Peerless Martial God

Chapter 821: Chasing

"Oh..." The tyrannical demon bear lived and killed the other side, screaming at his body in madness, roaring in the sky, shaking the space and shaking.

After the two were killed, in the space, there was only the last witness. He witnessed the occurrence of this and knew all the secrets of Lin Feng.

Duan has no wandering in his heart. He can't imagine everything that happened. Lin Feng refines the heart of the Jade Emperor and wins the palace left by the Jade Emperor. He has collected all the people. If this is the case, Lin Feng is still impossible. Killing those who have not entered the Jade Emperor's Palace, he still has a card, and there is such a terrible monster in the demon tower. Only two monsters, Dapeng and the violent bear, will easily put two Tianwu. The strong kills.

Now Lin Feng's means, let the endless end of the road even feel a cold from the bottom of my heart.

When the pair of cold scorpions fell on themselves, the body of the endless body shook a little, and the bottom of the heart gave birth to coldness.

"I thought you would run away." Lin Feng faintly spit out a voice, the calm voice, the endless but able to clearly feel the murder contained in it.

"You should understand that even if I can let go of anyone, but you, I will kill."

"I know." Duan boundless smiled and nodded: "Lin Feng, you are already strong enough to make me feel scared, you live a day, I am afraid that I will have no time to live without a word."

Lin Feng’s gaze reveals a strange look. Is this endless thinking that he can live?

"So, you get the news of the Jade Emperor's Palace, I will definitely pass it out, because you have to die, you are dead, I can be reassured." It seems to verify Lin Feng's guess, Duan Endless said, Lin Feng wrinkled Frown, this endless, even so calm and confident, why do he think he can still live?

"Do you think you can still leave alive?" Lin Feng asked faintly, he did not understand, the confidence of the endless paragraph came from.

Duan no end, smiled, and reached out, in the palm of his hand, the yin cucurbits were there, slowly becoming, and the endless body, sitting directly on the hail.

"Lin Feng, the treasure left by the Supreme Supreme, is not as simple as you think. The mystery contained in it, even if you get him, can't be fully realized at the moment. I got this hawthorn and used its attacking ability. But forgot to tell you, in fact, the haws, is still a flying object."

Duan Wuyao smiled, and then the real power of the hand surged, the huge hail of the gourd, as if engraved with a lot of strange lines, so that Lin Feng's pupil slightly concealed, holy pattern, this is the streak .

"Goodbye." Duan no end smiled, the ray of light burst out, the haws with a boundless body suddenly turned into a light and shadow, flicker disappeared, just this moment, I do not know how to cross How many distances, Lin Feng can only see a vague shadow.

Seeing the endless figure disappeared, Lin Feng squatted, and then his face sank instantly. It’s no wonder that the endless period has been so indifferent. It turned out to be a hawthorn, and the segment has no end to hide the magical ability of the gourd. It came out to prevent this from happening at the moment and to escape unexpectedly.

Of course, Lin Feng was just a moment of squatting. With the power of the sacred pattern, a piece of flicker appeared in a place ten miles away, and after all, it was still in the sight of the line, and the end of the line did not disappear.

When the mind moved, the sound of the rumble came out, and the Snow Demon Tower instantly took the violent bear into it, and Lin Feng’s footsteps were a fierce span, which crossed the back of Dapeng, and the cold road: “Chasing!”

Dapeng hesitated for a moment, then fluttered fiercely, the space screamed, the horrible waves rolled, and Dapeng carried Lin Feng's body and quickly chased in the direction of the endless.

The news that he got the entire Jade Emperor's Palace must not be missed. Otherwise, waiting for his pursuit, he can't afford it, it will cause the whole field to be crazy.

The endless mood is not as indifferent as he is, sitting on the hail, his face is serious, the old Lin Feng, completely living in his conspiracy, he faced Lin Feng with more than enough, like Lin Feng playing with In the palm of his hand, but now, there is no such feeling in the endless paragraph. In the face of Lin Feng, he feels that there is a terrible beast in front of him, as if he might swallow him at any time.

Like his dialogue with Lin Feng, Lin Feng is not dead, his heart is uneasy, and he will never have a day.

Behind him, a terrible demon rushed, letting the endless body tremble fiercely. When he turned back, he saw Dapeng coming by the wind, and it was almost unbelievable. The wings spread out and he patted casually. A space is faster than the hazelnut he rides. Now he can't fully control the hail.

It’s a horrible wave, and it’s like a sigh of breath. It feels like there is a breath on his back. It makes him feel that he is all cool, and even there is a cold sweat. He can fully imagine that if Lin Feng caught up with him, there will be no hesitation, it is definitely a sword to kill.

The palm of the hand slammed on the hazelnut, and the ray of light shone again. The sacred lines on the hail stalks became clear again, and the space trembled, and then there was no end with the haw Once again disappeared together, when the next moment appeared, it was already a distance of ten miles away.

If the endless period can maintain this horrible speed, a moment of ten miles, a breath is enough to cross the horror distance of dozens of miles, then even Dapeng can not catch up with him, but there is no ability to always drive the streak Every time it is triggered, it must re-aggregate the true element and communicate the sacred lines on the hyacinth.

This short time, Tian Yao Dapeng will continue to draw closer to him, so that the endless eyes of the eyes reveal a look of panic, this **** Tian Yao Dapeng, the speed is terrible, he can not afford to lose.

The face of the endless paragraph began to gloomy. If this went on, his real power would be exhausted sooner or later. At that time, he could not push the light of the sacred mark on the hyacinth. He really wanted to be Lin Feng. Killed.

"Be sure to rush to the East China Sea Dragon Palace before the consumption of the real power." Duan Wuya eyes reveal a cold light, so now he is urging the frequency of the sacred pattern, Lin Feng wants to catch up with him is also difficult, can only maintain a certain distance Only when he arrived at the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Lin Feng will die.

Lin Feng stood on the back of Dapeng, his body was straight, and the whole person was like a sword that was about to be squirted. He could burst into the light of destruction at any time. As soon as he reached the attack range, he directly shot and killed the endless. .

The speed of both of them is extremely fast. Every second is about his life. He doesn’t dare to have a sloppy sloppy, very cautious, always staring at Lin Feng, with the help of the haw The power of the sacred pattern on the sky, constantly jumping space.

The speed of this horror rushed the two quickly to get out of this desert, stepping into the land of the country's territory, in the dry domain, the eighteen Chinese empire dominated, but in the meantime, there are still many imperial forces still innumerable All of the country was suppressed by the 18th Middle Ages Empire. Every Chinese empire has a terrorist force.

This is the case in the East China Sea Empire. The territory of the East China Sea Empire is vast and boundless. It has three subordinate empire as its immediate affiliated empire, and there are many affiliated countries under the three major empire. They are all surrendered to the East China Sea Empire, and the East China Sea Empire. Prosperous and powerful, and the East China Sea Dragon Palace can not be separated from the relationship, the East China Sea Dragon Palace, the overwhelming territory of the East China Sea Empire.

The Dragon Palace, located on the East China Sea, is a huge floating island. It is spectacular and extremely magical.

In the middle of the counseling of the seats, there are five extraordinarily beautiful and magnificent, four of which are located in the four major directions of the southeast and the northwest. Like the stars, they will set off the vastness of the center.

At this time, a few people are playing chess on the stone platform somewhere in the center, but they seem to have no thoughts, and their eyes are always looking.

"The purple gold dragon king took the crowd to the secret, it has been so long, how can we still have a little news." A middle-aged man wearing a Tsing Yi robes said something depressed.

"The longer the time is, the better, the more likely it is that there will be heavy treasures. Not long ago, we did not go to see the soul beads of those people. Although some people died, some of the most powerful disciples are still alive. The explanation is still in the treasure."

Another person said that those who went to the secrets kept their soul beads so that they could know their safety at any time. Now, the main genius disciples are not broken, so they are not too Worried, at this moment they still don't know that the soul beads are indeed not broken, but people are caught in the Jedi and can never come out!

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