Peerless Martial God

Chapter 845: Tianchi will

Seeing that the three sages are all in their own hands, Lin Feng’s heart is warm and there is a warm current.

I am afraid that the three sages of the peaks have not fought side by side. The three sages have taught him together. Now, because he is angry with his shots, he will hurt the Tianzhu Supreme, even Leave everyone in Tianshufeng.

"Sword madman, old man, you have been silent for so many years, the original temper is still so fierce." At this time, a figure came from the void, and then the crowd saw a few phantoms, and the moment appeared in front of the crowd, a total of There are four figures, each of them has a strong breath, especially the middle-aged middle-aged and the two old men on the left and right sides of the middle, the atmosphere is vast, unfathomable, and is a powerful existence of the martial arts.

The middle-aged man in the Qingpao, who is headed, is the leader of the Tianshufeng, Tianshuzi, and behind him, he still stands a young man. Although there is no other three people, the atmosphere is equally magnificent. The internal interest is strong, and at first glance it is extremely extraordinary.

"I have seen three sages." The people of Tianshufeng were slightly polite to the people who appeared here. These four people are the absolute core figures of their Tianshufeng, the leader Tianshuzi and his pro-pass. Ziyun Qing, a disciple, is likely to become the next generation of Tianzhufeng leader Tianshuzi. He is talented and young, and he has already entered the Tianwu realm for more than a year. Now he is more straight* Tianwu. It is said that it is already the peak of the Tianwu two-level realm, and it is already possible to fight with the three powerful players in Tianwujing.

"Fire brother, for so many years, you are still so violent, although my Tianshufeng is not right, but also for the sake of Tianchi, there has never been a dissatisfaction, Tianfengfeng three younger brothers, why bother this anger, hurt and anger. "The sound of Tianshuzi's voice is light and light, as if telling a trivial thing, it is very easy.

"For the sake of Tianchi, it is to let Tianshufeng disciples come to block the main hall of my Tianzhu main peak? For the sake of Tianchi, it is the heartfelt speculation that I want to take my Tianyifeng disciple disciple Lin Feng to your Tianshufeng to be a guest?"

The sorcerer of the flame sneered, and the sound rolled into the other's eardrum.

On this day, the pivot said that it was light and magnificent. He wanted to take Lin Feng to their Tianshufeng and asked Lin Feng’s secret. At the moment, he became a thinker for Tianchi. It can be said to be a thick face.

"Presumably there are some unnecessary misunderstandings in this, and there is no problem in explaining them clearly. Tianshufeng and Tianzhu Peak are the same as Tianchi, and they should work together. I have also punished everyone in the Tianfeng Peak, but Lin Feng I haven't punish him yet. I will take him to Tianshufeng. If you can't rest assured, you can go with me."

Tianshuzi continued to speak slowly. It seems that there is a bit of self-speaking, but he talks to himself, but he still has confidence and wants to take Lin Feng. He must do it anyway.

"I still want you to give me an explanation. It seems that when I am fart, I will take away people from my peak. Let's start a sound. The sword madman spits out a cold voice, and the terrible sword field reappears. Among them, it seems that all are endless swords. "Without hands, I am coming, not to let the Tianzhu Peak and Tianshufeng have a hatred, not to fight, I said, Everything I have done is for the strength of Tianchi. This time, I deliberately went to Tianzhufeng and invited my brother."

Tianshuzi said faintly, many people whispered in a whisper. This day, the hub actually invited the leaders of Tianzhufeng. Tianzhufeng is the leader of the seven main peaks and has the greatest voice in Tianchi. Is the leader of Tianchi.

Hearing his words, the three sages of Tianzhufeng also looked at each other, and this day the hub, what is the heart of Ann.

Suddenly, above the void, the light of a star shines, and it is dazzling.

The light of the stars is constantly changing, intertwined and flashing, and there is a vague figure in it. It gradually emerges from it. It is an old man who is a charity. However, the moment he appears, it seems to shake the stars in the sky and intertwined with dreams. Color, every move, seems to be pulling the power of the stars.

"The soul is separated!"

Everyone saw that this figure was suddenly a condensate. This is not the deity. It is just a god-like body. Perhaps the deity does not know the distant places thousands of miles away.

"I have seen my brother!"

Several of the sages were slightly stunned by the old man who appeared. The crowd suddenly became a condensate, and instantly realized the identity of this illusory figure. The peak of the peak of Tianzhu is also the leader of the entire Tianchi.

The leader of the Tianchi nodded slightly to a few people and said: "I have been clear about things. Tianshuzi, you explain your purpose."

"Senior brother, this place is my Tianchi people. I made it clear that this trip to the secret world, the palace of the emperor appeared. It is said that before the last crowd came out from the palace of the emperor, Tian Fengfeng disciple Lin Feng had refining the heart of the jade emperor. After the major forces besieged me in Tianchi, Lin Feng let everyone go, left alone, facing the strong, countless others are safe and sound, and all the powerful forces are all strangely missing, I guess, Lin Feng, he must have obtained the royal treasure of."

Tianshuzi said slowly, and finally no longer concealed anything. To be blunt, he came for the royal treasure of Lin Feng.

The sword stalwart snorted, his eyes were cold, and Tianshuzi finally said his purpose.

"Senior brother, since I can speculate, other forces will inevitably be able to speculate one or two, but I don't know what Lin Feng is getting. From the beginning, rumors that Lin Feng has chased the end of the road to the East China Sea Dragon Palace, I am afraid It is also impossible to get rid of this, and a person who is a basal martial ant, who is worthy of the world’s treasures, may be known to others. This is absolutely fatal."

Tianshuzi continued to speak, so that the faces of the three sages of Tianzhufeng became colder and colder. They seemed to be able to speculate what the next pivot would say, and it was undoubted that Lin Feng would hand over the treasures.

"Lin Feng, he can't keep the treasures of the royal family, and he will only ruin his life." Sure enough, the sound of the Tianshuzi suddenly increased, "Look, Lin Feng's only choice is to deliver the treasure to Tianchi. ”

"This is not my consistent style in Tianchi." The flame sage said coldly, his face sank, and Lin Feng’s proud and resolute character. If Tianchi forced his treasure, he would definitely renege on Tianchi.

"This is really not the style of my Tianchi. However, it depends on the importance of things. The treasures of the emperor can definitely cause countless people. Lin Feng next, he has to face the killing of countless powerful people. I Tianchi, to protect him. It takes a lot of manpower, and maybe even many people will sacrifice it."

"Also, Lin Feng is not a basaltic world. He won the royal treasure, and he can't exert the strongest effect at all. It is just a violent thing, and if this treasure is in the hands of our strong people in Tianchi, it can make the strength of Tianchi. Once again, I upgraded to a grade and became the dominant player in the dry domain. Therefore, whether from Lin Feng personally or Tianchi, Lin Feng, he needs to compromise. We Tianchi, not to be ill-treated."

The sound of Tianshuzi is high, the voice is slightly excited, and the emperor is heavy. If it is in the hands of the gods of Tianchi, it may play a terrible effect.

"Then you sent someone to come to my Tianfeng Peak to take Lin Feng, what is it?" Xue Zun said coldly, many people around the moment were shaken. Obviously, they gradually recognized the words of Tianshuzi, Lin Feng, after all, just a basaltic People, and not their veins, if they hand over the heavy treasure, it will be more conducive to Tianchi.

"No matter what I did, but I was thinking about it for Tianchi. Now, I will invite the brothers. I hope that my brother will let Qifeng choose how to do it. If the four peaks have four peaks that don’t agree with me, you should be What I said is farting. On the contrary, if there are four peaks agreeing with me, it will represent the will of the whole Tianchi. I think the three younger brothers of Tianfeng will not violate the will of Tianchi."

Tianshuzi said slowly, letting Lin Feng’s face sink down. Just now he watched the faces of the people. After hearing the words of Tianshuzi, they all moved, and Qifeng came to choose his fate. Extremely bad for him!

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