Peerless Martial God

Chapter 916: Teacher arrival

Lin Feng heard the singularly screaming, and could not help but smile, said: "Then you talk about why the two maps are different. Where is the map marked?"

"You are just a local Tianwu person, you can see it clearly, the Emperor told you that it is no problem." The poor Qi began to arrogant, this guy is hard to catch the opportunity to show off, naturally want to sneak peek at Lin Feng, but Lin Feng, who didn't know the matter, also secretly despised him. This guy ridiculed him for his martial arts, and seemed to forget that he was still a mysterious demon.

"There was a large array of people here." The strange eyes were awe-inspiring, and he seemed to be serious at the moment.

"The void is big." Lin Feng blinked, he suddenly thought of the shrine, thought of the secret, and the scroll of the Tianya Haige, these places are another space, is it a void?

"What is the void?" Lin Feng asked.

Looking at Lin Feng from the beginning, I looked down at Lin Feng from beginning to end, and then stalked my head: "The way to open up the space, let the void become a boundary, it is called a void."

"Open up space, let the void become a boundary." Lin Feng's gaze reveals a fascinating look, the sacred land of the shrine, and the secret world. It seems that it may be the emptiness of the empty mouth.

"You will not understand if you are such a weak novel. You can become a small world when you talk about the void. In this space where we live, there may be countless small worlds, maybe at your side, but as long as the other party does not want to Let you know that you will never know, unless your strength is strong enough to sense a small world."

The poor continue to despise Lin Feng, so that Lin Feng is extremely depressed, and he stunned Lin Feng.

In a small world, a truly powerful existence can arrange a virtual world and create a small world.

"Then what you mean is that the treasure land marked on the map is here, just in the small world of the void, can't be seen with the naked eye?" Lin Feng asked.

The poor singular nodded, his eyes flashing, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

"Can you open the void?" Lin Feng said bluntly, this is the key.

"Difficult, my current repair is too low, I need strength." The strange and depressed road knows that there is a small world here, which may have treasures that are very important to him, but he can't get it. Feeling, too awkward, and the great emperor fell to this point, sad.

But if there is a powerful flame inside, it will enable him to quickly restore powerful power. This is a shortcut, he must not miss it.

"Kid, there is something you need to help me." Looking at Lin Feng with a strange look, his eyes were slightly serious.

"Well?" Lin Feng rarely saw such a strange thing, could not help but seriously asked: "What, talk about it?"

"I can't break this void, so I need to borrow some of the power of the strong. This can be dangerous, and there is a crisis in the treasure. It is very difficult, but I hope you can help me once." The look of hip-hop is no longer so arrogant, inadvertently revealing a sense of calmness. At this time, although he is still a strange monster, but it seems to have changed, this is a bit of the temperament of the great emperor.

"Good." Lin Feng nodded, and straightforwardly agreed to it, but it made the poor stunned, and some looked at Lin Feng with amazement. I didn't expect Lin Feng to promise so refreshing, which made him somewhat unaccustomed.

"Are you sure?" asked a suspicious question.

"What do you mean?" Lin Feng glared at the strange, and said: "I said that now we are partners, tied together, your business is my business, I will not help you who help you."

"Hey!" The strange voice made a deep snoring, this kid was quite cute, yes, he likes to listen.

"If you get any benefit, you can't forget to divide me." Lin Feng weakly added a sigh of relief, so that the huge eyes were stunned, and the moment of the touch of the moment disappeared without a trace. The evil man swept Lin Feng, and then he walked forward with his tail and ignored Lin Feng directly.

"What are you doing?" Lin Feng shouted at the poor.

"Do a good job of preparing for the void, how can they break open." Poorly said a faint voice, stepping into the darkness, Lin Feng is not anxious, helping the poor in the same place.

In the middle of the night, Lin Feng sits cross-legged and quickly falls into the state of cultivation. He refuses to let go of a little time. The stronger the strength, the wider the stage of contact. He will find that the strength is not enough.

Strong, he needs to be strong, every second counts, and grows stronger.

He is very confident in his own understanding. Maybe his cultivation is not as good as those young talents, but how long has he cultivated Lin Feng, but the other side has been cultivated with countless resources since childhood, but this is not a terrible thing. As long as his cultivation is able to catch up, he is not afraid of anyone. After all, his powerful magical means, those geniuses do not.

At this time, in the darkness, a figure quietly approached Lin Feng. The person’s body was slightly squatting, and it was an extremely ordinary old man. It was unremarkable, but when he came to Lin Feng’s side, he still had not issued a half point. The breath, until he was close to Lin Feng, Lin Feng, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, the cold glare flashed, the horrible smell of the body whistling, it is necessary to shoot.

"Xiao Feng, it is me."

A familiar voice was introduced into Lin Feng's ear, so that Lin Feng was in a stiff body, and the breath of his body disappeared instantly and disappeared.

Looking at the old man with a stature, Lin Feng's eyes flickered, his brows wrinkled slightly, and he seemed to be afraid.

"Yes, I can find me." The old man smiled softly and praised Lin Feng's keenness.

"Teacher?" Lin Feng was speechless for a moment, shouting at the weak old man.

"Why, you can hide and hide yourself. I can't do it with the old man." The old man chuckled. Lin Feng finally determined the identity of the old man. He couldn't help but be amazed. The old man turned out to be the teacher Xue Zun, the teacher at the moment. Like him, he simply changed his face completely, and even his temperament changed. He couldn't recognize it.

"Even if you can't recognize it, it seems that I am hiding. The people who are not familiar with me are even more likely to know who I am." The old man smiled low and seemed to be quite satisfied with his means.

"Teacher, how did you come here?" Lin Feng frowned and asked: "And, how did the teacher find me?"

Lin Feng is somewhat worried, and there are still some doubts. Nowadays, countless strong people in the cadre gather in Wushang Mountain Villa, and it is necessary to hold Wanzong Congress to attack Tianchi. The teacher is a person in Tianchi. It is too dangerous to appear here; The hidden means is Xiao Laojiao, and the mask can also be fake, but the old man found him easily.

"Others want to destroy my Tianchi. I am a person in Tianchi. I can't walk around and move around. I am too sorry for those people. Xiaofeng, you can all be here. Can't I still." Whispered: "As for being able to recognize you, don't forget, I am the last master of Scorpio. If the rock is on you today, I will not find you."

"It turned out to be."

It turned out to be a celestial stone, but Lin Feng did not expect it.

"Teacher, I am tired of Tianchi." Lin Feng was awkward.

"What is this? I have a decent disciple in my heart. I can say that I am tired of Tianchi. Tianchi still needs to be strong by you." The old man took a look at Lin Feng and shook his head: "Things of Tianchi You don't have to worry too much about it. It is the most important thing to cultivate with peace of mind. Don't be affected by the heart. As for what **** the General Assembly, do they really think that Tianchi is bullying? Someone will pay the price tomorrow morning."

The old man said, his eyes flashed with a cold glory, others must destroy the Tianchi, and the people of Tianchi, of course, have to walk around the mountain, otherwise they are not letting the other party sing a one-man show, so lonely.

"Good." Lin Feng's slightly sallow face flashed a radiant smile, saying: "These people who want to destroy the Tianchi will pay the price!"

Ps: Thank you, Hou Ge, who became the tenth commander. Thank you for laughing and laughing. Hou Ge... How to shout so smoothly! In addition, what is the situation of flowers today, is there a single digit, is it blasted out!

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