Peerless Martial God

Chapter 820: Heavenly demon

The Jade Emperor's Palace was only a moment. At the moment when the Great Earthquake cracked, the palace disappeared again and turned into a beating heart.

Looking at the earth at the moment, the cracks are intertwined, and there are many bodies on the ground. At that moment, they were crushed and crushed by the palace, and they were killed by the living suppression.

Want to escape? Can Lin Feng let them go?

Intimidated by all the Zongmen forces, in the face of the crisis of death, he had to let the rest of the Tianchi leave, and he left to deal with these people, and must use the Jade Emperor Palace, since the Jade Emperor Palace appeared in the world, Then all these known people must be crushed and killed. There is no other possibility. If these people do not die, he must die.

The palace of an emperor was under his control. No one knows how many treasures there will be. This is enough to cause a hurricane in the dry field, causing a sensation. Lin Feng is sure that as long as the news spreads, all the sages of the Zongmen will appear and be dispatched. To chase him and capture the jade emperor on his body.

Even this time into the secret, the Sayādaw pays great attention to it, just because the tomb of the emperor is too sinister, and several times in a few hundred years, the crowd has stepped inside, but the tomb of the emperor has not appeared, so there is no honor. I am here to sit here, but precisely this time, the tomb of the emperor appeared, it is a shocking palace.

Once the news leaked, he would be like the Jade Emperor, being chased and killed, and there was no way to enter the land.

Those who know the secret will die.

"Boom!" A terrible sword rushed into the sky. It was the strong man of the Nine-Yun Jianmen who did not die. He rushed out from the ground. Almost at the same time, an illusory shadow was erratic, and coldly swept Lin Feng, killing Strongly, fortunately, their reaction was so fast that they broke the ground in the extremely short moment and went straight into the ground, but they were still shaken by the terrible shattering force, and they almost got alive. dead.

"We can't kill you, but you don't want to kill us, let your talent be stronger, get the news of the Jade Emperor's Palace, and you will die without a place to be buried," the strong man of the Jiuyi Jianmen spit. Blood, cold and cold, the body of the sword raging, soaking the ground, ready to escape from the ground, as long as Lin Feng appeared, they immediately broke into the ground.

"Can't you kill you?" Lin Feng smiled coldly and spread his left palm. Immediately, a snow tower appeared in the palm of his left hand. Inside the tower, he released a terrible monster, as if it were a demon. tower.

The Snow Demon Tower is constantly exaggerating, standing in the void, and there is a horrible roar of roaring sounds, which shocked the two strong under the eardrums.

Lin Feng, he still has a treasure card?

The two are almost mad by Lin Feng. This **** bastard, they are obviously powerful Tianwu, stronger than Lin Feng, but they have been playing and playing with Lin Feng. They were seriously injured by Lin Feng and vomited blood. Now, Lin Feng He seems to have means.

"Hey!" The sound of a torn tears came out, and the heavens seemed to be shaking. The earth was going to rumbling, and there were two terrible monsters in the void. They were extremely huge. One of them was a monster. Dapeng, the black wings open, slowly slap, the cold eyes, people feel deep fear.

This monster, Dapeng, is a powerful demon.

Not far from Dapeng’s body, the screaming world was trembled, and the powerful savage beast was a violent bear. It seemed to be full of endless power, and it was necessary to tear the Tianwu strongman away. .

A terrible monster, Lin Feng, who still controls such a terrible monster?

Dapeng and the huge cold scorpion of the violent bear are staring at Lin Feng, and the breath of the mouth makes the air flow of the space roll.

"Kill them both." Lin Feng spoke a voice to Dapeng and the violent bear.

The two monsters are the demon, of course, they can communicate directly with the people. However, the two monsters do not seem to hear the same. The huge scorpion is just staring at Lin Feng, as if to swallow Lin Feng.

The mother-in-law commanded them, and they did not dare to have a half-sentence complaint. They had to respect the order with respect and respect, but Lin Feng, a human who had not yet entered Tianwu, even dared to direct them, and they were arrogant, even if they were the mother. To Lin Feng's.

"Kill them both." Lin Feng's eyes stared coldly at the two monsters, the cold eyes were very proud, and there was an unquestionable meaning in the voice, as if the two monsters were doing according to his orders. Bear his anger.

"Call..." The violent bear spit out the air in the huge nose, and the scorpion still glared at Lin Feng. Lin Feng and them looked at each other and became colder and colder.

"Good." Dapeng spit out a voice in his mouth and compromised Lin Feng. Now their freedom is completely controlled by Lin Feng. The mother will enter them into the Snow Demon Tower and hand over the Snow Demon Tower to Lin Feng. Lin Feng is willing to put them in the Snow Demon Tower forever, which is obviously the result they do not want to see.

Looking over his eyes, Dapeng didn't look at Lin Feng again, but stared at the strongman of the Happy Gate. The wings flapped, and suddenly the wind screamed, and it was extremely fierce.

"Go." The strongmen of Jiuyi Jianmen and Xiaoyaomen felt the madness of the crazy face, and suddenly they panicked. The two bodies turned into streamers and fled in two different directions. It’s almost unbelievable.

In particular, the strongman of the Happy Gate pulled out a kilometer-long shadow in the void, as if it were all like him, and seemed to follow a special rhythm and trajectory, which is extraordinarily elegant.

"Hey!" The wind raging, the body of the strong man who blew the door, trembled, fast, his speed is fast enough, but the beast, Dapeng, is the flying demon, speed, his talent The power of magical power, how fast the speed is, is unimaginable. Even if the strongman of the Happy Gate is fast enough, it is still caught up.

"Oh!" The golden claws are so eye-catching, as if there were countless swords from the air to the strongman of the Happy Gate, it was Dapeng who waved his own pawless seal.

"Oh..." The strongman of the Happy Gate is crazy, and continues to accelerate. Then he is fast, but it is still faster than Dapeng. The terrible claws are directly pressed from the top of his head and waited until the door. When the strong man had to resist, he was too late. He could do nothing, and the sound of a burst of bursting sound came out. His head was burst and burst by Dapeng, and he died in an instant.

Look at the other side, I am afraid that the speed of the enchanting violent bear is not as fast as that of Dapeng, and there is not even the strongman of the Nine Swordsmen. However, his power is too strong, and when he grows, the footsteps are rumbling. Stepping on the void, letting the sky tremble, this horrible trembling force makes the strong man of the nine-sword sword door seem to be caught in the endless powerful fluctuations, and even dragged it, unable to attack at full speed.

The horror of the horror is imminent, the earthquake is trembled, the terrible waves are constantly bombarded on the body, and the strong man of the Jiuyi Jianmen suddenly turns around, looks cold, stares at the violent bear, and unleashes a world of heaven and earth. Jianqi, since he can't break free, simply can't escape.

"Kill!" A sword stabbed, and the heavens and the earth became virtual. The sword seemed to be the pen of God, and it was directly stabbed in the body of the bear demon, as if the distance had been crossed by.

"Hey!" The violent bear screamed in the sky, roaring, and the huge slap in the face slammed out, screaming and screaming, the sword smashed by the strong sword of the nine swords, was blown by the endless power. So, the face of the sword repair did not have a bit of blood.

What kind of terrible power is there in the palm of the bear demon, it can be as strong as it is, and the sword is directly cracked.

He couldn't help him think more, the boundless giant bear's palm was oppressed with the tremor of the rumble, and his face changed greatly, and he would turn into a sword to escape.

"Hey..." The bear demon opened his mouth and screamed, and the tremors of the heavens and the earth trembled. The body of the nine-sword swordsman also paused for a moment. This short moment, the slap of the bear demon took a direct shot. Going out, the Tianwu strong man who was in the Jiuyi Jianmen was shocked to death!

How terrible the power contained in this palm is, I can't imagine it!

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