget how embarrassed it was under my hands the last two times?"

"The one I chased has no way to go, no way into the ground! And this time, you can't get away even if you want to run!"

"You either fight, or you live in the humiliation of others for the rest of your life! Choose one yourself! Hahahaha..."

He said, Yang Tian laughed, extremely proud.

Chen Feng looked at him and was silent, just tightening the Dragon Slaying Knife in his hand.

Xiong Chengjing looked at Chen Feng up and down, and suddenly he raised his brows, and said in surprise: "How can your strength now degenerate so fast? You now only have the strength of the sixth and seventh levels of the Martial Sovereign Realm?"

His face was a little shocked, Chen Feng's original strength was much higher than now!

The expression on his face solidified, and then he became even more proud in the next moment. He laughed and said: "Chen Feng, you have such a shallow strength now, come here to fight with me, it is purely to die!"

His eyes are full of contempt and disdain, thinking that he has a chance to win, and Chen Feng is absolutely impossible to be an opponent!

Chen Feng said with a sneer: "What are you doing with so much nonsense? It's better to fight! After the first battle, naturally you will see the difference!"

Xiong Chengjing shook his head, looked at him with compassionate eyes, and said, "Chen Feng, did something happen to you that made you lose heart now?"

"With your strength, still compare with me? What do you compare with me? What do you use to fight with me?"

"Your strength, the cook who cooks in my kitchen, the flower slave who serves flowers, are much stronger than you. With strength like yours, I can completely crush you to death with a finger!"

And the nobles on the city wall looked at Chen Feng, and they all exclaimed: "How can Chen Feng's strength be so low, only the sixth and seventh martial arts?"

"When he leaves Wuyang City, his strength will not be the same!"

"Yes, could it be said that if he went to Dongjiang, his strength would decrease?"

Someone clapped their hands and laughed loudly: "I know, Chen Feng must have encountered some powerful opponent over there. The strength of being beaten directly fell greatly, and it was extremely miserable, only the strength in front of him! "

Talking, laughed.

The speaker was Mrs. Lie.

The few big mansions next to them all clapped their hands and laughed happily, gloating.

Suddenly someone said, "You said, Chen Feng is so low in strength, but he has reported success before?"

"I guess that is probably fake!"

"That's right," someone beside him said categorically: "Chen Feng must have falsely reported his military exploits, and he must conduct a rigorous investigation when he comes back to erase all his exploits."

These people are extremely shameless, they hate Chen Feng, and even his military exploits say that he is a false report!

Tongtianhou glanced at Long Shenhou, and suddenly a joking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He greeted everyone and said: "Everyone, everybody, you have placed a bet. Let's bet that Chen Feng can make a few moves under Xiong Chengjing's hands! "

He laughed and said first: "I think Chen Feng will not exceed two moves at most under Xiong Chengjing!"

"Two more tricks?" A burly man next to him laughed and said, "Master Tongtian, you are too overestimating Chen Feng."

"Look at Chen Feng's current strength. The Martial Sovereign Realm is only six layers and seven layers. Compared with Xiong Chengjing, there is a huge difference. I think Xiong Chengjing can kill him with one move. No second move is needed!"

"Yes, I think so too." An old man beside him said with a beard and smile.

Everyone spoke up, and most of them believed that Chen Feng could only go through one move under Xiong Chengjing's hands, and he would be killed with one move, and there was absolutely no chance of counterattack!

After everyone finished talking, Tong Tianhou glanced at Long Shenhou, smiled and said, "But I think some people seem to have confidence in Chen Feng."

Long Shen Hou glanced at him, his eyes flashed coldly, Tong Tian Hou saw him like this, thinking that Long Shen Hou was also guilty of conscience, did not dare to refute, even more unscrupulous.

He laughed and said: "Dragon God Hou, let's talk about it, he is your disciple, you should know him best."

"What do you think Chen Feng can do under Xiong Chengjing's hands?" His face was joking, obviously he said this to humiliate him on purpose.

Long Shenhou looked at him and said coldly: "Today's battle must be Chen Feng's victory."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar.

Everyone's faces showed disapproval, and some even made a deep mockery.

They all felt that Dragon God Hou was holding on here, deliberately holding on!

Tongtianhou sneered and said, "So, what if Chen Feng is dead! Dare to take a gamble?"

Dragon God Hou stared at Tongtianhou and said, "What are you betting on?"

Tongtianhou laughed and said: "If Chen Feng wins, then I will kneel and kowtow to you in front of everyone, admitting that I have no eyes."

"And if Chen Feng loses, you will kneel and kowtow to me in front of everyone, how about?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces were shocked: "This bet is big enough!

"Yes, if anyone loses, he won't be able to raise his head for the rest of his life!"

"This Tongtianhou is really a deep scheming. If Dragon God Hou gambles with him, he will definitely lose. But if he doesn't gamble, how can he be worthy of his disciple?"

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