Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1708: Kou Gaoyang is seriously injured

The Supreme Elder didn't catch up, but looked at Duan Wanqing worriedly.

At this time, Duan Wanqing's legs softened and he collapsed directly on the ground.

This night, she was overwhelmed with joy and sorrow, ups and downs, it was too rich, she could not control her emotions, she covered her face and cried.

Li Anshun also softened and lay directly on the ground, panting heavily, with a hint of fortune in his eyes.

The elder Taishang frowned, looked around, and found the figure of the master in the nirvana knife gate among the layers of black-clothed corpses.

His hands trembled, and he said, "Dead, all dead, two-thirds of the masters of the Zongmen are buried here!"

Tonight, this big show seems to be ending, but for some people, this is just the beginning!

Chen Feng was taken into this dense black forest by Kou Gaoyang, heading to the northwest, and soon had traveled thousands of miles.

It wasn't until Kou Gaoyang felt that no one could catch him anymore before he swept down from the air. There was a building in front of him. Under the moonlight, Chen Feng saw that it was a dilapidated temple.

Very tall, as high as several tens of meters, with a radius of hundreds of meters. It was once very impressive to come here, but now it is very dilapidated.

But overall the preservation is still intact. At least the walls have not collapsed. Kou Gaoyang carried Chen Feng into the temple with strides. He threw Chen Feng heavily at the corner of the wall, and then suddenly his figure shook, directly Kneel to the ground.

He seemed to be unable to control it anymore, with a wow, a big mouthful of blood spurted out.

After the blood spurted out, it was like a mouth opened, and it couldn't be blocked. He spouted a dozen mouthfuls of blood one after another. The blood was mixed with a large number of blood clots and internal organs fragments, which looked shocking!

Chen Feng was watching coldly, a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Kou Gaoyang had always been calm and steady before, with no signs of injury, just a feeling of consumption.

Chen Feng only realized now that Kou Gaoyang had already been injured, and the injury was very serious, but he kept suppressing it and didn't let others notice it.

However, the constant suppression and no rectification led to more serious injuries. Coupled with this crazy rushing on the road, the injury was aggravated, and now his strength has greatly regressed.

Chen Feng estimated that his strength is now at most the peak of the two-star Wu Wang!

Compared with the three-star Wu Wang at his peak, he has stepped back a big step!

After a long time, Kou Gaoyang just came back, panting heavily, a touch of pain on his face, a face twisted into a ball, looking very hideous and terrible!

He tremblingly took out a sapphire bottle from his sleeves, opened the sapphire bottle, and poured out a fragrant, green-colored pill from the inside, and he knew the pill with extremely high quality and put it in his mouth.

Many high-grade things, such as certain treasures and certain medicinal pills, cannot be put in a mustard bag.

After putting the pill in his mouth, his face immediately became much more comfortable, and the distortion on his face had also melted away.

Soon, he returned to normal and stood up, but Chen Feng could clearly know that his injury was only suppressed and did not recover. His strength was still in the realm of the two-star Martial King!

Kou Gaoyang walked towards Chen Feng with a sneer on his face, and suddenly smiled and said, "Feng Chen, do you know why I want to catch you?"

Chen Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, shook the Niexi Zhaori Bow in his hand, and said, "Is it for this?"

"You are quite clever, you can guess part of the reason."

Kou Gaoyang showed a hint of irony at the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "However, if I just want this bow and arrow, I can **** it from you. Anyway, with your **** strength, there is no possibility of resistance."

"Then why should I arrest you? I want to take you and carry you this burden, running such a long way?"

Chen Feng frowned and thought for a while, and said, "I know that I have offended you several times before, and you have long held it in your heart. In addition, the thing you have always wanted for Nimie Zhaori Gong was given to me by Missy. So you feel extremely resentful towards me in your heart."

"Bring me here to kill me to vent my anger, right?"

"Oh, your mind is really good, you can still think of this level, yes, yes."

"Actually, if there is no accident, I should think so, right?" Kou Gaoyang asked with a smile.

Chen Feng frowned, a bad premonition surged in his heart, and the color of mockery on Kou Gaoyang's face became stronger.

He stared at Chen Feng suddenly, and shouted: "Feng Chen, you will pretend, and you will pretend to Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu wants to see when you are going to pretend!"

Chen Feng looked at him calmly, and slowly said, "I don't understand what you mean?"

"Oh? Don't you understand what I mean?" Kou Gaoyang strode over and grabbed Chen Feng's hair, turning his face toward him, his face almost touching hers, and roared ferociously: "Boy, don't you think no one has noticed?"

"Tell you, I have discovered your details a long time ago. You are not from the Silence Mountains at all. Before you entered the Silence Knife Gate, you had inherited it!"

"Furthermore, this inheritance is very powerful, and its grade is definitely not weaker than the nirvana knife gate!"

"Hurry up and hand over the secret to Lao Tzu!"

Having said this, the flesh on his cheeks trembled suddenly, and his face was full of greed.

Instead, Chen Feng calmed down and said slowly: "It turns out that you brought me here for this."

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Kou Gaoyang laughed triumphantly: "I've seen it a long time ago, but it hasn't been revealed yet. This time it gave me a great opportunity!"

Chen Feng looked at him and said calmly: "When did you know this news? From who did you know it? I don't believe you can see it out of thin air!"

The powerful point of the nine-yin and nine-yang divine art is that it can not only absorb, it can also cover up. This is also a trump card for Chen Feng to go deep into the nirvana sword gate.

With nine yin and nine yang magic skills, he is not afraid that others will be able to see its inheritance!

Kou Gaoyang felt that he had a chance to win at this time, and he thought that it would not take long for him to get a strong inheritance, and he was even more excited and in a very good mood. He smiled and said:

"I'm in a good mood now, so I will let you die and be a ghost, and tell you about this matter."

Talking. A carved piece like a jade cicada appeared in his hand. This jade cicada was only the size of a palm, and the carving was not fine at all. On the contrary, it was very crude and ancient.

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