Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1578: Imperial Palace

The invincible Lord, the first disciple under the Daoist, the first person under the Emperor of the Fangyuan District!

Many titles are in one, and they are admired by the disciples of the palace. They are so glorious. However, when they die, they are so simple and vulnerable.

This young man with thousands of glory, so he was blown out by a punch, is he too weak, or is Lin Feng too strong?

Invincible under the Emperor Wu, I think at the moment, but it seems a bit harsh!

The eyes of the people who have never had a palace look at the figure that has long since disappeared in the distance. The heart is especially trembled, and the heartbeat is much faster than usual. And the two disciples who are innocent are even sweating, breathing and dignified. If he does not step away, I am afraid that he is also a dead man at the moment.

He knows very well how his master's strength is. He is in the invincible respect of the master who controls the limit. But in the presence of the master, it is definitely not an enemy. However, there is only one punch, the master, dead!

"That punch, the earth cracked, how strong!" Mutter whispered, the cold wind continued to flow around him.

Lin Feng, who has already left, will not know what the people in the palace are thinking. At this time, he has already taken Xia Yao to the main city of Qiankun.

Qiankun Emperor is the first person in this small world, and there is the Qiankun Emperor Palace in the main city of Qiankun. Then, the Qiankun Emperor is likely to be the Promise Emperor.

Moreover, there are very few great emperors in this small world, and the great emperor who is good at the martial arts need not even say that the Promise Emperor has a reputation for horror in the big world, which shows that he is strong in the martial arts, in this small world. Even the first person on the road is entirely possible.

Seven days later, above the void, the sword was in the air, and Lin Feng looked at the front, and it was a vast city, the main city of Qiankun, arrived!

Lin Feng Yu Jian stepped into the main city of Qiankun, the robes moved with the wind, Xi Yao looked at Lin Feng's figure, his eyes faintly revealing a few different looks, this mysterious and powerful Junyi youth, as if it is a mystery, With terrible fighting power, it is easy to destroy the first disciple under the guise of no one. However, he seems to know nothing about the Jiuyi mainland and asked her many strange questions. In her opinion, the mainland people are almost It is well known. Xi Yao sometimes suspects that this person has been suffering in the mountains until he has become a talented person.

However, it is indeed a very shocking thing to be able to rely on retreats to reach this realm and have such strength.

In short, Xi Yao completely could not see Lin Feng, because he did not know that this continent is only the corner of the nine continents, a small world in the world, the real nine continents, is the outside world, but she does not know, so I feel that Lin Feng’s outsider is so inexplicable.

In the eyes of Xi Yao, Lin Feng is not only mysterious, but also incomprehensible. She has tried her best, but she is useless to Lin Feng. The other party is still cold and faint to her.

Lin Feng’s eyes glanced down the air, and the martial arts of the main city were repaired to be stronger than the city where Xi Yao was located. The people of the Zunwu level were free to see, and there were many noble and strong people. The unfathomable Emperor Wu, however, has nothing to do with Lin Feng. He only came for the Great Emperor Qiankun in this trip. Look at the first person in this small world, the Qiankun Emperor, whether it is the Promise Emperor.

"Let's go and explore the location of the Qiankun Emperor Palace!" Lin Feng thought of a move, suddenly broke into the direction of the sky, suddenly fell in front of a Zunwu person, asked: "Your!"

The man looked at Lin Feng and looked at it. He should have a major, and he couldn’t help but look a little respectful.

"Which position is Qiankun Palace?" Lin Feng asked the man.

"It is also the Qiankun Palace!" The statue of the Zunwu people condensed slightly, whispering out, causing Lin Feng to flash a different color in his eyes and asked: "How to say this!"

"Predecessors, many people have come to this main city in the past few years and went to Qiankun Palace. I don't know what to do." The man whispered, but still pointed out the location of Qiankun Palace for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng’s body once again vacated, but there were some thoughts in his heart. Even though many people in the past few years have explored Qiankun Palace, it seems that he is far from the first person to come here. I am afraid that someone has passed copper before long time before him. The film determined that the Imperial Palace was in the Four Elephants and ventured into the Jedi, and came to the world with the help of giant elephants.

The Qiankun Palace is not in the central part of the main city of Qiankun, but at the end of the main city. The palace itself is like a castle. There is only one palace, but it can not be seen at the end, whether it is width or length. It is impossible to reach the end of his vision. It is said that this Qiankun Emperor Palace spans thousands of miles and is the first palace in the mainland. There is no palace that is more vast and majestic than the Qiankun Palace.

Lin Feng came to the Qiankun Palace and was shocked by this vast palace. An imperial palace, like a city, and can not see everything inside, only a majestic palace gate, gold, with lettering, For the Promise.

"The Promise Palace!" Lin Feng fell on the door of the imperial palace. This imperial palace is the majestic palace that emerged when the five pieces of copper were merged into one, but it was the shadow of the imperial palace. The imperial palace in front of you is the true imperial palace.

"The Promise!" Xi Yao's gaze also fell on the imperial gate of the imperial palace. The person who Lin Feng has been looking for is not the Promise of the Promise, and the Qiankun Emperor's Qiankun Gate is engraved with the word Promise.

Is the Promise Emperor in Lin Fengkou really the Qiankun Emperor!

"Found it!" Lin Feng murmured, the Promise Palace in the small world inside the four elephants, do not know how many people stepped into the door of the palace before him.

Lin Feng is sure that he will definitely not be the first one. Maybe some time ago, someone found it here.

At this point, Lin Feng suddenly felt a gaze on his body, and then his eyes slowly swept over the void, and he saw that many people were staring at him.

Among these people, Lin Feng saw a lot of familiar figures. When he first set foot on him with giant elephants, there were more than a hundred people who came to this small world through giant elephants. Before him, some people have found them. Here, and many of them are strong emperors of the Wu Emperor. These people's actions are faster than him. Apparently they also guessed after the inquiries that Qiankun the Great is likely to be the great emperor of the big world.

However, although they arrived at the real Promise Palace, they hesitated, and they did not dare to step into it immediately outside the Imperial Palace.

The Promise of Heavenly Emperor is good at the road, and the killing of the road is extremely strong. The Megatron is inexhaustible and has killed many terrorists. Therefore, even if his imperial palace is placed in front of everyone, the crowd still has some hesitation and dare not enter it. They are waiting, waiting for an opportunity to see if there are any guides. Just like when they were outside the four elephants, some people took the lead and meant that there was hope, so they only entered. These people are very smart, that is, If you want great opportunities, you will cherish your life.

"It's him!" At this time, there were two more figures rolling in the distance. After seeing Lin Feng, the pupils were condensed, and Lin Feng turned his eyes. The two men were the youths of Lu Yan and his alliance. Zeng Yi Lu Yi sent a sword to him. The two men were separated into the space by the giant elephant at the time, but later they met halfway, and they found it together. They thought that their movements were fast enough, but there was no Think of those strong and Lin Feng faster than him.

"I have to step into the Imperial Palace. You are waiting for me outside. If you don't want to wait, leave!" Lin Feng said to Xi Yao, letting Xia Yao be stiff, said: "Lin Feng, you are crazy, This is the palace of the Great Emperor Qiankun, and I am looked up by the people, you have to go in!"

How did the great emperor exist, and a slap in the face could easily kill them. Lin Feng dared to step into the palace of the emperor. In the view of Xi Yao, Lin Feng was crazy, but she had a doubt in her heart. Why did Lin Feng look for it from the beginning? Promise Palace, is there really a hidden feeling?

Regardless of how Xia Yao thinks, Lin Feng’s footsteps have already stepped forward. He has a sacred mind of the Promise Emperor. Now he is outside the Imperial Palace. He can’t go in and try it. Since Qiankun Emperor is the Promise Emperor, So obviously, the Great Emperor Qiankun is already awkward, leaving an imperial palace in this world!

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