Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1709: The treasure of the nirvana sword gate!

However, it is not crude, just a few lines are outlined in life, with an ancient and desolate atmosphere.

Obviously, this thing has at least experienced hundreds of thousands of years!

At this time, most of Yu Chan's body had turned black.

Kou Gaoyang smiled and said: "This is a treasure. He can sense something unusual within ten meters of me."

"For example, an extremely noble inheritance, for example, a very huge treasure, for example, some places where heaven, spirit and earth treasures are bred, etc., it can be sensed."

When Chen Feng heard this, he was shocked. This thing has such a magical effect, it can be said to be a rare treasure!

"See? This jade cicada is divided into three sections,"

Kou Gaoyang pointed to Yu Chan's surface and said: "Three knots means that it can only be used three times, and its use does not depend on the will of the manipulator, but he will use it when he appears."

"So, as long as he turns black, it represents extraordinary. When I got this jade cicada, he had already used it once. After wearing it on my body for decades, the treasures I passed by have encountered I don’t know how many of the strong inheritance there are, but it didn’t respond."

"Only when I come to you, I have a reaction, so I am sure that the inheritance in you is extremely noble and powerful!"

Chen Feng took a breath: "It turns out it's because of this!"

In this situation, he can only be considered unlucky.

Kou Gaoyang shouted impatiently: "Hurry up, don't force me to do it, you have to let me clean up your life and not beg to die, you are willing to say, right?"

At this time, he didn't pay attention to Chen Feng at all.

In his opinion, although Chen Feng has such a noble and powerful heritage, his current strength is still very weak, and he is not his opponent at all!

He didn't know that Chen Feng could deal with him who was seriously injured at this time!

Chen Feng looked at Kou Gaoyang with a grim expression on his face. He is now ready to take a shot and clean up Kou Gaoyang.

Kou Gaoyang has always humiliated him, and Chen Feng's hatred has also accumulated. Kou Gaoyang even tried to kill him several times. Chen Feng has never been such a surrender. He already has a killing intent on Kou Gaoyang. stern!

However, just as he was about to make a move, Kou Gaoyang's expression suddenly changed and he whispered: "Someone is coming."

As he said, he was hiding behind the idol in the ruined temple when he rolled over.

Chen Fengfeng stunned in his heart, and immediately shrank, and the powerful move he was about to send out suddenly came back, hiding in a hidden corner of the wall, looking at the entrance of the temple.

At the entrance of the temple, a figure was mirrored under the shining of moonlight. The figure seemed to be seriously injured, staggering, and after striding in, it fell heavily to the ground.

He panted heavily, and suddenly he held his head in his hands, screamed sternly, and rolled on the ground, convulsing all over. Obviously, he seemed to be suffering great pain, and it should be a headache.

Chen Feng looked on with cold eyes, and gradually realized in his heart that this person should be overexhausted in mental energy.

Because Chen Feng once had it too!

The moonlight shifted and shone in from the hall. After seeing this person's dress, Chen Feng and Kou Gaoyang both showed awe-inspiring expressions on their faces.

This person wears a black robe, and there is no difference in dressing up with those in black!

This person and the people in black are definitely in the same group. He struggled madly, screamed sternly, and constantly threw out his fists. Each punch was powerful, smashing the temple to the ground, and numerous big pits appeared. !

Chen Feng muttered to himself: "This person is also extremely strong, I am afraid that he is comparable to Kou Gaoyang, and may even be stronger than Kou Gaoyang."

"Even if he has suffered such a serious injury now, it also reflects the strength of the second-star Wuwang peak!"

Suddenly, he was still there with his head in his hands, vomiting blood, and numerous wounds burst open on his body.

It turned out that this man in black was the one who sneaked an attack on the mountain forbidden ground behind the door of the Nimbling Sword and won the treasure. Although he escaped from birth, the attack by the Supreme Elder was too fierce, and it also left him secretly injured.

And at the last moment, he used that trick to forcibly control the bodies of the three companions, allowing them to blew themselves in exchange for a ray of life, which also caused his body to suffer a great load, and his mental power was almost exhausted!

Just as the master in black was struggling and rolling, a box suddenly fell from his body. This was a stone box, yes, it was a stone.

The material seems to be ordinary granite. It is neither jade nor metal. The carving of the box is very rough, but it reveals a vigorous aura of epee without front and ingenuity, and a breath of ancient desolation.

Looking at this stone box, a picture suddenly appeared in Chen Feng's eyes.

On the vast land of the ancient times, the ancient ancestors knelt down in front of the rough and thick pyramids, dancing the powerful and heavy Nuo dance, and sending out bursts of wild calls!

What shocked Chen Feng the most and even shrank his pupils, was the pattern on the stone box, which turned out to be one yin and one yang, one red and one blue.

Chen Feng's heart suddenly set off stormy waves, like a sledgehammer, a voice rang in his heart: "This is something in the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang, this is definitely the treasure brought out of the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang!"

An indescribable divine light burst into his eyes, and a firm voice in his heart shouted: "Mine, this is definitely mine!"

At the same time, Kou Gaoyang was greedy in his eyes, and he recognized the origin of this box!

Therefore, he did not hesitate, his figure flashed, and he appeared directly next to the tall and thin man in black, and hit the tall and thin man in black with a punch.

This move has the strength of the peak of the two-star Wuwang, and he has already used his strongest move.

At this moment, the tall and thin man in black, who had been tumbling and struggling on the ground, looked incomparably painful and could not fight back, suddenly straightened his body.

There was a weird look on his face, looking at Kou Gaoyang, a weird smile was slightly outlined at the corner of his mouth: "You, finally can't help but shoot!"

Kou Gaoyang suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart, but it was too late.

He could only continue to attack, and at this time, the tall and thin man in black screamed, his figure flashed, and he drifted away backwards, directly avoiding the move.

At the same time, where Kou Gaoyang stood, the black slate under his feet suddenly turned into two huge black hands, firmly grasping his legs.

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