Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1703: Reinforcements

After the discussion, Yu Tianzong hesitated and said: "Senior Brother Qiu, your plan is very thorough, and I admire it too, but his Duan family has deep roots. Based on the words of a few of us, isn't his strength still weak? "

"Hahaha..." Qiu Nutao laughed: "Junior Brother Yu, don't worry, I have already thought about this level."

He lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "This time, I brought a super master to participate in this matter. This person's cultivation is by no means weaker than us, even stronger than me!"

"Better than you?" Everyone was shocked.

Qiu Nutao is the most powerful person among them. His strength has reached the four-star Wuwang, unfathomable, that person is actually stronger than him?

This shocked them.

Qiu Nutao smiled mysteriously: "Just leave it alone, in short, remember one sentence, with me, everything is in order."

At this time, Chen Feng and others were already in extreme danger.

There are four outside masters, and there are at least two hundred men in black who besieged them. They are against fifty people alone, and they cannot be opponents at all.

The line of defense was compressed more and more, they retreated more and more, and the injuries on the four of them continued to increase.

With a scream, Kou Gaoyang was severely hit in the belly, this was the strongest attack of a two-star Wu Wang peak powerhouse.

After playing this trick, his face was pale and he was no longer able to attack, but immediately another two-star martial king peak powerhouse blocked his vacancy and continued to attack Kou Gaoyang.

Kou Gaoyang was spitting blood, and even there were visceral fragments in the blood. He was already seriously injured, and his strength was only 30%. He was beaten back by this two-star Wu Wang peak powerhouse one after another, embarrassed!

At this time, Duan Wanqing had exhausted all his strength.

He held the Silence Sunset Bow, but there was no way to help Kou Gaoyang and the others, so anxious that she stomped her feet again and again, teardrops rolling in her eyes.

Behind her, the faces of several maids showed fear. They were not weak in strength, but they were far from these people in black, and they were all very uneasy and fearful.

Qin Lan is naturally one of them.

He glanced at him suddenly and saw Chen Feng. At this time, Chen Feng looked calm, without the slightest tension.

She was shocked and stunned, feeling that Chen Feng at this time was completely different from what she had seen in normal times.

But at this time, seeing that they were about to be unable to hold on, the leader in black suddenly gave a few words.

As a result, more than half of the people in black withdrew back, rested and rectified, absorbed the primordial stone, and recovered their strength.

The remaining people in black fell sharply to less than fifty. Suddenly, Kou Gaoyang's pressure was greatly reduced, and they all had a chance to breathe.

Liu Wendong exclaimed: "With the intensity just now, we can only support one cup of tea, and now we can support at least a quarter of an hour!"

Everyone was very surprised. They didn't know why when the black clothed men was about to win, they suddenly withdrew their staff to give them a chance to breathe and delay.

But now I can't manage so much. Under the shadow of death just now, everyone is desperate, and it is too late to be happy.

Chen Feng frowned: "These people in black can obviously kill us here as long as they work harder. Isn't the purpose of their trip Duan Wanqing?"

"Seeing that you can kill Duan Wanqing, why do you procrastinate?"

Chen Feng suddenly shrank his pupils and thought of a terrible possibility!

After a while, there was a clear look at the corner of his mouth: "It turns out that your calculation is like this!"

However, only he realized that everyone else was still rejoicing.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a roar and roar in the distance. It was the roar of a monster beast, and Chen Feng heard a few extraordinarily huge roars in it, which were at least one-star monster king level monsters. It can be sent out.

The sound of hoofs stomped on the ground, rumbling like thunder, and obviously countless monsters were approaching here.

Suddenly a sharp scream sounded from the sky. Several huge figures obscured the sky and the sun. Even the moonlight was blocked, leaving a huge silhouette of kilometers long under the moonlight!

This is a three-headed one-star demon king, and it is a flying one-star demon king, whose strength is even stronger than an ordinary one-star demon king!

These one-star demon kings hovered down, and on top of the demon king, a knight stood each, exuding a huge aura.

One of the leaders yelled: "Miss, we are here to save you! The seniors are still behind, and our three mounts are the fastest, just arrived!"

Seeing them coming, Duan Wanqing, Kou Gaoyang and others cheered. Duan Wanqing had never felt so excited.

She screamed: "Come here, come and save me!"

The knights looked at the men in black, with a fierce look in their eyes: "With a wild roar, you bastards, how dare you offend our majesty on the grounds of the Knife Gate of Nirvana and intercept and kill our eldest lady. Damn it!"

With that said, these three knights all drove their remaining One-Star Demon King to hover down.

The three-headed and one-star demon king screamed together and made powerful moves at the same time.

A one-star demon king spewed out dozens of net-like lightning, shrouded heavily toward these people in black, and directly turned a dozen people in black into coke.

And the other two One-Star Demon Kings, one of them whispered a few words in his mouth, dozens of huge ground spurs smashed out of the ground, skewering several people in black into meat.

The other one spewed out a strong flame, enveloped a dozen people in black, and burned them clean.

At the same time, the three knights also issued their own tyrannical tricks, and they shot at the same time, banging banging, attacking continuously, and the screams of screams suddenly sounded.

More than a half of the people in black who besieged Kou Gaoyang and others were killed in an instant. These knights all smiled triumphantly and laughed: "You guys are just as capable!"

But at this moment!

Suddenly, the black-clothed leader showed a smile in his eyes, and his hoarse voice suddenly sounded: "Get up!"

"Kill!" In the dense forest, the roar suddenly sounded at the same time.

Moreover, this burst of roar was very dense, and there were many people, Kou Gaoyang and those strong men immediately changed their faces.

Because at least thousands of people made this roar.

Kou Gaoyang exclaimed: "Impossible! Didn't you have two or three hundred people here? How could there be thousands of people shouting at the same time?"

The leader of the black clothed laughed strangely and did not answer.

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