Peerless Martial God

Chapter 843: Sword madman

"You are teaching me?" Tianshufeng Supreme heard Lin Feng's satirical voice, said coldly.

"Don't dare." Lin Feng sneered: "The teacher is a sect, a sect or a force, the leader is open-minded, and the sect is also open-minded. The Tianchi empire has changed from a weak country to a major tyrant in the current cadre. Because of Tianchi’s reason, these are the convictions of those who are in charge of the Tianchi. All that is done is an empire. This makes the upper and lower hearts, the empire strong and prosperous."

"Tianzhufeng, the master of the seven peaks of Tianchi, the leader of Tianchi, the person who leads Tianfeng, must have the atmosphere, and the Tiandifeng disciples such as Yutianji also have hepatobiliary, although I have had unhappiness and friction with me, but In times of crisis, we are willing to share difficulties together. Everything is Tianchi. Only some people who are interested in the interests of the people, like the people of Tianshufeng, have entered the secret world. Because of a little bit of private venge, they want to murder my life. Later, even if I wanted to kill me, I went back to Tianchi, and I realized that there are reasons for the disciples of Tianshufeng."

Lin Feng said slowly, let the sacred face of the peak of the day become more and more difficult to see, the teacher is the sect, Lin Feng ridiculed the disciples of Tianshufeng, insulting the upper level of the Tianshufeng, the leader, humiliating the entire Tianshufeng.

This plain voice, everyone can understand, other people in the snow peaks, this Lin Feng is big enough, I do not know how this will evolve.

The eyes of Tianshufeng’s sages slowly turned over. They did not look at Lin Feng, but fell on the snow sage.

"You also heard that this person has no respect, I must take him to Tianshufeng for a few days, but Tianzhu Peak can rest assured that my Tianshufeng will not harm his life, just let him understand some long Young and humble."

Xue Zunren shook his head faintly. Since the director of Tianshufeng had such a scene, he knew what he was, and everyone knows how he might let Lin Feng go to Tianshufeng.

"Are you indulging in the disciples of Tianzhufeng?" Tianshufeng's voice was slightly cold.

"I don't want to say more, why do you want to be a man? You said that Lin Feng is not respectful. He only said that the words are disrespectful. You are the disciple of Tianfeng, and even the Tianzhu Temple of my Tianzhu is dare to contain the disrespect. Lin Fengzhen can compare with your disciples of Tianzhufeng, what qualifications do you have to take Lin Feng to your Tianshufeng."

The snow lord flashed a bright light in his gaze, and looked at each other. The voice was also a little cold. The Tianchi was passed down for so many years, and there was no big scorpion. However, as Lin Feng said, there was no peace of mind. Psychology will inevitably make some people feel unpredictable, and the sense of mission will be lighter.

"That was Lin Feng’s killing of my Tianfeng disciples, which led to the indignation of the Tianfengfeng pulse. But they did not respect it. I will dispose of them. If you are willing to help me, I am happy, you are this day. Feng disciples, I still have to take away." Tianshufeng Supreme has a tough attitude, and he will not hesitate to sacrifice his own disciples. Tianzhufeng can't do anything to them.

Snow Zun did not say much, still shaking his head, to take away Lin Feng, impossible.

"Do you want to provoke the contradiction between Tianshufeng and Tianzhufeng? As the leader of the Tianzhu Peak, what is your heart?" Tianshufeng Zunren said, let the crowd of Tianzhufeng One by one, the gaze of the eyes is the contradiction between the Supreme Master of Tianzhu Peak and the Tianfeng Peak and Tianfeng Peak.

"I thought that Tianchi is a person of righteousness and righteousness, but I did not expect that the people of Tianchi will be ordinary people after all, with human greed and shamelessness." Lin Feng said with a sneer, from beginning to end, it is Tianshufeng. In the 咄咄 * person, unreasonable trouble, for, is the treasure of his body, and now, contrary to the filth of the peak of the sky to provoke contradictions.

"Bold." Tianshufeng Zun, a big drink against Lin Feng, suddenly seemed to tremble in space, a sway of the mind swayed toward Lin Feng, directly into Lin Feng's eyebrows, no shadow, invisible, even weak people can not even Feel it.

Lin Feng instantly mobilized the power of the soul, using the tens of thousands of souls, turned into the ancient bell idea, resisting the other side's stunned attack, the ancient bell trembled, Lin Feng's body trembled, and the steps back a few steps.

"Hey!" The body fell to the ground and Lin Feng suppressed the blood flow on his face. His face turned pale and bloodless.

On this day, the sacred stalwart attacked with the power of the gods, and the control was just right enough to make his soul suffer and the consciousness was stimulated. However, because of the cultivation of the sorcerer’s celestial technique and the method of the gods taught by the three emperors, this can The **** who attacked the Tianwu strong man could not shake him, but he still had to pretend to be wounded, otherwise others would doubt that he had received a heavy treasure and was greedy.

Heavy treasures confuse people, even if Tianchi respects, because greed has become so, he has to be wary.

"Three times and five times to humiliate the elders, do not give you some lessons, you do not know the respect of the teacher." Tianshufeng Zun sneer, it seems a bit mad, but his voice just fell, in an instant, a terrible The meaning of the kendo envelopes the space. At this moment, it seems that all the heavens and the earth are filled with a strong martial arts atmosphere.

The people of the Sayādaw are all tight-minded, only feeling that this sharp sword can be strangled at any time, giving a terrible attack. As for the saints, whether they are Tianwu or Xuanwu, they all have a kind of suffocation. The feeling, do not dare to move, as if this sword may assassinate them at any time.

"Who?" On that day, the shadow of the Supreme Master changed slightly. This diffuse sword gas turned the whole space into a field of swords, as if there might be endless swords light coming out at any time.



The screams of screams suddenly came out, and the disciples of the crowded Tianfeng Peak all showed strong fear. The invisible swordsman smashed their bodies. Although no scars appeared, they felt the swords in them. The body continued to cross, and they were assassinated as if they were dying at any time.

Just for a moment, they all realized that the pain of the arrow and the heart of the heart, all of them were soaked in sweat, kneeling on the ground, panting like a cow, like a beach of mud, no more power, as if it was a dead person .

These thousands of arrows pierced the heart, as if it were the painful criminal law of the world, and they fell on them.

"Come out." Tianshufeng Supreme screamed, like a blue sky screaming in the void.

In the sky, there is a sword stalking through the void, stepping on the sword light, and coming to the top of the crowd, this person stands on the void, and there is a terrible sword in his body, as if it is a peerless sword. Incomparably sharp, a thought, let the Tianzhufeng disciples suffer from the pain of the arrow.

"Sword madman, what do you mean by this?" Tianshufeng Supreme saw the coming, his face was cold, but his eyes were deep, but there was a hint of jealousy. If anyone said that this day, who can make him Taboo, the non-sword madman is no doubt, and the savage of the sword madman in the martyrdom seems to have become even more horrible.

This person is definitely a madman who is uncompromising, and he is still attacking the powerful sword repair, the strength of metamorphosis, among the three great sages of Tianzhu Peak, the strongest, his two brothers are not as good as him.

"I am a man of the peak of the sky, even if there is a mistake, it is not the people who are at the peak of your day to discipline, but you are the one who wants to help you to discipline." Fengrui is like a sword. Those Tianfeng disciples are trembled one by one. The strength of horror, a thought, makes them feel what it means to wear pain.

"Sword madman, are you too arrogant?" Tianshufeng Supreme said coldly.

"Nobody in the eyes?" Sword sneer sneered: "Your day's pivotal people not only encircle the main hall of my Tianfeng Peak, but also bring the most outstanding disciples of my Tianfeng Peak. Now, you said that I am in the eyes, ridiculous, Why do you come, everyone knows well, Tianchi has rules and rules, the disciples under the door have the air transport, they must not compete, they have to assist their growth, but you are the peak of the day, the interests are smoldering, today, I will teach Tianzhufeng so No one is in the eye, what is it?"

When the voice fell, the horrible swordsmanship was oppressed from the void, and the sword madman, he not only had to work on Tianfengfeng disciples, he also had to move, and he had to move, Tianfengfeng, can be bullied!

Ps: Brothers are happy on the Tanabata, go home with my girlfriend today!

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