Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1710: Who is the ant?

These two **** hands seemed unremarkable, but in fact they were full of tyrannical forces. Kou Gaoyang struggled, but couldn't get away.

He roared in fright: "What the **** is this?"

The tall and thin man in black smiled coldly, his figure flashed, and he came directly in front of Kou Gaoyang. He suddenly grabbed Kou Gaoyang's shoulder, his eyes turned pale.

Suddenly, the extremely powerful mental impact slammed into Kou Gaoyang.

Kou Gaoyang let out a scream, his whole body sifted violently, his skin, bones and muscles flowed like water, his head shook violently, and his eyes were empty.

After a while, he screamed loudly, blood flowed crazily among the seven orifices, no, it should be said that it was sprayed out, his body softened, he fell heavily to the ground, his head drooping.

He looked miserable, and he didn't even have the power to fight back!

Chen Feng was shocked. The mental impact of the tall and thin man in black could be clearly felt even from such a distance, and he was even attacked by the aftermath. The tall and thin man in black was so strong in spirit?

However, it only ends here, Chen Feng feels that his mental power has been exhausted, and even the trick just now was a little bit effortless!

At this time, the tall and thin man in black stood up shaking his shoulders, walked in front of Kou Gaoyang, and looked down at him.

Kou Gaoyang opened his eyes, there was nothing in his eyes, and muttered: "How is it possible? How can you be so powerful?"

"Why is it impossible?" The tall and thin black man showed a smug smile on his face: "As early as when I entered the temple, I already felt you."

"I was indeed injured, but it was not that heavy at all. At least I still retain the strength of the Samsung Wuwang. The behavior I just made was to confuse you. Hahahaha, it really succeeded!"

"I led you to the front and attacked suddenly, destroying almost all of your mental power! And even though I was exhausted and retreated to the peak of the two-star Martial King, I could easily kill you because you are already There is nothing to fight back!"

He laughed triumphantly.

At this moment, Kou Gaoyang, who appeared to be extremely weak and unable to resist, suddenly flashed a cold light in the eyes of the ground, and shouted: "Really?"

As he said, a white jade bottle floated out of his body and was directly crushed by him. From inside, a gray air current flowed out, full of the boundless power of silence!

The next moment, the gray air current injected into his body, causing his strength to increase crazily and his aura soaring.

The whole body has become bulging.

At this moment, he even possessed the strength of Samsung Wuwang.

This change completely caught the tall and thin man in black off guard, and at this moment, Kou Gaoyang had already laughed frantically and stood up.

Three punches in succession blasted his chest bitterly.

Boom boom boom, his chest was directly hit and collapsed, the bones in the chest and abdomen were all shattered, and he vomited blood.

This time it wasn't pretending, but really vomiting blood.

The tall and thin man in black also flashed a fierce color in his eyes. This man was really a fierce man, and he screamed wildly, "If I die, don't think about it!"

With that said, he didn't even evade and hugged Kou Gaoyang directly.

After embracing Kou Gaoyang, a pale power suddenly poured out of Kou Gaoyang's body and slammed into Kou Gaoyang's body.

Kou Gaoyang screamed sternly. After that power penetrated into his body, it ran wildly in his body, and wherever he went, it caused a violent explosion.

The pale air flow poured into his arms, blasted his arms directly into his chest, and exploded his chest into six or seven huge holes. Even, only the pale bones and the inside were left. Internal organs.

Even the internal organs are severely damaged.

The two fell heavily to the ground together, both in a situation where they were seriously injured and dying! This

The pale power is the original power of this master in black, extremely powerful!

The two of them lay on the ground, and they didn't even have the power to raise their hands!

After a while, Kou Gaoyang grinned suddenly. He looked at the black-clothed master and said triumphantly: "The two of us, now our strength has been greatly damaged."

"But, I still have a hole card, which is enough to kill you!"

Hearing this, the tall and thin man in black's expression instantly changed.

At this time, Kou Gaoyang snarled his throat, his face was full of impatientness, and he yelled, "Feng Chen, get out of me quickly!"

Chen Feng slowly came out from behind the idol and walked to the side of the two.

Seeing him, the tall and thin man in black showed a trace of despair on his face, and shouted in his mouth: "Feng Chen, hurry up, kill him now!"

He was pretentious, as if he was ordering his servants.

Chen Feng stood there motionless, Kou Gaoyang was even more impatient, his eyes swept across Chen Feng, and said in a cold voice, "Are you deaf? Didn't you hear my order? Hurry up!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth. He looked at Kou Gaoyang and said, "You really do not live or die!"

"At this time, you dare to talk to me in this tone?"

Kou Gaoyang's face turned gloomy, and he sneered: "Feng Chen, don't think I am injured now, you can't do anything about it!"

"Tell you, although I am seriously injured now, if I hit with all my strength, I can still kill you easily!"

"You are just an ant who has just entered the Martial Sovereign Realm. In front of me, you have no power to fight back!"

"Killing you is like crushing ants!"

"Oh? Really?" Chen Feng said with a smile: "You just want to kill me like this, don't you?"

With that, he suddenly rose up suddenly and pressed down against Kou Gaoyang.

What Kou Gaoyang was directly pressed was another spit of blood.

He felt that Chen Feng's momentum rose wildly, and he had climbed all the way to the realm of the two-star martial king.

With a look of horror and disbelief on his face, he shouted: "How is it possible? How is it possible? How can you have such a strong strength?"

"You are just an ant who has just entered the Martial Sovereign Realm. How can you have the strength of the Second Star Martial King?"

Chen Feng looked at him with a smile and said softly: "Sorry, I just have such a strong strength!"

He smiled and said: "Now, tell me, who killed whom, like crushing ants?"

Kou Gaoyang finally showed a touch of despair on his face. He looked at Chen Feng with a trembling voice: "You hide so deeply. So you have such a strong strength?"

"You must have a different plan to enter the nirvana knife gate, right?"

Chen Feng looked at him, smiled and said, "You are really right!"

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