Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1705: The real purpose!

Kou Gaoyang rolled his strange eyes and suddenly smiled coldly, with a trace of hideousness in his smile: "Soon, you will know."

Duan Wanqing shouted at this time: "Uncle Li be careful!"

As soon as the voice fell, the leader in black let out a murderous roar: "Kill!"

At the same time, the thousands of people in black who were lying in ambush yelled at the same time, attacking the nirvana swordsmen masters who came for reinforcement.

Thousands of people in black swarmed out of the dense forest and surrounded them in an instant.

In an instant, these thirty nirvana swordsmen masters were surrounded by a heavy siege.

Then Uncle Li yelled in anger: "Who are you guys? How come there are so many, so powerful?"

"Who am I?" The leader in black walked out of the dense forest for the first time and stood under the moonlight.

He was wearing a black cloak and a black mask on his face. He couldn't see his appearance at all, but his eyes were cold, cruel and bloodthirsty. He slowly spit out a few words: "I am the one who wants your life, I want to destroy your silence. The one who killed the sword!"

The dozens of people at the scene who heard this sentence shuddered and shuddered.

This person's ambitions are so big that he wants to destroy the nirvana knife gate! But by the way, he still has such a strong strength!

These people in the Silenced Knife Gate have a feeling of fright. They have been at ease for so long that they have forgotten the taste of being threatened.

At this time, Uncle Li suddenly stared at Kou Gaoyang, full of anger, and shouted: "Kou Gaoyang, since you know there is an ambush, why don't you give a warning in advance?"

Kou Gaoyang sneered, and Duan Wanqing shouted loudly: "Uncle Li, not only did they not warn them, but Uncle Liu wanted to warn him, and he was knocked out!"

Uncle Li was even more upset: "Kou Gaoyang, what are you doing?"

Kou Gaoyang rolled his eyes and said coldly, "Li Anshun, don't you know what I am going to do now?"

"It's very simple, of course it is to take you to die with me!"

He laughed wildly: "If I die by myself, why? I must drag you to die together so that I can be happy!"

Li Anshun was furious and roared: "You are betraying the sect!"

"Yes, it's just betrayal of the sect, so what? They are already dead, what are you afraid of?"

Li Anshun still wanted to speak, but he was interrupted because the people in black had already been killed!

Soon, their 30 newly aided people have been separated by thousands of people in black, and each of them has to face dozens of people in black.

The average strength of these men in black is not stronger than them, or even much weaker, but they are too many, and they are not afraid of death.

The fierce battle begins here.

These thirty or so of them are like small boats in the black ocean, in danger of capsizing at any time!

At the same time, in the nirvana knife gate, behind the mountain.

There is a black hill here, the whole body is pitch black, there is no grass around it, it is extremely desolate, and it exudes a desolate and ancient atmosphere!

This hill is only a few hundred meters high, very inconspicuous, and even many people in the gate of the nirvana knife do not know the existence here.

But here, there are always a large number of masters guarding from morning to night, and there is a patrol team, who will come here to check every tea time.

The guards are extremely strict, and it is difficult for even a fly to fly in.

At this time, beside the hill, seven or eight masters of the nirvana knife gate wearing black armor and holding black long knives are walking back and forth here!

However, due to going to strengthen Duan Wanqing and the others, the unprecedented emptiness of the Nirvana Knife Gate at this time, even the guards guarding here have been removed most of them, leaving only the current two or three people!

A hundred meters away, there are more than a dozen people, all wearing black robes. At this moment, they are lying on the ground, all of them hiding their breath, looking like a black rock, which makes people unable to find it. .

Among the ten of them, only one raised his head, his eyes kept turning, revealing a cold and fierce light.

The remaining nine people are all lying there, motionless, this is to avoid exposure.

The man in black who looked up took a closer look, and after counting the number of guards there, a smug flashed across his mouth: "My lord's strategy is really wonderful."

"In this way, there is an unprecedented lack of power to guard here, not only allows us to enter easily, but also has more time to find the thing after entering, and also have time to escape."

"If it is, like before, these three steps, I am afraid that there will be problems, and it is impossible to take that thing out of the nirvana knife gate!"

It turns out that this is the real purpose of the man in black!

Suddenly, his gaze changed and became hollow, and his pupils turned pale, like a heavy snowfall.

The whole person seemed to have lost their vitality, and the next moment, the nine people next to him all began to tremble, they suddenly looked up, and their eyes were also blank.

A spirit wave circulated among the ten of them. It turned out that the man in black had connected the spirits of the other nine with him. This is a very powerful mysterious skill!

In order to prevent others from discovering, they do not speak, but communicate in this way.

The lead tall and thin man in black uttered a loud roar in consciousness: "Do it!"

So, without any communication, without any preparation, ten people threw out at the same time, and slayed fiercely towards the three guards guarding the black mountain.

The lowest of the ten of them is also the second-star Martial King's mid-stage strength, and the highest of the three guards is only the second-star Martial King's mid-stage!

Moreover, they have no defense at all, are very relaxed, and even laugh loudly.

Then the next moment, they discovered that death had come, and ten men in black madly attacked them.

Almost instantly, several people were hit hard.

Bang, bang, bang, after a loud noise, all of them screamed sternly, and the next moment they all died on the spot, without even having time to make a decent resistance!

In the dark night, their screams spread far, and the people in black clearly heard a panic scream from a distance, and footsteps came towards this side.

The tall and thin man in black said loudly, "Nine of you stay here, I will go and find it myself."

The nine people should be at the same time, and the man in black slammed out with a punch after saying this, directly smashing a stone on the top of the black mountain, and then landed heavily.

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