Peerless Martial God

Chapter 846: Snow Lord's decision

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However, Lin Feng also had to admit that, from the perspective of Tianchi, it is the best choice for him to surrender his treasure. If he is to change to another sect, he may be directly asking for or even taking it away.

Among the voids, the old man who was bathed in the glory of the stars glimmered, and then nodded. The Tianshuzi was determined by the will of the entire Tianchi. As a leader of Tianchi, he could not arbitrarily do it. He had to obey the will of Tianchi and let the seven main peaks Together, he, like the other six main peaks, is one of the components of the Tianchi will.

"Tianshuzi, you have to decide with the will of Tianchi, I agree, but before, you need to apologize." The old man in the light of the stars said slowly.

Tianshuzi nodded slightly, did not care, took a step forward, facing the three sages of Tianzhufeng and Lin Feng slightly owed: "Three younger brothers, my Tianshufeng is doing something wrong, I am I apologize to you, and Lin Feng, Tianchi should not have won the treasure you got, but for the consideration of Tianchi, I must decide the matter with the will of Tianchi, I hope you can understand."

"Well, if you really think about it for Tianchi, you won’t decide it by the will of Tianchi until now." The sage of the sacred sarcasm said that this day, the stalwart first wanted to take Lin Feng, they After the three resistances, I asked the will of Tianchi to make a decision.

"No matter how the younger brother sees it, but everything I do is Tianchi." Tianshuzi said calmly, and did not care about the words of the Flame Supreme, then looked at the void and said: "Please ask the brother to decide."

The old man nodded slightly, and then said: "Well, the seven main peaks of Tianchi, your will, on behalf of the will of Tianchi, now, let's decide."

After all, the old man waved his hand and suddenly appeared in the void, and there were seven stars. These seven stars all showed white brilliance, dazzling, and arranged in the direction of the Beidou, representing the seven snow peaks of Tianchi.

"If you think that Lin Feng should keep the treasure, let the light of the stars remain the same. If you do not agree, let the stars disillusion." The old man said slowly.

When his voice just fell, he saw a beam of light rushing into the sky, instantly erasing one of the stars. The star, which represents the star of the seven stars, the will of the main peak of Scorpio, of course disagrees.

Tianshuzi waved his hand. Suddenly, the star that represented the Tianshufeng was not disillusioned. Instead, the brilliance was even more dazzling. The will of Tianshufeng was to let Lin Feng hand over the treasure.

The snow stalwart blinked, and then, in his eyes, flashed a tough color.

Steps to the void, the snow sages sleeves waved, suddenly, there is a terrible power of silence to bloom, in an instant, on the sky, in addition to the Tianshufeng, the other six dazzling stars, all destroyed, lost Glorious.

"Well?" The crowd was stunned and fell on the snow sage.

"What do you mean by this?" Tianshuzi saw this scene, suddenly his face sank and indifferent: "You are in violation of the will of the entire Tianchi."

"I just don't want Tianchi to make a big mistake, leaving the hatred of the ages." Xue Zun responded coldly, and then his eyes looked at the stars in the void: "Senior brother, how many questions does the younger brother ask for?" ”

"You ask." The old man nodded.

"If Lin Feng and Yu Tianji change position, the brothers and the will of Zhu Feng will be?" Xue Zun said.

"The secret is that I am growing up, my talent is absolutely good, and his heart is better than anyone else. Everything I do is Tianchi. He will become the pillar of my Tianchi. Even, it is the leader of my Tianfeng Peak. First, I said so, the younger brother should understand."

"Xie Shixiong truthfully told me that if Yu Tianji and Lin Feng change their position, they must not dare to go to Tianzhufeng to be a dignitary. They dare not decide with the will of Tianchi. The reason why they changed Lin Feng is not because What he said in his mouth for Tianchi is nothing but personal selfishness."

Xue Zun said faintly, at this moment, he has no scruples, no longer give the Tianshuzi face.

"You are insulting me." Tianshuzi's voice cooled down.

"The right and wrong, who is not clear, then you said in front of you, if Yu Tianji and Lin Feng change position, do you dare to do this today?" Snow Zun eyes staring at Tianshuzi, a chill Blooming out, the sky is floating with snowflakes, which makes people feel a cold.

"Lin Feng, how can he compare with Yu Tianji." Tianshuzi calmly said, he could not dare not give the face of Tianchi leaders, Yu Tianji, but the inheritance of Tianchi leaders, the future may control the entire Tianchi.

"You have undoubtedly announced your ambitions. You said that Lin Feng, compared with Yu Tianji, is undoubtedly two aspects. First, Lin Feng is the person of my Tianfeng Peak; and Yu Tianji is Tianzhu. The people of the peak, so you dare not; second, Lin Feng's background is only my three old men, you don't care, and Yu Tianji, he is the inheritance of the brothers, you dare not; so, you act, are watching people, watching The potential, not the righteousness in your mouth, for Tianchi, if you really want to change the position of Tianchi, Yutianji and Linfeng, you can make the same decision, that is the real for Tianchi."

The words of the Snow Supreme let the Tianshuzi be speechless, which undoubtedly pokes the main points. He treats Lin Feng and Yu Tianji differently. It is undoubtedly watching people and watching the situation, not for Tianchi.

Tianshuzi also wants to speak, but sees Xue Zun directly interrupting him: "You don't have to say it again, Tianshuzi, you are the leader of Tianshufeng, but let the disciples under the door go astray, there is no more The heart of the Tianchi, you are not worthy of being the leader of the Tianshufeng."

The snow lord said, his eyes looked at the old man in the sky, and slowly said: "Brother, my Tianchi has always been adhering to his own will. Everything is called the power of Tianchi, and if Tianchi wants to break through, Constantly becoming strong, it is impossible for us to rely on the older generation. Only the younger generations can strengthen Tianchi. This is the belief that Tianchi has always followed. For this reason, my Tianchi can have today's prosperity."

"Senior brother, I am afraid to say a word, even if we get a heavy treasure, it is possible to temporarily dominate the party, but our own talent is limited, after all, to be ancient, after a hundred years, thousands of years, who can guarantee that the treasure will not be lost, who can guarantee The longevity of Tianchi is not bad, but the generations are different. They have talents and infinite potential. From ancient times to the present, no matter which Tianjiao character, in addition to the capital of the sky, they need to have the luck of the sky. To this kind of arrogant figure, it is necessary to interrupt this air transport and push Tianjiao to the enemy of Tianchi. This is for Tianchi. This is a harbinger of the Tianchi, and it is a precursor to decay and destruction. On the contrary, only today we are old. The generation of the patriots of the younger generations propped up a world. After he grew up, they could grow up and support the sky in Tianchi. They would stand on the ground, they would not fall, and the glory of Tianchi would last forever."

The voice of Xue Zun is very impassioned and trembles in the eardrum of the crowd. It seems that there is a blood flowing, especially those younger generations who feel the flame burning in the chest.

"Today, if Tianchi starts with Lin Feng, it will be the misfortune of Tianchi. It will crush the Tianchi with the will of countless years. It is the hope of destroying Tianchi, and the people of the younger generation will be chilling. The cohesiveness of Tianchi will become weaker and weaker. Until later, like their Tianshu Peak, they became some small people who were interested in their interests. They only considered their own interests, but they were playing the banner of Tianchi."

The words of the Snow Supreme are in the heart of Tianshuzi, making his face more and more ugly.

The Snow Lord did not stop, and continued: "I will disillusion all other stars, I don't want Lin Feng to see the results, and I don't want to let my descendants of Tianchi see the results. I hope that in their hearts, that six The light of hope is always shining with Guanghua. I will also teach the disciples of Tianyifeng to let them remember the belief of Tianchi and the will of Tianchi."

"Enough." Tianshuzi said coldly: "You are showing off your noble, let people forget your will to interrupt Tianchi?"

"I will interrupt the will of Tianchi, and I will give you an explanation, right now." Xue Zun said slowly, the light flashed, in his hand, there was a moment of starry stone, very dazzling, this star stone, It is the star of the heavens.

When the snow lords took out the star stone, the eyes of Tianshuzi instantly solidified, and the pupils of other sages suddenly shrank. Even the old man who had been calm in the void showed a surprise. color.

The sword sage and the sorcerer's pupils shrank, and then they understood the meaning of the snow lord. The two smiled and shook their heads.

"It seems that the madman of Tianfeng Peak is more than one of you." The Flame Supreme laughed at the sword madman. He, this brother, must be crazy once.

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