Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1702: The planning of the four masters

Of the five powerhouses here, only four remain.

Seeing this scene, the people in black were even more uplifted and shouted.

At this time, Kou Gaoyang shouted loudly: "Miss, please hurry up for help, or it's too late!"

"None of us have that thing, only you have it, come on!"

Duan Wanqing was full of reluctance, but she also knew that it was not the time to hold on.

She gritted her teeth and took out something similar to a white jade scroll from her arms, then slapped it to pieces.

So in an instant, a yellow light rushed straight into the sky.

This yellow brilliance rushed up to a height of thousands of meters, and it could be seen in a radius of tens of miles.

Not only that, but above the yellow brilliance, there are waves of light spreading out, quality and intangible, but they can spread far, and they can spread all the way to the gate of the nirvana.

This is the same magic weapon, specially prepared for the beloved daughter by the head of the nirvana knife.

As long as he is within tens of thousands of miles near the nirvana sword gate, as long as he smashes this white jade scroll, the nirvana sword gate will be able to get news immediately!

Almost at the moment when the yellow brilliance lighted up, in the depths of the Nirvana Knife Gate, in a small building in the back house, a middle-aged lady with luxurious clothes and graceful attitude suddenly woke up.

With a look of horror on her face, she rolled over and got out of bed, walked quickly to the window, and opened the window.

Then I saw the yellow brilliance standing between the sky and the earth.

In an instant, her face became pale and bloodless, and she screamed: "This, this is Qinger's distress signal, she is in danger!"

A 50-year-old, old and respectful mother next to me persuaded: "The eldest lady is out, and there have always been two three-star martial masters, Master Liu and Kou, with a group of two-star martial masters as guards, even if they encounter something. The danger can be solved smoothly."

"Madam, don't worry too much."

"No, no." The middle-aged lady shook her head and murmured: "Qing'er's temperament, I know, if it weren't for the desperate situation, she would definitely not be able to ask me for help. Now she is absolutely dangerous. "

She yelled: "Hurry up and order all the strong men above the second-level disciples in the sect to use half of the staff, leave the sect, and go to rescue Qinger!"

"No, two-thirds of the people are going to rescue Qinger!"

"Yes!" The mother turned around and left without any hesitation!

But after a while, several old men came to the small building and looked at the middle-aged lady. One of them frowned and said, "Mrs. Duan, you have made a big fuss by doing this?"

"What makes a fuss?" The middle-aged lady was already completely anxious at this time, almost losing her mind, and screamed: "My daughter is in danger, she is my daughter!"

"We know, we all know."

The old man said, "However, using two-thirds of the strong is too fussy, right?"

"Not a fuss at all!" Madam Duan's voice was sharp and harsh: "She is my daughter, a direct descendant of the first family of the Duan family, the only blood of the Duan family's generation, and the head of the future nirvana swordsman!"

"If she is dead, who of you can afford it?"

"The line of the head of the nirvana swordsman is cut off. Who of you can afford it?"

"I see!" She suddenly pointed at the old man, and chuckled, "Are you still looking forward to the severance of the Nirvana Knifegate?"

"In this way, after thousands of years of extinguishing the knife gate, my Duan family's monopoly can change. You old things have a chance, right?"

The expressions of these old men turned ugly, and the leading old man said coldly: "Madam, before speaking, I have asked my mind."

"Whatever you say, and the water you spill, you are responsible for it!"

"What responsibility do you bear? Just take advantage of the headmaster's retreat, right? Isn't it against the head wife's words? Do you want to betray the Duan family and betray the Silence Daomen?"

The deduction of this top crime made these old men unbearable.

The old man in the lead sneered and said: "Okay, then send two-thirds of the people, as you wish!"

After speaking, he gave a cold snort, turned and left, and several other people followed him one after another!

Madam Duan looked at their backs and sneered: "A few old things, don't think I don't know what you think!"

After these elders left here, they went to another hall of the Silence Daomen, sealed up all the doors and windows of the hall, and the four of them sat down.

One of the elders showed worry on his face and said softly: "It turns out that we always thought that our plan had no flaws, and we are sufficiently submissive to the head, they should not doubt anything."

"But today, Mrs. Duan said these words, does it mean that she has begun to doubt us? If she doubts, then what about the head? What does he think?"

The eyes of the other three people were cast on the old man with purple beard, eyebrows and hair, and this old man was their leader.

These four people are all the elders of the sect, and they are higher than a generation of disciples in their generations, but they are the generation of the uncle of the current master!

And the old man with purple hair is the person with the highest position and the strongest among them, named Qiu Nutao.

He smiled coldly and said: "At the beginning, it was the Silenced Daomen founded by Duan Tianya, but the ancestors of our four families, the Qiu family, the Yu family, the You family, and the Xiao family."

"The ancestors of our four families followed him, and they also made outstanding achievements. Although they are weaker than him, they are not much worse."

"Later, how many people died in order to maintain the nirvana sword gate and to grow the sword gate?"

"But, the line of the head of the nirvana swordsman has always been occupied by their Duan family. Their Duan family's identity is aloof and treats us as nothing!"

"A little girl who has not given any credit to the Duan family, and has not even reached the Martial King realm, can give pointers to us elders! Are you convinced?"

The faces of everyone were angry: "Of course not!"

"I have been dissatisfied since I was a child, and it has been more than a hundred years now, and I have never accepted it!" the other person shouted.

This person is short and stout, with white hair, and his name is Yu Tianzhong. He is the current Patriarch of the Yu Family and one of the Supreme Elders!

Everyone expressed their dissatisfaction. Seeing this scene, Qiu Nutao showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "Since our brothers are of the same mind, then this matter is easier to do."

"The words Mrs. Duan said today show that the surname Duan has already suspected us! In this case, we can't be polite with him!"

"For this kind of thing, if you start early, you will be better, and you will suffer later if you start late. Let's act like this..."

As he said, he gave a whisper, and several others nodded.

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