Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1748: Kneel down!

The sound of the table shattering seemed to awaken everyone. The next moment, the city wall suddenly became noisy: "God, I am not mistaken? This Chen Feng actually killed the three-star martial king peak master Xiong Chengjing?"

"Yes, you read that right, and he only spent two dollars, which is terrifying!"

"What level of expert Chen Feng is now? Has he already reached the four-star martial king?"

"Chen Feng is less than twenty years old, he is already so scary? This is a genius, a real genius!"

Everyone looked at Chen Feng with awe. The disdain and contempt in their eyes just swept away, disappearing without a trace.

At this time, apart from respecting Chen Feng, they were afraid.

After all, being able to kill the peak of the three-star martial king at the age of less than twenty is enough to make them in awe!

Respect the strong! It's that simple!

It is conceivable that it will not be long before the news that Chen Feng killed Xiong Chengjing will spread throughout Da Qin, and even the entire Thirty-Seven Kingdom of Slaying Dragons!

Many people looked at Tongtianhou with gloating eyes.

The bet between Tongtianhou and Longshenhou just now, everyone heard clearly.

On Long Shenhou's side, Zhou Yang's clenched fist finally loosened, with a gratified smile on his face, while Shen Yanbing had always been confident in Chen Feng.

Dragon God Hou clapped his hands. He laughed, looked at Tongtianhou, and said loudly: "Tongtianhou, roll over and kneel in front of me, saying you have eyes but no beads!"

Tongtianhou red face was extremely ugly, standing still on the spot.

Long Shenhou sneered and said, "Why, Tongtianhou, do you want to violate the gambling contract?"

Tongtianhou suddenly moved his eyes and said with a sneer: "I just said to place this bet with you, but didn't say when to fulfill it."

Having said that, he seemed to feel that he was right, and he was even more proud. He laughed and said: "Yes, yes, that's what I mean. I will fulfill this bet ten years later, twenty years later, or even a lifetime later. Anything!"

"We two, but there is no appointment time!"

Long Shenhou's face was ugly, but he did ignore this detail at the time, so that now Tongtianhou could conduct sophistry without admitting it.

At this time, Chen Feng heard these words.

He turned his head, and suddenly a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Standing on the boulder, the dragon-slaying knife in his hand was pointed at Tongtianhou, and his voice was as cold as ice: "Tongtianhou, roll over now, kneel down and apologize to my master! "

Tongtianhou was furious and watched him yelling: "What if I don't?"

"If you don't?" A cold smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "If you dare to say half a word, the talented Xiong Chengjing will be your fate! I will kill you directly!"

Hearing these words, Tongtianhou suddenly shivered. He seemed to realize how powerful Chen Feng was, enough to kill Xiong Chengjing, and enough to kill him easily.

A hint of fear flashed in his eyes, but his mouth was still stiff, and he said loudly: "You absolutely dare not kill me. I am the Tongtianhou of Da Qin. If you dare to kill me, your majesty will never let you go!"

Chen Feng grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing two white teeth, with a grinning grin: "Then, let's try, you see if I dare or not?"

As he said, the killing intent rushed out, and the earth was overwhelmingly pressed down towards Tongtianhou.

At this moment, Tong Tianhou felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar, his heart was cold from the inside out, and he instantly realized that Chen Feng had done what he said.

He definitely dared to kill himself!

Tongtianhou did not dare to hesitate anymore, slid under the city wall and faced Long Shenhou, but he couldn't put himself down for a while, and he didn't want to kneel.

Chen Feng suddenly shouted: "Kneel down!"

As he said, the momentum surged crazily, directly bursting Tong Tianhou's knees and breaking them directly.

With a click, he fell directly to his knees.

Tongtianhou screamed sternly and shouted loudly: "Dragon Shenhou, I have eyes but no beads, and I have eyes but no beads!"

Long Shenhou looked at Chen Feng with a gratifying smile on his mouth, and then laughed and said, "Tongtianhou, do you have today?"

Chen Feng smiled and looked at the crowd, and said softly, "Everyone, what you said about me before a cup of tea, I, Chen Feng, keep it in mind."

Hearing these words, the faces of the nobles who were onlookers showed a look of fear, and many of them turned pale with fright. They were afraid of Chen Feng's revenge.

Some people actually knelt on the ground with their legs weakened, crying and begging to Chen Feng: "Chen Feng, Chen Feng, we, we shouldn't have said that just now!"

"Chen Feng, we have eyes but no beads. I don't know you are so powerful. You have a large number of adults. Don't be familiar with us!"

As they kneel down, more and more people are kneeling down.

Those ordinary nobles below Lord Hou couldn't afford Chen Feng at all.

They made a mockery of Chen Feng just now, but now they are kneeling on the ground begging him for mercy, bowing to their knees, and lowering the dust.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was extremely happy and laughed.

Suddenly, his laughter stopped, Tu Longdao pointed forward, pointing at the Lie Family Patriarch and Madam Lie.

He sneered and said: "You two old dogs of the Lie family, you owed me the debt before, now it's time to pay it back!"

"Two days later, before Lie's family, I will completely level your Lie's family, no chickens or dogs!"

Madam Lie's face was extremely ugly, and she turned and left without saying a word. Patriarch Lie followed and left quickly.

After this battle, Chen Feng became famous all over the world, not only the entire Da Qin, but even the entire Thirty-seven Kingdoms of Slaying Dragons, all knew its reputation.

That night, in the Dragon God Hou Mansion.

Chen Feng and Long Shenhou sat face to face. Long Shenhou looked at him, his face was full of relief, and said softly: "Chen Feng, you are now beyond my imagination, better than I thought. The best is perfect."

"At the beginning, although I had high hopes for you, I never thought that you would be able to kill the Samsung Wuwang when you were under twenty years old!"

Chen Feng looked at him with a grateful expression on his face, and said softly: "Master, if you didn't let the Golden Dragon Guard take me to Wuyang City, if you didn't meet you and didn't enter the Dragon God Hou Mansion, then I definitely won't be in such a situation now."

"I can have today, and I have to thank Master for his cultivation."

Long Shenhou smiled, and he said softly: "I don't need your thanks, all I need is your strength."

He took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, and said in a deep voice: "Here, there is a secret, I also want to tell you. This is the secret of my Dragon God Hou Mansion, which has been hidden in my heart. For a hundred years."

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