Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1577: Qiankun Emperor

There is no palace, Lin Feng's rolling sound waves tremble in the Quartet, and suddenly the figure rises and rises, rolling toward this side.

Xi Yaomei looked at Lin Feng, her heart shook a little, and she brought Lin Feng to the palace. Wan did not think that Lin Feng was so overbearing, and there was no such thing as a palace. At this moment, there was no strongman in the palace. How to be good!

I saw that Lin Feng’s robe fluttered and rolled forward, and every step trembled in the space. It seemed to make the heavens and the earth move together. The rolling void road seemed to turn into a big wave, and the wheel rolled forward.

"Dare to have no palace, I don't know how to live!" The man who guarded the door was shocked by the horror of the horror, and the eyes condensed and looked at Lin Feng. At the same time, the body receded and waited until the strong men came.

"The ridiculous person!" Lin Feng's footsteps suddenly stepped again, as if there was a big wave of waves slamming on the other side with the power of the big force, making the person sullen again, then I saw only Lin Feng Da Yan Sheng Yi illusion The horror big handprint, fiercely buckled the other's body, stepped forward and stepped forward in front of each other.

The man was buckled by the big palm print, and suddenly his face became paler. He stared at Lin Feng and said coldly: "I am a man who has no palace, you dare to hurt me!"

The big handprint flipped, and it was pressed from the sky, and a loud bang came out. The blood in the mouth of the man rushed, only the internal organs were shattered, and the body fell like a muddy mud on the ground.

At this time, the people in the distance have come to the void, the eyes of the ice condense to see Lin Feng, the body has a strong killing accident.

"Who are you, dare to let go in the palace!" At this time, the crowd is in the middle of the land, a strong Wu Yanfeng eyes condensed to see Lin Feng, angry and said.

"Lin Feng, there is no predecessor to come to visit, but I don't want to be insulted by a gatekeeper. I should learn from him." Lin Feng's voice rolled and screamed.

"This person is very mad, there is no palace, three brothers, kill him!" The keeper of the gatekeeper under the red eyes, roaring said, Lin Feng eyes swept down the air, a vast force lay down, suddenly the mouth suddenly There was a stale between them, and when he saw Lin Feng’s darkness, he lost the courage to speak.

"How did he insult you?" At this time, the man of Wuyifeng coldly looked at Lin Feng, the surrounding land, no palace is king, and no one has ever dared to move without a palace. Today, a man of martial arts When I came, I dared to scatter the wilderness outside the palace, and threatened to pay tribute to his master, directly shocking the disciple, and it was simply arrogant, deceiving him to be absent, no palace, no one!

Xi Yao’s face is slightly pale at this moment. There is no such thing as a disciple of the three disciples. He is the strongest person under the invincible lord. Lin Feng is so strong that he must suffer.

"Predecessors, Lin Feng is not too clear about the rules of the palace. I just heard that the guard wants him to have no three beheads outside the palace. He suddenly feels angry and takes a lesson. It is not a heart." Xi Yao is absolutely innocent. The disciple explained, the person who heard it, sneered even more, and said to Lin Feng indifferently: "If this is the case, then you have no three beheads outside the palace, and then you roll yourself, I will forget it."

Xi Yao heard this and suddenly felt a stiff look. With her understanding of Lin Feng for a moment, it was impossible for him to have no three beheads outside the palace. She thought that she began to regret Lin Feng and came to no palace. .

Lin Feng looked indifferently at each other, and then he stepped forward suddenly. A pair of horrible big palm prints directly went to the three disciples who had no Taoist people. The big palm prints were filled with terrible magic light, and they were like the same rock giant palm. The power of the monk's general trend, this palm shot, as if the wind and cloud are discolored, the world is raging, and an endless heavy oppressive force is pressing toward the other side.

There is no such thing as the three princes suddenly feel a stiff face, feel the horrible pressure, he only feels the body trembled violently, this giant palm contains the power of the heavens and the horror of the earth, and their heavy and mad The perfect blend of the power of the tyrant is in the general trend. When it descends from the sky, it feels like a stalwart, and he can't breathe.

"When the martial arts are repaired, how can it be so strong!"

There are no three disciples who are pale, and this one can't be cracked at all. At this moment, his body is being crushed by the monks, and it is difficult to move. He can only exhaust all the power, send out a terror, and mobilize the whole body. Forced in the palm of his hand, the arrogant arrogance against the sky has slammed.

The people around him saw that the three divisions couldn't fight Lin Feng, and suddenly they looked like a stiff, and then they stepped out and attacked Lin Feng.

The horrible collision of the thunder was deafening, and no three disciples were squashed by blood donation, and the internal organs seemed to be split. The arms were softly hanging down, and his body was squatting on the ground.

"Get out of the way!" Lin Feng stepped on the ground, and the death force was spread between the heavens and the earth, so that everyone felt a death pressure coming down, their bodies stopped involuntarily, and they were hard. The power of attacking Lin Feng will be recovered. The power of death seems to deprive them of their lives at any time.

"It's so strong, it's so strong, it's like no palace disciple like nothing!" Xi Yao looked at the white robe figure standing in the void, his heart shivering slightly, and the beauty of the beautiful and colorful, Lin Feng's combat power, it is too strong and terrible, Touching her heartstrings.

At this time, I saw Lin Feng’s body landing, so I stood next to the three disciples who were no one, and looked down at each other indifferently: “I ask you, you answer, if there is a false statement, kill!”

Lin Feng's voice fell, the killing spread out, and fell on the other side, no one, the three disciples pale, this person is overbearing, but the strength is strong, so that he has no resistance.

"The Promise of Heaven, where do you live, the Palace of the Promise, where is it?" Lin Feng's voice penetrated the other's eardrum, and the icy magical road seemed to defeat the other's will, so that he did not dare to lie.

"The Promise of Heaven, the Promise of the Emperor!" There are no disciples of the three disciples, and he has never heard of the existence of the Promise of the Nine.

"I don't know, I have never heard of it!" The three disciples looked at Lin Feng with some fear. The meaning of death seemed to deprive him of his life at any time. He did not dare to lie.

"Who is the strongest in the mainland, and is good at the road?" Lin Feng blinked, once again asked, the East Emperor in the eight wild control Qi family, in the nine secluded twelve countries in charge of Qi, perhaps, the Promise Heavenly Emperor in this small world, There will be another title.

"The Great Emperor Qiankun!" The three disciples did not hesitate to answer, and then repeated a voice, said: "Yes, it is the first emperor of the Nine Miles, but I heard that he rarely appeared in the mainland. !"

"The Promise Heavenly Emperor, Qiankun Emperor!" Lin Feng murmured, between the two emperors, whether it is a person!

"Where is the Emperor Qiankun living, whether there is a palace of emperor!" Lin Feng asked again indifferently.

"The main city of Qiankun, there is a Qiankun Palace, which is said to be the place where the Great Emperor Qiankun lived. It stands in the city of Qiankun, and it is immortal. Countless people admire. I don't know that the Qiankun Palace is the palace of the emperor!" said the three disciples.

At this time, the pressure of the two vast expanse suddenly came to this side, behind Lin Feng's body.

"Master!" At this moment, the crowd shouted excitedly, watching the two returning people, it is the two brothers who came out, the strength of the invincible Lord, the strength is tyrannical, no one can compete, Wu Huang There are no rivals under the opportunity, especially the master brother, who has already had a thousand times of power in the palm of his hand. For the people under the Emperor Wu, under the general oppression, no one can compete.

Xi Yao’s mind was tight at this time, and the two invincible lords could not deal with it.

"Boom!" I saw that no two disciples stepped out of the two disciples, and the emptiness of the sky. His righteous power is the earth's righteousness, and it is as heavy as the mountains. It has reached the limit of righteousness, and then it is the law power.

Lin Feng's body slowly vacated, stepping on the footsteps, reaching the side of Xi Yao, pulling Xi Yao back behind him, and then slowly stepping forward toward the front, and in front of him, he was the second disciple of no one.

"Get out!" Lin Feng stepped forward, spit out a word, and the magic in the throat was cold.

The crowd was twitching, and Lin Feng’s face to the two invincible lords still dared to be overbearing, and it was simply lawless.

There is no such thing as a disciple. The disciples of the two disciples are also slightly cold, and the cold and mans are finished. The strength of the mountains and the mountains is like the ancient mountains. The body of Lin Feng must be crushed.

"Block me, die!" Lin Feng's voice was cold and biting, and suddenly, thousands of times the power of the power fell on the other side, no one's second disciple's face instantly stagnated there, as if the body could not control.

"Invincible Lord!" The two disciples trembled, the invincible lord of the martial arts and patriarchs, and the power of thousands of times.

Lin Feng took another step. The man’s mouth twitched, and then the smashing power on his body suddenly disappeared into the invisible. The body slammed and moved toward the side, letting a road open. Lin Feng took Xi Yao, and the figure came from him. Walked, who dares to stop!

Lin Feng didn't look at the other side and continued to move forward. There was still one person in front of him. He was the first disciple under the seat of the Taoist people. He was the first person under the Emperor Wuyuan.

"There is no palace in the brain, but still want to go out alive!" The man spoke a cold voice in the mouth, and like Lin Feng, the palm of the hand was a thousand times big, and the power of the two men was offset, and no one was disturbed by the other party.

Lin Feng's footsteps remained the same, and the killings suddenly rushed out, and on the palm of his hand, a force of boundless and heavy force was released. His body suddenly turned into a phantom and disappeared into place.

"Kill!" There is no one under the seat of the first person with double fists, no magical fists to destroy everything, suppressing all directions, he not only has a thousand times of power, but also control the ultimate strength of the righteousness, and then with no **** fist, the void They are shuddering.

"The earth cracks!" Lin Feng spit out a voice, his windy figure fell in front of the other side, the fist collided with the other side, a horrible vain wave spread out, this moment seems to be still empty.

Everyone’s eyes are fixed on the scene in front of them, as if they are afraid of missing something.

"Hey!" A crisp sound came out, and immediately, the wind blew, Lin Feng still took the hand of Xi Yao, disappeared in front of them like the wind, and claimed to be the first disciple of the first person. The body gradually cracked, and then a loud bang, bursting open, as if to prove Lin Feng's words, block me, die!

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