Peerless Martial God

Chapter 915: You are not worthy of pride

"You don't keep your promise." The Chinese surnamed girl snorted indifferently. She didn't expect Tianlin's son to fail, but she still had to continue to shoot. Lin Fengyi was not sure.

"Hey." Tianlin's son disdained coldly, the martial arts storm became more and more horrible, the devastating spiral storm madly rotated, and one of the storm forces re-emerged, and pressed toward Lin Feng, this The storm was more terrifying than the pressure that had just been suppressed. The space was snarled by the storm.

It is hard to imagine that if the entire martial arts storm force is pressed down, it will be very powerful.

Lin Feng still faces the storm pressure, the palm of his hand trembles, the brilliance, the more intense the bloom, the power of the magical spirit continues to penetrate.

"Give me a seal!" Lin Feng screamed, his palms violently grabbed, and a terrible seal of power wrapped the storm that had been strangled again, and the storm seemed to be extinguished again.



Tianlin’s son screamed and screamed, and a stronger round of storms forced him down. The whole space seemed to be mad. It seemed like a storm, and everything was destroyed. There was even a sound of screaming in the space, like a void. Must be minced.

This level of attack has reached the level of Tianwu triple, can suppress the ordinary Tianwu triple strong, see how Lin Feng resists.

At this time, Lin Feng’s eyes also burst into a strong war, and he screamed: “Broken!”

When the voice fell, a terrible boxing shadow blew out from the palm of Lin Feng's palm. The empty boxing wind violently screamed, and the storm that was afraid of it would be shattered and smashed.

"Give me the fire." The horrible power of the savage demon, the smashed storm was entangled by this force, and then disappeared.

The eyes of Tianlin’s son became colder and colder, and the madness of the wrath behind him, the devastating storm of all rounds, all pressed toward Lin Feng. He actually killed Lin Feng, a realm of Tianwu, in the undead area, with no face.

"Enough." That Fahrenheit youth snorted, a terrible breath on his body, suddenly Tianlin son only felt the body stiff, then flashed back, and Lin Feng also felt a terrible force on his body, Pushing him away suddenly, and Lin Feng also stepped back along this force, and opened a distance with Tianlin.

"What do you mean?" Tianlin's son was cold-eyed and fell on the young people of the Fahrenheit. His eyes were chilly, and the wrecked martial arts storm was still raging.

"If I remember correctly, Tianlin’s son seems to have said that he will forgive him if he bears the strength of your martial arts. Now you have released the power of the three layers of martial arts. Even the three people of Tianwu will die. In your hands, you still don’t stop, bullying others to repair you too far, don’t you feel ashamed?”

The Fahrenheit youth asked indifferently, and Tian Lin’s face sank and said: “Since he said that, then I let him feel my strength.”

"In fact, your strength is really just that." At this time, Lin Feng’s voice came out, letting Tianlin’s eyes look stiff and cold-eyed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng did not fear him at all, and sneered at him with sneer: "The strongest of Tianwu's triple realm, the strength of the three layers is enough to easily erase the heavy people of Tianwu, even if it is not too difficult to kill Tianwu two people, your realm is Tianwu triple, and I am only a heavy weapon, your martial arts power has been released to the third floor, still can't help me, I still have a powerful face?"

Tianlin’s son glared at Lin Feng, but Lin Feng’s words were irrefutable. He’s taking Tianwu’s triple repair to kill Lin Fengben’s absolute advantage. Now the martial arts force is released to the triple and still can’t help Lin Feng. This is indeed a shame. Things.

"You don't really know what you are. Your pride is not born. It is only when you are facing someone who is not as good as you, you will unwittingly show this high attitude. Just now that person challenges you, and you But there is no war, but in the face of me, you are two people who are lower than you, but you will spontaneously triumph, and you will lose your face and feel angry. If you don’t follow the promise, you will kill me. I must be in the face of a person who is stronger than your talent, and you should be humble and incomprehensible."

Lin Feng looked at Tianlin’s son and said faintly, the irony was so strong that Tian Lin’s face was getting colder.

"You don't have to look at me like this. You never know about me. I don't know how strong my strength is. I think I am arrogant. I will kill you with a mad blow to reveal your strength and prove your genius. However, in fact, You are no different from most people. They are good at expressing themselves in front of people who are weaker than you. Now that you have released the three layers of Wuhun, you can’t help me. Do you dare to guarantee that when your Wuhun power is released? Can you kill me?"

Lin Feng’s words made a few people’s eyes look awkward. The Chinese brothers and sisters all showed a surprised look. This young man seems to be very confident. Can he really face the Tianlin son who released all his strength?

"Don't always like to show your pride in front of people who are lower than you. Just the person who challenged you, the pride inside is far better than you, at least he is challenging his fellow people, but you just want Through a person you think is not as good as you to prove how strong you are, a truly arrogant genius, he will only show his arrogance in front of people who are stronger than him. You are not worthy of pride."

Lin Feng said a faint voice, stepping out of the footsteps and walking toward the front, ignoring Tianlin's son, passing by the other side.

"Since you think so, I can suppress it as a suppression, and I can kill you." Tian Lin was taught by Lin Feng, and he felt that his face was damaged.

"Why do you want to suppress yourself to raise yourself, if you want to kill me, even if you try your best." Lin Feng's footsteps never stopped, and the sound drifted into the ears of several people, so that Tianlin's son was able to shoot.

Tianlin’s son released a killing intention, but listened to the young Hua’s sarcasm: “It seems that Tianlin’s son only wants to prove his pride and strength with people who are weaker than himself. If so, Hua will not Stop it, feel free."

"Are you deliberately stimulating me?" Tianlin Gongzi looked at the young people of the Fahrenheit indifferently, and immediately swept Lin Feng’s back and said: "Well, today I said that he can resist me and resist him. I will not kill him, but if he is Once again, I will no longer forgive and take his life."

"Forgive me? Self-righteous." Lin Feng shook his head, his voice floating in the night sky, and he also wanted to have a quick fight with the other side. However, Wan Zong's meeting seemed to be held soon, and the identity of the white youth seemed very impractical, his full strength. Can not be released, Lin Feng, he did not want this to be born outside the time period, delaying the big thing.

With the opportunity, he will surely surprise the self-righteous guy.

Lin Feng and Qi Qi came to the farthest mountain range. Before going forward, it was a plain land. There was nothing in the desert. There were few shadows on the weekdays. There was no sign that there was no such thing. The location marked in the map, you can't see the mountains here.

Even if there is a huge change here, there should be signs of destruction, and the disappearing mountains will not be silent.

"What do you think?" Lin Feng asked the stranger, the other side has a broad view, and perhaps can see what clues.

"Take the map out and show it to me." The poor eyes are quite serious. Lin Feng’s mind is moving, and the treasure map is handed over to the strange, and the huge scorpion keeps flashing, and then the eyes are moved back. Look again at the ridiculous land of blasphemy.

"You said, these foreign guys seem to have found out here too. So, is there only one picture of this map?" Looking at Lin Feng, he looked serious and serious, but placed on a monster, it looks A bit weird.

"If they come for this, maybe this picture is not just for us." Lin Feng replied, and nodded in a strange way, revealing a touch of thinking.

"Let's go." Poorly returned to the original road, Lin Feng walked beside him and asked: "Is there any understanding?"

The handsome big eyes stared at Lin Feng, silent for a moment, and immediately made a voice: "Where is this emperor, the area of ​​the insects and small skills actually want to win over the emperor, now, the Emperor has all seen through, can only come Take the treasure!"

Ps: Five more, it’s so sleepy, the brothers still have the bottom flower!

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