Peerless Martial God

Chapter 914: Confrontation

Looking at Lin Feng with a singular look, seeing Lin Feng's eyes blinking, I couldn't help but feel a bit proud. This guy abused him on weekdays. Now he has to seize the opportunity to attack Lin Feng.

The birth of the martial arts is of course an extremely important factor. However, the cultivation of the day after tomorrow is also very important. The martial arts of these people are very powerful, and through the power of the martial arts they can use some very powerful attacks to make the attack superimposed stronger. However, Lin Feng’s martial arts is not as good as these people, but some of his methods of cultivation are also extremely terrible. If they really fight, they will definitely make these geniuses shock.

Of course, for him who used to be the great emperor, in fact, these are not called geniuses, the great emperor, how many people dream of coming under his door, how many geniuses he has seen, and now pity is not even moved by Lin Feng. I am so angry that I think it is a bad mood, but if he wants to grow up and return to the old wind, he must rely on the power of Lin Feng.

"Only relying on the natural martial arts without other powerful means, I can't be genius in front of me." Lin Feng seems to know the strange thoughts and smiles at him gently: "If I am in the same realm with them, I can easily suppress it. They, this is called genius, what am I?"

"Call..." Poorly spit out a sigh of relief and glared at Lin Feng. This guy is now more and more treacherous, and he can't beat him.

At this moment, the golden brilliance of the overbearing youth is still incomparably embarrassing, and those who are at the door of the door can see that the same disciple is being killed and can not help but show the color of anger.

"Killing me at the gate, you are looking for death." These people are flickering, and their bodies are full of strong breath. They oppress the overbearing youth. Many people even attack the air directly, and the space trembles.

"A group of waste, the light of fireflies, also want to compete with Haoyue." The overbearing young people screamed, the endless pattern of golden light, the endless golden brilliance bloomed out of the Promise pattern, broke out.

"Hey, hey..." Jin Guangfeng is extremely sharp, unstoppable, directly penetrates those people's bodies and instantly kills them.

Along with the sound of cymbals, a figure in the void fell, they attacked but it was useless, unable to withstand the terrible gold awn, and instantly died.

The people behind are stunned and want to escape, but the light of the Promise has already bloomed, and where it can escape, it is instantly destroyed by the light beam, no way to escape, and everyone in the blink of an eye will be destroyed. When it was lost, there was no one left to be killed, and the overbearing youth had never touched their hands from beginning to end, directly killing them with martial arts.

"Tianlin son, let them die to make sense, fight it." The overbearing youth stared at Tianlin, and forced him to fight.

"I don't have much interest in your madman. There are a lot of people coming to the field. I don't have to fight with you. If you want to fight so much, why don't you look for his surname, and don't look for the body of ice and fire? Tianlin pointed to the young man next to him and said that the appearance of men and women is similar. They are a pair of brothers and sisters, surnamed Hua, very powerful, especially the man, who has the same honor as them.

"One by one, beat you first, then find them." The overbearing youth is sharp-eyed and still refuses to give up.

"The big words don't mean, the time is up, naturally they will fight with you. Now, there is no time." Tianlin Gongzi waved his sleeves and even ignored the overbearing youth, and walked in the direction of Lin Feng.

"Coward." The overbearing youth saw Tianlin's son leave, mocking and saying that the Wuhun disappeared, the golden light disappeared, and suddenly the world was dimmed, only the faint moonlight sprinkled from the air.

The body shape trembled and the overbearing youth left here directly.

The footsteps of Tianlin’s son are slowly coming to Lin Feng and the strange side, and his eyes are still as proud as ever.

"You can actually survive in their hands, but it makes me quite surprised." Tianlin said indifferently, his eyes seemed to be overlooking Lin Feng.

"With your uninhabited personality, I think there will be a lot of accidents." Lin Feng smiled casually, letting Tianlin's son reveal a funny look.

"Big words, you can live to be lucky in that day, you are going to die here today." The girl seems to be more vengeful, still ugly about Lin Feng humiliating her appearance, no one dared to insult her appearance.

"Don't dare to fight with people at the same level, but at the moment they are bullying the weak, and Tianlin's son is really prestige." A satirical voice wandered, but the young man who had never spoken before spoke, satirizing Tianlin.

"Hua brothers should understand that I just don't want to fight, not to dare to fight." Tianlin's son responded faintly, but he was not angry.

"It is good to say, but at this moment, bullying a normal person with a heavy martial arts, do you feel very fulfilled?" The Fahrenheit brothers and sisters came here, and the girls and girls also spoke up. It seemed that they deliberately opposed the Tianlin son.

"Since the two are going to be in his head, well, if he can resist the pressure of my martial arts, I will forgive him for not dying." Tianlin Gongzi said that the martial arts directly bloomed, the horrible storm The whirlpool reappears, and a terrible amount of pressure is released. At this moment, Lin Feng can clearly feel that a horrible force oppresses him, extremely intense, as if to tear his body.

On this day, Lin’s son said that he would do it, and he would not be able to refute it. He would not respect Lin Feng’s wishes. In his eyes, Lin Feng was just an ant-like character. If it was not for the Fahrenheit brother and sister, he had already killed him, but since the Fahrenheit brother and sister When he said that he bullied the weak, he would attack Lin Feng at random.

"Do you feel that it is fair to use a **** soul to deal with a person who is a heavy weapon?" The girl said indifferently, Tianlin's son was repaired as two realms than Lin Feng, and the Wuhun is a powerful **** soul. To deal with Lin Feng, an ordinary person, even if it is just a random blow, I am afraid that Lin Feng is still dying. What is fair?

"There is no fairness and unfairness. He can't bear it even if I can't take it at random." Tianlin Gongzi didn't take it all the time. The word fairness is just a joke. The mainland of Budo is fair. Words.

"Forgive me not to die?" Lin Feng chuckled, faintly said: "I also want to see how you can kill me by a single blow, shot it."

"The courage is good." The martial arts storm behind Tianlin's son is smashing, the pressure of rolling forces tears the space, and then the terrible storm oppresses Lin Feng. At this moment, Lin Feng feels a sense of oppression by infinite power. The kind of martial arts itself has terrible majestic power, and the space begins to roar, as if to be smashed.

However, Lin Feng seems to enjoy the power of this oppression. This sense of oppression can encourage him to keep moving forward and have a tougher heart. The world of martial arts is not extremely poor.


Tianlin Gongzi snorted and suddenly the storm power of a strangling smashed toward Lin Feng. A terrible vortex smashed toward Lin Feng. The space seemed to be torn apart. The power of destruction was extremely terrible. This is just The other party released a storm strangling force, it is enough to easily kill a Tianwu heavy person, even if Lin Fengxiu is Tianwu double, if there is no special means, fear is also difficult to escape.

Lin Feng's head rose slightly, not flashing away, watching the storm that strangled, his palm slammed out, a faint brilliance bloom, the palm of his hand reveals a powerful force to suppress the magic.

"Hey, hehe..." The storm strangled the power of the demon, and it made a loud noise, but he saw Lin Feng’s palm buckle. It suddenly seemed to have an invisible magical hand clasped to the void, and the storm annihilated as if This moment was blocked and disappeared invisibly in an instant.

"Well?" Tianlin’s gaze trembled. Lin Feng even smothered the horrible seal of the palm of his hand and blocked the storm that he had released from his martial arts. It seems that he was looking down on Lin Feng.

The Chinese brothers and sisters also showed a surprised look. The strength of Lin Feng was somewhat unexpected.

"But so." Lin Feng looked up, indifferently watching Tianlin son, casually said, it seems a bit disdain!

Tianlin’s eyes condensed, and then sneered: “If that’s the case, then try again!”

Ps: There is still a gap between the flowers and the hundred, and a breakthrough!

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