Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1704: trap!

At this time, the three knights realized that something was wrong at the same time and wanted to circulate upward, but it was too late.

Thousands of people in black suddenly rushed out of the woods below, one after another with aggressive moves, bombarding the three heads and one star demon king.

These powerful offensives draw a bright arc in the air, which is a whole thousand of powerful moves, and every move has extremely powerful power.

These more than a thousand moves bitterly blasted above the three-headed one-star Demon King.

The three-headed and one-star Demon King was crazy low-end, but they didn't have any effect at all.

They uttered miserable screams, and the next moment, they were directly shattered and fell heavily on the ground.

The three-headed one-star Demon King was killed in seconds, and this was not over yet, the more than a thousand people made powerful moves at the same time to attack the three knights.

These three knights with the strength of the two-star martial king peak tried their best to resist, but they still had no effect. The three were killed at the same time, and there was no bones left.

The extremely powerful moves directly vaporized them!

Duan Wanqing's smile continued, but it was already solidified on her face. The next moment, she screamed in disbelief and frustrated: "How is it possible? How could there be so many people in black? Where were they just now?"

Kou Gaoyang said coldly: "These people in black have been in the dense forest just now, but we didn't find them."

He said softly: "I can see it now, this is a trap!"

"They used us as the bait, ambushed an unknown number of people, guarded the periphery, lured our men to attack, and then suddenly launched an attack."

"We are not their target. The masters who came to the rescue, such as Nirvana Knife Gate, are their target!"

This is a trap!

Chen Feng had guessed it a long time ago. In fact, he was surprised and wondered about the origin of these people.

The leader in black had the best smile: "Do you think it's only that simple?"

The three knights were killed so quickly that they didn't even warn the team behind them and didn't pass the news.

Then Liu Wendong suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Don't come here, there is an ambush here!"

Before he could say anything, Kou Gaoyang had suddenly hit his head with a punch.

Liu Wendong groaned and fainted. He was not dead, but he couldn't speak.

Seeing this scene, the other two were shocked and looked at Kou Gaoyang in disbelief, not understanding why he did this.

Kou Gaoyang said in a cold voice to them: "Liu Wendong warned the team that rescued us. If they really listen to the news and don't come to rescue us, won't all of us die here today?"

With a deep selfish and insidious color on his face, he said coldly: "They are here to fight these men in black, they may not be invincible."

"If they don't come, we will definitely die. If you two dare to report, you will end up like this!"

Both of them were silent, and neither of them dared to speak.

At this time, Kou Gaoyang lazily said to the people in black: "You don't have to pretend if you are done, I also understand that you are surrounded by us, but it is to lure more people from the Nirvana Knife to the net. ."

"In this case, it doesn't take much effort. Can we still run now?"

As he said, he took two steps back, sat on the ground, panting heavily, and stopped beating.

The black-clothed men looked at each other, and the hoarse voice of the black-clothed head's collar sounded: "You are really smart, stop!"

When his voice fell, the people in black stopped one after another. During the whole process, Duan Wanqing was almost dumbfounded. She did not react to what was going on.

Only then did he wake up and screamed: "Kou Gaoyang, what is going on? What are you doing? Why do you want to attack Uncle Liu?"

"You **** shut up for me!" Kou Gaoyang stared at her, his voice Binghan said!

"What? What are you talking about? How dare you talk to me in this tone?" Duan Wanqing's face showed disbelief, her mouth opened wide, shocked.

"Why didn't I dare?" Kou Gaoyang stared at her with a cold voice: "I was so respectful to you before, do you think I really want to?"

"I'm a dignified three-star martial king, and you are instigated and reprimanded every day by a little girl who is not a one-star martial king. Do you think I am very happy?

"Tell you, it's all fake!"

Suddenly he stared at Duan Wanqing fiercely, and roared furiously: "The reason I did that is because of your daughter in charge, that's all!"

"Actually, I have already been extremely dissatisfied with you, but now?"

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Now we are afraid that we are all going to die here, what else do I have to worry about? If you know a little bit, shut up quickly, otherwise, I will tell you to shut up!"

Duan Wanqing was furious, her eldest lady's temper, nowhere could it be changed for a while, she screamed:

"Kou Gaoyang, you are not a human dog. I was blind before in vain, and you still trust you so much!

Kou Gaoyang rolled his eyelids, and the color of ice flashed in his eyes, with awe-inspiring murderous aura.

At this time, Chen Feng hurriedly pulled Duan Wanqing and said softly: "Miss, don't talk anymore, if Kou Gaoyang is angered, I'm afraid you will be killed if you can't wait for the reinforcements to arrive."

Duan Wanqing only calmed down after hearing what he said, and walked aside, staring at Kou Gaoyang angrily.

Kou Gaoyang glanced at Chen Feng and smiled negatively: "You humble slave, with poor strength, you still have a good vision!"

He felt like a broken jar, and no longer talked to Chen Feng and Duan Wanqing, but sat cross-legged there, regaining his strength.

The man in black stopped attacking, and the two sides actually formed a brief and peaceful confrontation.

After a while, the people who came to the rescue at the door of the nirvana knife arrived, there were a total of thirty people.

These are already two-thirds of all the top masters in the nirvana swordsman. If they are destroyed here, then it can be said that the nirvana swordsman will be a disaster.

They were aggressive and awe-inspiring to kill, but after they came here, they were all stunned, watching the scene with surprise on their faces.

Because what was presented to them at this time was a very calm picture. The blood they expected was flying, roaring loudly, and wanton killing did not appear.

One of the leaders, dressed in a white robe, with four purple ripples on top of the robe, indicated that he was the worst of the three-star martial king peak power.

Moreover, his identity is at least a generation of disciples of the same generation as the head. He looked at Kou Gaoyang in anger and shouted: "Kou Gaoyang, what's the matter? Why don't you fight anymore?"

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