Peerless Martial God

Chapter 819: Palace of the West

"Hey, no matter what nonsense you say, you will die.//Visit download txt novels //" The crowd stared at Lin Feng, the killing is getting stronger and stronger, they really feel heart, but to get the jade emperor, it is necessary to kill Lin Feng, Lin Feng is not dead, how can they control the Jade Emperor and get the Jade Emperor Palace.

"I know, the problem is, you must kill me first, or you will win the jade emperor first." Lin Feng showed a faint smile, holding the palm of his hand on the palm of his hand, and then slammed out: "You can choose to kill first." I, but at that time, the Jade Emperor’s heart is no longer yours, making a wedding dress for others."

"Jade Emperor's heart." The crowd's pupils trembled fiercely, stepping out of the footsteps, all rushing toward the Jade Emperor's heart.

In this world where the strong is respected, the Zongmen power is added, but all are to become strong, and at this moment, a powerful opportunity is in sight, and the Jade Emperor Palace will be given, and they will have the opportunity to surpass the Zongmen’s Supreme. , who become a high-ranking person, who will care about Zongmen.

Those who entered the Jade Emperor, rushed to make a decision to leave them outside, but ignored the nature of human beings.


"Take me away." The horrible breath burst out, and the Tianwu strong people fought fiercely, the winds and waves, the space roaring, the ground collapsed, everyone was only for one thing, Jade Emperor.

At this moment, Lin Feng stood there leisurely, calmly watching the crowd's fierce battle, as if he had nothing to do with him.

Those who saw Lin Feng did not leave, more determined to win the Jade Emperor's heart, get the Jade Emperor's heart, and then kill Lin Feng, Jade Emperor Palace, is theirs.

Duan Wuya is at the other end of Lin Feng’s far away. He also did not leave, staring at the battles of those who are strong in Tianwu. Lin Feng, really matured too much before, knows how to use it, knows how to use it, plus his horrible Talent will become more and more dangerous.

An icy cold mans shot, falling on the endless body, let the endless feeling feel cold, this cold chill reveals the bitter murder, Duan knows how much Lin Feng wants to kill him, of course, he does not I will give Lin Feng a chance. It is not so easy to want him to die.

"Give me death." A cold and cold drink came in. I saw that the palm of my hand was directly inserted into a body of Tianwu. The blood bloomed, and a Tianwu strong man died. However, the jade emperor was still on the ground. on.

"You also go to kill."

A sharp sword with a terrible sword and whistle is directly inserted into the man's back. After killing, the sword instantly shakes and tears the other's body. His body spins and turns into a sword. Killed out, directly squatting on a terrible hand, and splitting the palm print directly.

"Jade Emperor's heart is mine." A voice came out, and I saw a voice walking on the ground of the Jade Emperor on the ground, and the speed was so incredible.

"People who are at the door." The crowd was slightly surprised. The sword in the hand of the sword screamed and screamed, and the sword of the void was assassinated. The sword broke through the void, and it was instantaneous.

"Hey!" The figure trembled, and the person at the door of the door turned into dozens of figures, each of which was like a real body, containing infinite mystery.

"Hey, hehe..." The horrible sword gas directly wiped out a few figures, but the other shadows still went toward the jade emperor on the ground.

"Leave." The rumbling sound of the rumbling came out, and a terrible palm print came out to the ground. This huge palm print seemed to be a big mountain boom, and several ghosts were instantly The cracks were cracked, but a shadow was crossed. The jade emperor on the ground disappeared in an instant, and the shadows passed, and the people who won the jade emperor’s heart pulled out the remnants of the road, whistling toward Lin Feng. .

The Jade Emperor’s heart was up, and then only Lin Feng was killed, and the Jade Emperor’s heart was controlled by him.

"Fast speed." Lin Feng looked at the person in front of the door of the door to face here, faceless, but the heart was shocked by the power of this set of footwork, the real happy step, erratic, but If lightning is fast, the series of afterimages seem to be illusory, and they all seem to be real.

"Kill." An ethereal palm force came to Lin Feng's killing. The space slammed, and the palm of the hand seemed to make the space tremble and shake. Suddenly, the attack power soared, and Lin Feng was killed.

"Boom!" The jade emperor suddenly turned into a palace, and it quickly came to the place. The strongman who seized the jade emperor’s heart was directly bombarded and did not know where to go. The crowd that was chasing him was also bombarded. Go out.

Lin Feng’s heart and soul moved again, and the jade emperor’s heart became a heart again, beating in the void.

Lin Feng flashed his figure and held the heart in the palm of his hand. He looked at the shadow of the blood that was shocked in the distance. The corner of his mouth showed a ridiculous smile: "You, stupid."

He threw out the Jade Emperor's heart. If those people choose to kill him, they may make a wedding dress for others. The Jade Emperor's heart is taken away by others, so everyone chooses to win the Jade Emperor's heart at the same time and kill him. Lin Feng, unfortunately, they seem to have forgotten that Lin Feng now has absolute control over Jade Emperor. They have won the Jade Emperor and are useful?

Lin Feng had a thought, and the Jade Emperor's heart turned into a vast palace, and they could directly bomb them until they didn't know where to go.

The crowd climbed up from the ground, extremely embarrassed, and the figure was flashing. They came to Lin Feng not far away, and their faces were ugly.

Lin Feng, teasing them, is like playing.

They suddenly realized that Lin Feng had a jade emperor in his hand. He could make the Jade Emperor's heart become a palace anytime and anywhere, and bombard them. In this case, they could not kill Lin Feng.

It is no wonder that Lin Feng is not afraid of them at all, because Lin Feng has long thought of this, playing them and playing.

"I want to understand?" Lin Feng looked at the ugly face of those people and smiled: "Do you still want Jade Emperor?"

"Join hands together and kill him." Those Tianwu strong people looked at each other and understood each other's meaning. Now, only when they first smashed Lin Feng, they could win the Jade Emperor's heart.


"Kill, kill!" The sound of anger and anger is coming out, thousands of miles apart, but Lin Feng can still feel the terrible killing, Jianguang, hustle and bustle, the distance of kilometers seems to be crossed in an instant. .

The strongman of the Happy Gate is faster to the endless, and in the void, pulls out an illusory afterimage, as if all of them are him.

"Boom!" A horrible crash came out, and the terrible pressure came. Only the extremely short moment, they were going to approach Lin Feng, but they were hurled back in the air, and the speed was planted on the ground. Fast, the more you plant.

Look at Lin Feng, the movement has not moved, just calmly looked at the distant figure that was vomiting blood, ignorance.

"continue or not?"

Lin Feng is still calm until there is no wave of sorrow, watching the wolverine figure climb from the ground, the mouth is cold and joking, yes, he is really playing, thoroughly playing with each other, the Jade Emperor in his hand is itself A powerful treasure, a palace, a palace in hand, who can kill him.

Those Tianwu strong people who got up are ugly to the extreme. No matter which Tianwu strong person is so ridiculous, they will feel angry and shy, and they will not want to break Lin Feng's body.

"You must die." The crowd looked at each other and knew each other's meaning. They couldn't kill Lin Feng and went back to the strong man of Ming Ming Zongmen. The news came out that Lin Feng would die, and he would be chased after the road, even if it was There is Tianchi, and Lin Feng can't be guaranteed.

"Go." Those people's bodies are empty and ready to leave.

Lin Feng coldly glanced at these people, and there was a chilly smile in his mouth: "Walk? If you want to kill me, I can't succeed, I want to leave?"

As soon as the footsteps on the ground, the body vacated, Lin Feng leaped forward, very fast, and all of them were strong killings: "No one can leave, give me a life."

After all, Lin Feng’s body turned into a gust of wind, swept forward, and immediately fell over the sky-powerful people’s sky, and then threw the jade emperor’s heart in his hand, and his heart and soul moved, and the vast imperial royal bloom, accompanied by an incomparable The huge bangs, the Jade Emperor Palace directly pressed on the ground, the earth trembled, the horror of a palace from the sky, how horrible, unimaginable, the entire land, there have been countless cracks, vertical and horizontal staggered.

Ps: Because private affairs didn't break out this week, I'm sorry, but I kept the usual updates, but the brothers are still very supportive. Thank you very much. I will continue to work hard without any traces. Just like the suggestions of the brothers, the daily updates will be clear and erupt. Counting outbreaks, no outbreaks are not broken!

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