Peerless Martial God

Chapter 844: Tianfeng’s attitude

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The body of the sword madman is oppressed from the void, and the whole person seems to have become a peerless sword. He is invincible, destroying all those who are in front of him, who will stop and kill.

People are like swords, and his body is full of horrible swords, swords, and endless, as if to transform the entire space into his sword field.

"Hands!" The crowd's eyes are slightly stiff. This day, the peak of the sword madman, actually turned directly to the Tianshufeng's sages, no jealousy, empty-eyed everything, you humiliate me, I let you Tianshu Feng disciple Wan Jian wears the heart, respected, I have to move.

Tianshufeng Zun's face was ugly and tempered. He wanted to take the opportunity to make a living, but he did not expect to use him. The sword madman did not arrive, the attack had arrived, and now he is directly oppressing him with a peerless sword. .

"Good, very good." Tianshufeng Supreme has a cold face. Suddenly, he seems to have a terrible blood in his body, and he is a strong martial artist. He can turn blood into blood, making blood power strong, genetic millennium, itself. It is even more bloody, just rushing into the sky.

At this time, the sage of the pivot, the crowd felt that the blood in his body was like a river, and the atmosphere was so majestic that it might turn over the river at any time.

"Hey, hehe..." A terrible noise rang out, and the sword madman oppressed like a sword of greatness. In his eyebrows, a bright brilliance was dazzling, and there was a silver sword. Shooting from the eyebrows, if lightning, as soon as possible, assassination of the eyebrows of the Tianshufeng, as if a sword, the moment to obliterate people invisible.

The heart of the crowd squirmed, swallowed, only feeling dry, mad, everyone heard the reputation of the Tianzhufeng madman for a long time, but did not think that he was so crazy, he would sacrifice the sword and stab The **** of the heavenly peak, the attack of this method of mind is more terrible than the attack of power. If it is not good, it will directly erase the human consciousness and the soul will fly away.

"Oh..." Tianshufeng's singer screamed and screamed, and broke out with a fine man, a sword madman, and a deceit.

In the heart of the Tianshufeng Zun's eyebrows, Wang Yang, who is a mad tyrant, rushes out to the outside. His gods seem to have turned into violent rivers and lakes. In a small space, it seems to have set off a huge wave. The crazy goddess of the sword sages is going to the sword. At this moment, many people only feel the trembling of the soul. This terrible metamorphosis means that if they hang on them, they will wipe their consciousness in an instant. Removed.

The sword penetrated into the lake and turned over the river. A terrible wave rolled into the sky, and the silver sword of the shackles was invincible and invincible.

Tianzhufeng's eyebrows are full of light, his eyes are even closed, gathering all the hearts gathered on the mind of God, resisting the terrible **** and reading the sword.

A spurt of screaming and screaming, the roaring gods shocked the crowd, and the ears creaked, as if there were countless ants crawling, extremely uncomfortable, but the roaring fluctuations of this **** let them Unbearable.

A round of tsunami rushed out from the eyebrows of the Tianshufeng Supreme, and the silvery white sword finally slowed down and was hit by the waves of the sky.


A cold voice spit out from the mouth of the Sword Supreme, just like a sly, then the brilliance of his eyebrows flourished, and the terrible sword re-emerged, blending with the gods in front, the horror The pressure made many people feel that they might be scattered at any time, and the tsunami of the ocean was once again shattered, and the sword was drilled toward the eyebrows of Tianshufeng.

Tianshufeng's body shuddered slightly, his forehead was covered with sweat, and although his eyes were still closed, his face was slightly embarrassing.

The swordsman's eyes are still clear, incomparably sharp, and the footsteps are one step, and they continue to oppress from the void. The sorrowful gods overwhelm everything, and the endless swords all thorn to the heavenly peak.

"Ah..." A scream of screams came out. The crowd saw only the eyes of the sacred eyes of the peak of the day, the nostrils, and all the blood in the ears. The blood was seven, and it was extremely terrifying.

"Crazy, crazy." The crowd felt a suffocation, this sword madman, is it because they want to kill the Tianshufeng sages, but they have made the Tianshufeng sages bleed, it is terrible, and at the same time, the crowd Shocked by the strength of the sword madman, the peak of the day, not his opponent.

"Bang!" The rolling waves of the air slammed on the Tianshufeng Supreme, and flew out his body. The slamming impact on the Tianfengfeng disciple's body, the body could not stand still.

Opening his eyes, Tianshufeng’s eyes showed a flame of anger and humiliation. His hands would help his disciples to pull open, stand up straight, scream, and a blood spurted out, making his face slightly It seems a bit pale and terrifying.

"Don't be the **** of the heavenly peak, actually insulted me a mysterious disciple of Tianzhufeng. You really have a face. It is a shame in Tianchi. If you are a person who is in the same Tianchi, you must have your life today. What is the purpose of Tianshufeng? Let Tianshuzi come and talk directly, you are not qualified enough, and you can only insult my ordinary disciples.

The sword madman humiliated and said that the face of Tianshufeng’s sage is even more ugly, and a sage is so humiliated, his face is completely exhausted, and the sword madman even threatens his life, just in On the Tianchi share, he will not kill him.

"A violent madman." Someone in the heart secretly, this sword madman, too violent, if he really angered him, maybe he dared to kill the sage.

"This Lin Feng is so lucky that he has to be treated like a sword madman. If no one protects him, I am afraid he has been taken away by the people of Tianfeng." Other people of the peaks also thought about it, and some people felt very tricky. Xue Zun and the sword madman together for Lin Feng, Li Bao Lin Feng, and he and the Tianshufeng turned his face, will seriously hurt the Supreme, from which can already see the determination of Tianzhu Peak, this time, they will not allow anyone to move The most outstanding disciple under the door.

"The sword madman said yes, let Tianshuzi personally come to see it, otherwise, today's Tianfengfeng people will leave me at Tianzhufeng." Another cold voice came, in the void, as if There is a flame burning in the raging, and a figure emerges. It is the other three people of the Tianshufeng, the flame sage.

At this moment, the fire sages are bathed in a fiery flame, but their eyes are cold and cold, staring at the Tianzhufeng crowd: "I am surrounded by the main peak of the Tianzhu, nothing to do, a sage is actually using God to my disciples." If you don’t give a statement, then you will stay in my Tianfeng Peak."

The voice of the sage of the flame reveals a certain degree of hegemony. Not only is the sword madman angry, but he is also very angry. In the past, they were so depressed that they had enough to accommodate other main peaks, even if the Tianshufeng siege The main peak of the Scorpio, they all turned a deaf ear, as if they did not see it, but this seems to be more indulgent to these people, arrogant, directly ignoring his Tianfeng peak, a sacred person, with the gods to deal with the Xuanwujing Lin Feng, bullying People are too, and if Tianzhufeng does not make a difference, I am afraid that the disciples under the door will not be able to lift their heads.

Lin Feng brought the disciples of Tianzhufeng into the secret world, recruited many talents for the Tianzhu, and got the treasures. The talents are strong, and each grows up will be terrible. This is definitely a sign of the rise of their peaks. Today, they It is necessary to announce to Tianchi that Tianzhufeng will not be quiet again.

"You, deceiving people is too much." The sage of the peak of the day stared at the three sages of Tianzhufeng, his eyes were stunned, and the sword madman wounded their disciples, and they directly attacked him and let him attack him. The soul is wounded. At this moment, the flame sages stand up and insult them, leaving all of their heavenly peaks.

"We are deceiving too much? Your memory is really bad. I don't know who made our silence a weakness, thinking that my Tianfeng Peak can arbitrarily bully." The voice of the sages is overbearing, and the scene at the moment is completely reversed. Come over, before, the people of Tianshufeng arrogantly smothered and insulted the Scorpio. Now, the three great sages of Tianzhu Peak are all present, and they are protecting Lin Feng and insulting the Tianshufeng. This is an attitude. Pulse attitude.

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